View Full Version : Enigma machine used by the Nazis discovered in the Baltic Sea

12-03-2020, 07:35
Enigma machine used by the Nazis discovered in the Baltic Sea

Maybe tossed overboard from a stricken or captured sub

Enigma machine used by the Nazis to send secret messages to German forces across Europe during World War II is accidentally discovered in the depths of the Baltic Sea

The relic was found at the bottom of Gelting Bay, on Germany's northern coast

Divers had been removing abandoned fishing nets when they came across it

Enigma machines worked by repeatedly scrambling letters in changing ways
This let the Nazi forces to safely send messages by radio as part of blitzkrieg


12-03-2020, 09:58
"Security through obscurity" only after an interval of intense study the obscurity was lost.

Since then the best cryptos are plain in their methods but require supercomputer levels of brute force to crack.

Until quantum computing is online, we are told.

But then they'll use Photon Entanglement to create an unbreakable code, we are also told.

And all of this just to keep our facebook posts secure.

12-03-2020, 10:06
Good article. I'm sure they find all kinds of interesting things on the sea floor. Wonder what happened to the sunken subs?

12-03-2020, 10:09
Good article. I'm sure they find all kinds of interesting things on the sea floor. Wonder what happened to the sunken subs?

I’d like to see some cases of brand new Garands that were encased in cosmolene!

12-03-2020, 11:32
"...safely send messages by radio..." That's what they thought anyway. The boffins at Bletchley Park broke the Enigma code in 1941.
There was a local news story last week about an RCN guy who just got some kind of diving cert. Clearance Diver. He was swimming around the Baltic blowing up W.W. II vintage German sea mines.

12-04-2020, 12:49
Read the book: "BLACK MAY" about the efforts to decode teh four wheel EGNIMA and the time lost to open the five wheel.

Operation Torch, headed by Gen. Eisenhower. relied heavily on the decrypts, for convoys to arrive, etc.

JB White
12-05-2020, 11:07
" Enigma machine used by the Nazis discovered in the Baltic Sea"

Who else would've been using Enigma there at that time?