View Full Version : Varget in the stash dwindling.

12-31-2020, 07:43
With my supply of Varget on the down hill slope, only about 5 lbs left, I am looking at others that are in good supply here for my precision .308 loads. I have plenty of BL-C 2, RL-15,4064, 4350, 4895 and 8208. Today I am loading up a hundred of each in Lapua cases with 210M primers. Loads chosen are all ones I have used before. Started with the BL-C2, that was always my favorite before Varget. Got those done so the RL-15 is next in line. Using an RCBS chargemaster that just arrived yesterday. So far, I like it better than my old Lyman. Have to see how it holds up with 5 - 10 K per year loadings. Whatta Hobby!


12-31-2020, 08:49
I have heard the new(er) RCBS chargemasters are much much faster than the older units,

I have the first model, (scale is separate, ) that is slow as molasses, but it is accurate ,

12-31-2020, 09:35
About 25 seconds after you set the tray down on automatic. Gives me just enough time to seat a bullet and get the next case ready. 2 cartridges per minute is fast enough for this old guy. I like the fast I ran 200 this morning and not one over throw.

12-31-2020, 10:10
that is quick,

when I was shooting Garand and Service Rifle matches, I would park the wife in front of the RCBS machine, and get her to dump the loads in the cases (I use 4064)
in the time it took her and that machine to do 100 rounds, I had (using a Forster Co-Ax and a Forster/Bonanza powder measure) loaded a couple hundred 223's