View Full Version : Cheetah is killed by a croc at a drinking hole

12-22-2020, 07:46
No cheet-ing death: Cheetah is killed by a croc after it’s caught unawares at a drinking hole

Dramatic footage reveals the moment a hungry crocodile grabbed a cheetah by surprise in South Africa as the thirsty cheetah cub had ventured to the water's edge for a drink, unaware that the crocodile was hiding just below the waterline, waiting to attack.

Within seconds, the croc leapt up and grabbed the cheetah before dragging it below the water's surface

Dramatic footage has revealed the moment a 13ft crocodile dragged a young cheetah to its death during an ambush at a watering hole.


12-22-2020, 11:34
It's 'Gun Talk' not chat about everything.
Anyway, hippos kill more people in Africa than the crocs do.

12-22-2020, 12:23
It's 'Gun Talk' not chat about everything.
Anyway, hippos kill more people in Africa than the crocs do.

this is true,

good friend went to Uganda to do some mission work, maybe 10 yrs ago,

part of the training they got before they left was wildlife recognition, and some stern advice to look out for hippos

both in and out the water

12-22-2020, 04:08
Crocodiles kill an estimated 1,000 people a year in Africa, Asia and South America in that order. The Nile Crocodile shown in the video is the biggest offender. These massive animals will kill and eat anything they can catch and overpower which means anything smaller than adult elephants, rhinos and hippos. There is a very good reason very few Africans know how to swim.

everything has to drink which means the bank of every stream, waterhole, river and lake is a target rich environment for crocs, and therefore quite dangerous to loiter around.

12-23-2020, 12:34
-Crocodiles kill an estimated 1,000 people a year in Africa, Asia and South America in that order.- It's tough out there.

The first vid I ever saw of death by crocodile was probably similar to the OP's post. I don't have to look at it, I've already seen it.
This Wildebeest or gnu, as they are called went to the shore for a drink of water. Kablooy! I had no idea that crocs were that big. It bit the cow on the snout and dragged it into the water.
I don't know what is in Texas that is bigger than the stuff in Africa. Those wild pigs, well that would be(I'm not French) snacks.

12-23-2020, 03:36
It's 'Gun Talk' not chat about everything.

Please Read the heading

The "Cracker Barrel" Forum! Post whatever you like.

12-23-2020, 11:32
Please Read the heading

The "Cracker Barrel" Forum! Post whatever you like.

Which means you can post about the price of rice in china when the thread was initially about ammo.

12-23-2020, 04:04
When I lived in Australia and traveled in the North the locals would advise ...."never swim in the same place two days in a row"

reason being that crocs would take note of riverside action and lay in wait the next day knowing their pray to be creatures of regular habit .

Every river bank I ever walked up to in need of a bath I couldn't help but wonder .... how do I know if someone was swimming here yesterday or not ?