View Full Version : Who do you miss?
Red has been run off. Clintonhater retreated, or stood his ground. Whichever. A lot of old guys have died. A lot of folks can't tolerate arguments. 'course, when the net first came around it was arguments in abundance. Now it is required to be kinda nice. I remember the old guy from Texas. I remember pi**ing off a guy here who emailed me(I don't want emails). I remember when Togor first showed up. There's probably a ton of stuff that I can't remember that I wish I could. Humphrey, Boggs, Lyman, Rg, Art, forgive me if I can't recount all. It's been what, going on twenty years? I'm going to be 70 in a couple of months so I think more in the past. I'm pretty heathy so I expect to be "cute" for a few more years. When I get to be eighty I might get silly.
S.A. Boggs
02-02-2021, 01:15
Over my close to 70 years I miss many things and am left with this to ponder:
Today's politics is like going to a three ring circus and asking one self, "I paid good cash money to see this?"
Always liked what Jim Tarlton had to say.
I miss Gunner. Looks like he hasn't been on here since 2012. He was/is an officer in the Bundeswehr, we exchanged emails for several years, particularly at Christmas.
just a minor point,
RED was not run off, he should be off his vacation and has to follow the rules, like everyone else,
I think Clinton hater is on a sabbatical, he mentioned such to me not that long ago,
Allen dropped out completely, hope he is ok
I miss a lot of the guys that posted in the technical side,
Goo, (RIP)
Terry in Victoria (I think that was his name, he always posted Enfields on a stool in his yard)
Herschel, Hip's Ax, and some others seem to pop in now and again,, but were much more active in the 22 section than now (but then again, the 22 market has plummeted in recent years)
peoples interests change,, folks pass, and others get run off by some stupidity that went unchecked,
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btw, I'm going to move this to the guntalk section ,
since some of the old guys seem to avoid the political area
Major Tom
02-02-2021, 06:47
I miss 'Ol Clyde (OFC) from Texas and Goo who called a spade a spade (he probably wouldn't stand for the crap going on now (on this website) fook'em!
Yup, Clyde he was the Texan. Ken the Kanuck was always a good read.
I miss Gus Fisher and Bob Seijas . . .
I’m thinking they left because of all the rancor and possibly the juvenile questions asked.
Can’t say as I blame them . . . .
When I read some of these questions, I’m glad I’m NOT on the range with them!
Gus Fisher, John Kepler, and a long list of shooters, are among those whom I miss.
The constant rancor here that is tolerated has run off many good folks. I honestly find it odd that such leftists are allowed access.
Clintonhater is not coming back. He wrote and told me he quit when Togor, one of the xxxxxxxx was made a Moderator. I miss him because he had guts and wasn't afraid to say what he thought.
The 2 guys I miss the most are John R. and Goo. John R. had lived a life of incredible adventure and I loved reading his posts. Goo was in a league of his own. He wrote things that most of us agreed with but were afraid to say. He also had a fabulous sense of humor. He would not be allowed on this forum under the rules that now apply.
I miss Goo my dad and i loved his posts he was always doing something athletic
S.A. Boggs
02-02-2021, 12:11
Clintonhater is not coming back. He wrote and told me he quit when Togor, one of the xxxxxxxx was made a Moderator. I miss him because he had guts and wasn't afraid to say what he thought.
The 2 guys I miss the most are John R. and Goo. John R. had lived a life of incredible adventure and I loved reading his posts. Goo was in a league of his own. He wrote things that most of us agreed with but were afraid to say. He also had a fabulous sense of humor. He would not be allowed on this forum under the rules that now apply.
You got that Right!
02-02-2021, 01:05
Family mostly.
I'd note, "Telling it like it is", and complaining about people that share an opposing view is an amusing contradiction. People like Goo and Kepler would give as good as they got...but if they complained about it like the present wing of the OFC, it didn't show.
I think most people just straight up died.
I miss how it was with the first Jouster. Good arguments back then.
I recall one I had with someone who said any and all rifles made prior
to Mauser's introduction of the third safety lug were dangerous as the
bolt could fly out and into your skull. I asked if all the Germans who
were killed in WW1 died from killer bolts. Jouster 2 in contrast has
become boring, consisting mostly of news stories copied and pasted
here and having nothing to do with the 2nd or politics.
I'll open a thread on a subject I think might be interesting and I'm
lucky if anyone other than Roadtrax and Togor replies. And usually
Togor will change the subject. It's frustrating to say the least.
I'm beginning to suspect I'm insane or stupid - probably both.
02-02-2021, 01:36
Jouster 2 in contrast has
become boring, consisting mostly of news stories copied and pasted here and having nothing to do with the 2nd or politics.
I'm beginning to suspect I'm insane or stupid - probably both.
Irony, or just pulling our leg?
Mark in Ottawa
02-02-2021, 01:39
I do miss Goo. He was always interesing, both about firearms and about other subjects as well. As you say, RIP
There was also John Sukey who passed away a couple of years ago and who was always interesting
By the way, from my perspective, 70 is starting to look young
Having said all that, reading this website is part of my daily routine and as insane as it may sound, I do enjoy the catfighting. Shows that we are all still alive and kicking
Clintonhater is not coming back. He wrote and told me he quit when Togor, one of the xxxxxxxx was made a Moderator. I miss him because he had guts and wasn't afraid to say what he thought.
The 2 guys I miss the most are John R. and Goo. John R. had lived a life of incredible adventure and I loved reading his posts. Goo was in a league of his own. He wrote things that most of us agreed with but were afraid to say. He also had a fabulous sense of humor. He would not be allowed on this forum under the rules that now apply.
if you get a note from CH, please have him email or PM me,
re the rest, Goo's sense of humor would still fly here
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Togor will change the subject. .
could you imagine riding in a vehicle with him,
damn vehicle would be trying to go in 4 different directions at all time
I noticed that John Kepler passed away on August 4 of 2020. He was full of knowledge about high power shooting and SCCA racing. Will be missed.
S.A. Boggs
02-02-2021, 02:11
if you get a note from CH, please have him email or PM me,
re the rest, Goo's sense of humor would still fly here
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could you imagine riding in a vehicle with him,
damn vehicle would be trying to go in 4 different directions at all time
Thanks for spilling my coffee, I was taking a sip when I read your statement...quite good and to the point.
I noticed that John Kepler passed away on August 4 of 2020. He was full of knowledge about high power shooting and SCCA racing. Will be missed.
yes he will
you shoot?
I miss the days when this was really a gun forum centered on vintage firearms.
In addition to the folks mentioned above I sure miss Chuckindenver, and the young Air Force fellow, guamsst, who had such a great knowledge of Japanese rifles. As the old guys have died off or left in disgust there has not been exactly a flood of replacements.
Gus Fisher, Hard Dog, John Beard, Bodyman, Mike Ginger,Master PO (LOL) and of course Dick Culver
Mr. Beard posts here every now and then, and I see him over on Gunboards now and again,
I think Gus hangs out on the Black Powder forum (Muzzleloader something another) as Artificer
I used to see him at local shows, but he has not attended any since the cooties came out,
Gus was just up on the Muzzleloader Forum a few minutes ago....hard to talk 03A3, M1 or M14 there.
I miss Gloria chastising forum members who tend to come on too strong!
Gus was just up on the Muzzleloader Forum a few minutes ago....hard to talk 03A3, M1 or M14 there.
glad to hear he is still kicking!!
I don't get over there very often,
send him a note,, ask him to stop by
Although I also miss some of the guys, we still seem to attract new members every once in a while, so, those of us who are left must still be interesting to the outside world to some extent. I always liked to explore and learn all I can about my old military guns and that’s what brought me here 5 years ago. I retired at 55 and now I’m staring down 78 this year. I enjoy keeping fit and busy with my big boy toys and checking in here a couple times a day. Thanks for making my life a little more interesting.
[QUOTE=sid;610024]Clintonhater is not coming back. He wrote and told me he quit when Togor, one of the xxxxxxxx was made a Moderator. I miss him because he had guts and wasn't afraid to say what he thought.
Yes Togor is a far out lefty and did worm his way to be a Moderator... but I enjoy going toe to toe with his liberal stances and posts.. Makes the forum a little more interesting.. I miss CH also..he was a bit rough around the edges with some of his remarks but made the forum interesting.. I think we have to help keep the forum going and not quit because you don't like someone or something said.. I see that the person who don't like the stuff I post hasn't quit because he don't like it.. That's the way to do it...Lol
I still point folks here occasionally from other forums and from Facebook-land, as there is still considerable expertise here-bouts.
Another one who once frequented CSP was Ed Clayton. I am in occasional contact with him. He is still afflicted with his beloved USMC, and likely nearing retirement from his beloved Corps.
JB White
02-04-2021, 04:41
John Sukey. The first guy I ever did an internet trade with. Always respected his expertise. Probably forgot more than we'll ever know.always a gentleman and teacher.
Ed "Goo" Flanagan. Always out there on the edge of absurdity in regard to humor. Had a much serious side as well.
2 F4's shot out from under him in VN
Part of the crew that sabotaged the avionics in the Iranian F14's when the Shah was overthrown.
Flight sim instructor for Northrup
Disappearing act whenever he took off on his bike, boat, or off to Ireland.
But when he got his nickname Goo, hell I was there :)
Yup, those two were on opposite ends of the spectrum and I miss them both.
Hell, I was there. That was the title of a book by an old time shooter. But you knew that.
JB White
02-05-2021, 04:22
Yes I did know that ;)
It was also a phrase I heard a lot while growing up. Figured it fitting here. In both ways.
Hell, I was there. That was the title of a book by an old time shooter. But you knew that.
good read too
Viking Guy
02-07-2021, 11:42
I miss Goo, Sukey, Geoffery the Cruel Conservative, Guam, the Aussie guy that really knew his British rifles (can't recall his name offhand but he was also a pilot) a lot of the names go back to the Gun and Knife days. I pretty much slacked off on posting when the actual gun forums became secondary to the political stuff
I miss Goo, Sukey, Geoffery the Cruel Conservative, Guam, the Aussie guy that really knew his British rifles (can't recall his name offhand but he was also a pilot) a lot of the names go back to the Gun and Knife days. I pretty much slacked off on posting when the actual gun forums became secondary to the political stuff
sounds like a guy from Gunboards called Vulch,
Viking Guy
02-07-2021, 11:59
Yep, Vulch it is. Thanks
JB White
02-08-2021, 03:36
Vulch / Lewis Maynard was a great help to many in the old days. At the time he was living in Mooloolaba QLD.
Something happened as his online personality took a turn for the worse. Enough to be bounced as a moderator and eventually totally banned from one site where he founded a couple of forums.
I miss the old Lewis, but the last version I surely do not.
Vulch / Lewis Maynard was a great help to many in the old days. At the time he was living in Mooloolaba QLD.
Something happened as his online personality took a turn for the worse. Enough to be bounced as a moderator and eventually totally banned from one site where he founded a couple of forums.
I miss the old Lewis, but the last version I surely do not.
he is still a sore subject in certain sections of that site,,,
JB White
02-08-2021, 07:52
he is still a sore subject in certain sections of that site,,,
Yes. Most definitely, but I don't think it prudent to elaborate much further. Stick with the known facts and that's that AFAIC. Too much gossip intertwined with the story.
Although half the gossip and half the truths are equally juicy. Tough to tell which is which.
Hell, I was there. That was the title of a book by an old time shooter. But you knew that.
I have a book that is signed by the Author; he claims there are no second best.
I knew Tarleton, outside the Internet. We had a friend that attended Tarleton State, I spent more time off line and on the phone with them than 'on line'. Our friend was a resource person on anything military like rifles and pistols. I purchased a mill from him, when I picked it up he asked me if I knew anything about head space. I said "Yes, and if you have a question this is your lucky day. He had made a bad choice when he asked a question on the 03 forum on the old CSP. By the time the second page had rolled around the members had turned on each other and had started on him.
He had tools, he had a cigar size box full of head space gages, I was impressed. And then I reminded him he knew there was not one gage in that box that would fit his chamber. He agreed, one was too short and two were too long, I explained to him I could measure the length of the chamber with any one of the three gages 'in thousandths'.
I asked him what ammo he was going to use to test fire the rifle, he responded with Remington green box 30/06. So we began; I chambered one of his 30/06 round into the chamber; after measuring I informed him his chamber was .0075" longer than a go-gage length chamber.
He then asked me about a bolt that would reduce the length of the chamber by .0025"; I explained to him I had 35 03 and O3A3 bolts none of which would reduce the length of the chamber. All of my bolts were the same. After that I demonstrated the use of the no go-gage when determining the length of the chamber, after that I demonstrated the use of a field reject length gage; he contacted John Beard in an effort to locate a straight handle 03 bolt that would off set the length of the chamber .0025". I do not know what was decided because no one called me to check the fit of the bolts John sent him; there is nothing like ordering a bucket of bolts when it only requires one bolt to correct the length of the chamber.
And then there was AKA, you guys were happy as long as he was not insulting you. And then there was All Confederate, he decided he would sue CSP members, there were three of them in Michigan. They called me when they felt threatened, it was about that time I needed to determine where he lived.
CSP had a lot of trouble staying hooked up to the Internet. I offered to find main frames, all I asked for was help in shopping. I did purchase a few small ones with 5 power supplies, 10 processors with a long row of memory sticks. I was so proud, when the wife came home and informed me it sounded like she was living in a wind tunnel I knew I was not going to be allowed to operate processors from here. And hard drives? There was no end to them and it was possible to swap them out while it was running.
F. Guffey
Fred Pillot
02-08-2021, 09:58
Don't forget Rick the Librarian and his Afghans. Harsh contrast to his rifle pictures.
Don't forget Rick the Librarian and his Afghans. Harsh contrast to his rifle pictures.
he still posts on rare occasion,
he still posts on rare occasion,
Yes, I still watch for his "book sale" listings. I've bought quite a few books from him over the years (decades?!?), often interesting titles I've not found elsewhere.
I miss goo's sense of humor and John R's stories
Mark in Ottawa
02-08-2021, 07:45
On thinking about it, I don't recall seeing anything from Ken the Kanuck for a while
02-08-2021, 10:22
I might as well add my 2 cents in here. I have not been around here as long as most of you. On the other hand, I read considerable more than I post. However, many of the names you fellows mentioned I have maintained contact with via personal E Mail. When I would find the opportunity open to ask why they no longer post here it seems I would always get the same answer. They did not mind the argumentative atmosphere about a firearms history or others like subject manner. The reason they left was the "personal attacks" and the name calling. That is the reason they are no longer here. How far do I go back on this site, I remember a fellow called Ronyo.
Looked up the name and Ronyo is correct. JohnMOhio 02-11-2021
I might as well add my 2 cents in here. I have not been around here as How far do I go back on this site, I remember a fellow called Ronyo.
I was thinking he called himself Ronjo. I believe he was from the eastern side of Washington State.
F. Guffey
I might as well add my 2 cents in here. I have not been around here as long as most of you. On the other hand, I read considerable more than I post. However, many of the names you fellows mentioned I have maintained contact with via personal E Mail. When I would find the opportunity open to ask why they no longer post here it seems I would always get the same answer. They did not mind the argumentative atmosphere about a firearms history or others like subject manner. The reason they left was the "personal attacks" and the name calling. That is the reason they are no longer here. How far do I go back on this site, I remember a fellow called Ronyo.
I don't see many arguments on the firearms section but only on the political one...and I never saw a serious one there. As on that forum it's expected expected people will have differing opinions...
I might as well add my 2 cents in here. I have not been around here as long as most of you. On the other hand, I read considerable more than I post. However, many of the names you fellows mentioned I have maintained contact with via personal E Mail. When I would find the opportunity open to ask why they no longer post here it seems I would always get the same answer. They did not mind the argumentative atmosphere about a firearms history or others like subject manner. The reason they left was the "personal attacks" and the name calling. That is the reason they are no longer here. How far do I go back on this site, I remember a fellow called Ronyo.
please reach out to them and let them know they are free to contact me directly (via PM or email in profile) if they want to discuss any past transgressions,
I would be happy to look into any issues and work towards correcting them
John Kepler
Ken the Kanuck
Rick the Librarian
Rick Borecky
about the only guys i can remember from way back in '00. my dad is fond of saying "back in '02, but i got here before that when i got my first CMP rifle, an all correct '54 HRA in the old "pre-sticky note request" days of yore. $495 i want to say was the cost...
I also miss John Kepler, Rick the Librarian, and ClintonHater.
Robert Scott
02-10-2021, 03:22
I joined the old forum around 2003 and learned a lot. There was an expert on U.S. military shotguns at the time...from Phoenix I think...does anyone remember this guy?
02-10-2021, 03:35
The only name I remember as being a poster from that area was Ron Weddle. He often posted what was happening along the boarder nearly on a daily basis.
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
02-10-2021, 06:34
Howdy, Guffey, you old dog. I stil have those graduated 06 cases. They work great. I have been busy with my other hobby - restoring old cars.
Howdy, Guffey, you old dog. I stil have those graduated 06 cases. They work great. I have been busy with my other hobby - restoring old cars.
I know several guys that have sold most of there firearms collection and rolled the cash over into auto's,
or motorcycles
Howdy, Guffey, you old dog. I stil have those graduated 06 cases. They work great. I have been busy with my other hobby - restoring old cars.
Well, glad to see you're still kikin' and productive :icon_salut:.
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
02-14-2021, 07:18
I know several guys that have sold most of there firearms collection and rolled the cash over into auto's,
or motorcycles
I was making money hand over fist for a while, but some YouTube blogs have driven the price of old cars through the roof. I looked at a '47 Ford pickup so rusty there was no spot on the vehicle you could stand without falling through. The asking price was $5500. I tried to explain to the guy that no matter what car you started with, the cost was about the same to restore it. Generally about 1000 hours and $20M to $35M to restore any vehicle. I just spent over 100 hours removing the paint from a vehicle. One can expect to lose about 20% of their money if they sell after restoration. No one is going to give you $30M for a Volkswagen. You see ads for extravagant money for cars, but what few see to grasp is that they actually sell for far less than the asking price.
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Well, glad to see you're still kikin' and productive :icon_salut:.
I miss your emails, Art.
I was making money hand over fist for a while, but some YouTube blogs have driven the price of old cars through the roof. I looked at a '47 Ford pickup so rusty there was no spot on the vehicle you could stand without falling through. The asking price was $5500. I tried to explain to the guy that no matter what car you started with, the cost was about the same to restore it. Generally about 1000 hours and $20M to $35M to restore any vehicle. I just spent over 100 hours removing the paint from a vehicle. One can expect to lose about 20% of their money if they sell after restoration. No one is going to give you $30M for a Volkswagen. You see ads for extravagant money for cars, but what few see to grasp is that they actually sell for far less than the asking price.
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I miss your emails, Art.
PM sent
Robert Scott
02-16-2021, 03:43
Bruce Canfield was another interesting fellow on the old forum. Whatever happened to him? His books are pretty good in my opinion...
I am 90 so I guess I am the oldest one here. I still remember Bob The Beagle Master and also Bubblehead on the old forum. Bob was the manager of a hardware store. Bubblehead, if I remember correctly, had been in the Navy and had served on many submarines. I also remember the posts made by Major Culver and how he often referred to his wife as "the Swede."
Probably busy writing books. His books are excellent.
02-26-2021, 07:30
Hey Sid, I had not thought of those two, The Beagle Master and Bubblehead. Another if just thought of is Jerry Foard and Jim Supica. Last I heard from Jim was about 4 or 5 months after he became employed at the museum in DC. He occasionally makes an appearance on the NRA TV show. I also don't recall Karen Bush having posted anything recently. What about Impala Guy and Ira Jones?
I joined the CSP back in 1999 or 2000....was a daily lurker...occasional life got crazy and then the Death of Major Culver, I stopped coming....I remember all of the guys mentioned about the 1911 collector John Holbrooke from Seattle, and Rick Borecky...remember when some of the guys passed..Dean's Wife from DGR and always tried to stay on Gloria's good side. Hope you all come back some day.
Dave Petrella
Hal O'Peridol
06-06-2021, 03:54
Lots of people gone or no longer posting.
I was one of the refugees from the Knife and Gun forum (RIP Mark Bitting).
Remember how goo got his name, Had lunch with Bob the Beagle Master when I and my daughter visited him in Indiana, John Sukey for dure. Met John Robertson years ago at a gun show in Coquitlam BC and bought my DCRA No4 from him. Ken the Kanuck, Terry and so many more.
I still visit about once a week or so.
Lots of people gone or no longer posting.
I was one of the refugees from the Knife and Gun forum (RIP Mark Bitting).
Remember how goo got his name, Had lunch with Bob the Beagle Master when I and my daughter visited him in Indiana, John Sukey for dure. Met John Robertson years ago at a gun show in Coquitlam BC and bought my DCRA No4 from him. Ken the Kanuck, Terry and so many more.
I still visit about once a week or so.
stop by more often Hal,
Mark in Ottawa
06-06-2021, 05:48
I mess Goo and wonder what happened to Ken the Kanuck who hasn't been heard from for several months.
By the way, from my perspective, being close to 70 is pretty young.
Hal O'Peridol
06-06-2021, 06:05
I'm 61, the way things are going I'll be lucky to hit 70.
06-06-2021, 10:28
Might as well add another 2 cents here. I decided to compile a list of names that were not mentioned thus far. If they were, just make allowances, I will be 80 this year, I have a good memory but it is short.
Here are the names I came up with. Some I know are deceased.
AF Medic, Bill Ricca, Bill Wylde, Bob Wolfe, Brian Davis, Buckeye Shooter, lt Dave, Dave 2, Dean Wood, Ed Flanagan, Fred Ross, Ira Jones, Iditarod Joe, Jeff Knight, Jerry Foard, Jim Blair, Jim Keenan, Joel Osborne, Johnny Bell, Ken Davis, Ken Thies, Ken W., Ken c. , Liam Flanagan, Lowell Elliot, L.W. Tyler, Loneagle, Mike Doener, Mikey Krupica, Mudcat, Norm Ricci, Old Davie, Phil McGreger, Scott Wilson, Sephton Allen, t jake, Tom Sudz.
If for any reason I have missed any of your posts by those named above, please accept my apology. Have I ever told you folks I have a good memory but it is short?
Great list and I remember a lot of them! I'm 82 and been on here for many many years! ...And hope it will be a long time before my name hits the list, :icon_lol:
06-07-2021, 06:34
The point of all of this I presume is how do we get more participation. Just looked at our main board. We have 7,153 members and 425 are active.
Tonight we have 360 on line of that amount 7 are members and the rests are guests amounting to 353. For you members that visit here how many of you are shooting club members? What is your experience with active members verses total membership. I would guess it would run in the 5% to maybe 10%. I believe that is pretty much the same everywhere. Another thought, of the 353 "guests" on line tonight, I wonder how many of them are members that just don't bother to sign in as they would prefer to read what is going on and not comment for what ever they consider a valid reason.
This is just a few of my thoughts tonight. What do you think?
I miss ... Gus, ... RickB, ... so many others. Sincerely. bruce.
I last saw Gus (if you mean Gus Fisher) back before the Plandemic\Cooties,
he was well, and at a local show,
have not seen him back at shows yet,,
I remember Ronjo also there was a real smart ass called ShooterM1
I agree about John Sukey. He gave me a short Martini Henry lever for just postage.
I sent him a whole bunch of HXP 3006 brass + the postage. I think he had more
Enfields than some Commonwealth Countries.
I'm visiting the political forum less and less as it's just link dumping now. Seems to
me the purpose of the forum has veered off course.
The forum reminds me of my neighborhood; not in the sights of the city. A little sloppy, but still OK. Could we use some professional moderating? Well, maybe if you want a professional site. I kind of like it the way it is. Good of ya'll to give a shout. Some famous names brought up.
I never thought I'd see old age. The web ages like everything else. I wonder if in 500yrs. someone will look upon this site. I'm sure they will see the brilliance.
I remember when I told my (older)female co-workers, "I'm a long way from sixty". That was a while back.
I agree about John Sukey. He gave me a short Martini Henry lever for just postage.
I sent him a whole bunch of HXP 3006 brass + the postage. I think he had more
Enfields than some Commonwealth Countries.
I'm visiting the political forum less and less as it's just link dumping now. Seems to
me the purpose of the forum has veered off course.
interesting comments, re the dumping,
from the guy that was famous for dumping links :icon_lol:
forums change, avenues take turns, etc etc
it's the nature of the beast
06-11-2021, 10:30
A lot of the Krag guys are gone or no longer active. I wonder if there will be a Krag group at Camp Perry ever again. 5 Mad farmers - there was a scholar!
Got to add Madsenshooter! Last post of his I read he was having medical problems - helminths wriggling under his skin. Crazy!
I also miss 5 Mad farmers. Going back many years I also miss Bubblehead who had spent most of his adult life in submarines.
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