View Full Version : Lifestyle Changes

S.A. Boggs
02-12-2021, 02:38
Other then masks and other safety precautions how are you changing how you live?

02-12-2021, 03:17
"How are you changing how you live?" Change? What's this change stuff?! Sincerely. bruce.

02-12-2021, 05:20

other than I am required to wear a mask at work,

Major Tom
02-12-2021, 06:29
Same as before here too! Wear a mask where requiered. No double or triple mask as I have trouble breathing with one.

S.A. Boggs
02-12-2021, 10:16
So far with the replies about what I thought. Our biggest change is having to use plastic instead of coin of the realm. This is due to many business not having the ability to make change.

02-12-2021, 10:51
I haven't had a haircut in six months. I haven't paid with real money in a year. Not sure why. I'm a guy who always carried change and paid the exact amount.

02-12-2021, 06:18
I wear a mask and avoid crowds.

Johnny P
02-12-2021, 06:45
I keep enough bills and coins that I can make correct change, or if I have used up my correct change I just pay rounded up to the next dollar. What I am missing most of all is going to a restaurant and having a nice meal.

We go to the grocery store every 10 days to two weeks, mask up, and get in and out as fast as we can. Still see those that refuse to wear a mask.

02-13-2021, 12:51
Or wear a sloppy mask with a state logo. Fashion kills.
Somehow, while all of America is reporting fifteen thousand new cases a day, I haven't gotten the virus yet. I do have a friend who got it. It took eight days to get over it. About day five, he was wondering how much more he could take; Aches and pains and a rash. That's what alerts me and keeps me awake. I don't think there is any way that this whole nightmare hasn't affected everyone.
If it kills off football, that will be a step forward.

02-13-2021, 05:35
Or wear a sloppy mask with a state logo. Fashion kills.
Somehow, while all of America is reporting fifteen thousand new cases a day, I haven't gotten the virus yet. I do have a friend who got it. It took eight days to get over it. About day five, he was wondering how much more he could take; Aches and pains and a rash. That's what alerts me and keeps me awake. I don't think there is any way that this whole nightmare hasn't affected everyone.
If it kills off football, that will be a step forward.


02-13-2021, 11:15
I had the virus, took about ten days to get over it. Legs ached most of that time. Minimal breathing problems. Slight cough and only one day of fever which broke at night and soaked the sheets to the point we had to change them. I never abused my lungs by smoking, but I was afraid that the 35 years of welding in the Boilermakers would cause me problems. Evidently not the case, I had 97% blood oxygen the whole time.

I have an overwhelming urge to bomb a lab in China.

02-13-2021, 12:02
My wife and i are retired so we don't have to go anywhere unless we have to have everything we need right in our home and on our property my wife keeps in touch with her friends in the medical field so we know what is going on with the Covid-19 Virus in our area

S.A. Boggs
02-13-2021, 12:30
With reports of adverse reactions, I am not sure that I want to try the remedy for the CV-19. Have been using my 3M dual respirator for close to a year now. Allergies gone, no worry about the flu either. I wear gloves year round as I want to protect my hide, started doing this after my cancer. IMHO I believe society will be troubled with this virus for say 10 years. No data to back this up just my SWAG.

Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
02-14-2021, 05:50
I have been isolated for months, not allowing anyone in my home. I hoped our little community would be spared. A female aquiantance of mine and her boyfriend decided to hit Myrtle Beach for the weekend. Within two weeks, both came down with the virus. She died, he lived (lost 30 lbs). She was 54 yrs old and in good health. Three states away, my brother and his wife, and my sister, her boyfriend and her son were all infected within a week of each other. I got a daily update of the progression of the disease. They all recovered, but all have damaged liver, lungs, and heart. I doubled down on isolation.

Since I live alone, I have to find ways to stay busy. I found a '58 Chevy 3100 on the river bank, bought it for peanuts, brought it home, and I have kept busy making and welding in patch panels. I already had a old 409ci Chevy W-block in the shop and a M21 Muncie, and clutch, flywheel, etc. I will come out of isolation with one cool, tire burning truck. The 409, bored to 424ci, has about $5M of go-fast goodies topped with 6-Carter WG two-barrels.

Last week the British strain of virus hit my county. The regular strain has been kicking ass around here for weeks. 13% of my little town is infected with a current death rate of 6%, which is about the same as the National Average. I already had my first innoculation with the second one coming up the 1st of March.

Our biggest problem is getting people to wear masks. We also have a couple of looney self-proclaimed evangelists telling people not to wear masks as God will choose who will die. God subsequently chose one of the evangelists. I have friends who refuse to wear a mask and they own and operate a very popular feed store.

There are now indications the Moderna vaccine may not be as effective as previously thought, which was 94% effective. It's going to get interesting.

Did I mention our domestic violence calls have tripled?

02-14-2021, 05:57
We get out some but its all business. Our social life is almost dead. My wife had her second shot (Moderna) a week ago, like most she had side effects from it but in her case that just meant she slept all day. I had the virus at the end of December, I was pretty sick for three weeks but recovered with no permanent damage. I did lose about 9 pounds which was actually the only saving grace. With the number of health problems I have I consider myself to have been extremely fortunate. After the Artic retreats from Texas later this week I'm going to seriously start looking for vaccination for myself.

Our son has been vaccinated because he works in a hospital, our daughter has been vaccinated because she's a school councilor, our son in law has been vaccinated because he got lucky. They are shut down as much as possible, school is open here so she has to go to work, our son in law is a mid level manager for a major building supply company, he has been able to work almost exclusively from home and pretty much never leaves the house. He will make his first business trip to Dallas this week. Speaking of the son in law, he had a co worker, mid 40s no health problems catch the plague and die very quickly.

We don't have the problems Marine A5 Sniper Rifle does with folks not wearing masks but the further you get away from the city you run into more and more people, who as he says, seem to have some sort of religious objection to masking up, that does include some businesses too, especially independent firearms dealers :icon_scratch:.

I'm not surprised vaccines may not be as effective as hoped. Flu vaccines are only 40%-60% effective most years. As a dentist I know who is also a microbiologist told me "viruses do what viruses do."