View Full Version : Help finding stock for No4

03-17-2021, 04:11
I have a guy offering to sell me a No 4 at a good price. The price is low because the stock has been "sporterized". If I buy it I would want to put another stock on it. The rifle is a late 1950's Fazekerly. Any idea where to get a complete stock set and hardware for a good price?

03-17-2021, 05:20
new but pricey


check ebay, including ebay UK as well, they pop up ever now and then,

also haunt the various enfield forums , they sometimes pop up on the trader/classified sections

do you need a No 4 Mk 2 or a No 4 Mk 1?

03-18-2021, 05:50
Liberty tree collectors. Could also try Apex.

03-19-2021, 11:43
Before you spend any money, check the headspace and slug the barrel. Thousands of Lee-Enfields have been assembled out of parts bins with no QC. Matching S/N's means nothing either.
If the barrel ID measures more than .315" it's shot out. Most commercial bullets are .311" or .312" diameter.
There are no complete stock kits left. I haven't seen any in years.
It's not so much the wood that costs a pile of money as it is all the wee metal bits and screws. Gunparts wants $4 each for a stacking swivel screw. Not that they have one.
Sarco shows stock pieces. https://www.sarcoinc.com/rifle-parts/lee-enfield/
Gunparts has some as well. They don't have much any more though.

03-23-2021, 11:23
Thanks for the replies. I went to take another look at the rifle and realized that the barrel had been cut down. Can't believe that I had not noticed that the first time. The deal is a no-go. Thanks for all the help.

03-26-2021, 11:11
There are barrels. Criteria still makes one at $349.99 – $394.99. Out of stock, of course. The Bubba'd rifle would have to be really cheap for that money.
Gunparts wants $77.50 for a used original barrel. Out of stock there too. Been yelling at them for years about listing the No. 4 Rifle under SMLE. snicker.
And you'd need a smithy who knows how to change 'em and has the right tools. Especially the headspace gauges and action wrench.

Mark in Ottawa
06-25-2022, 05:40
I have a guy offering to sell me a No 4 at a good price. The price is low because the stock has been "sporterized". If I buy it I would want to put another stock on it. The I have rifle is a late 1950's Fazekerly. Any idea where to get a complete stock set and hardware for a good price?

I have just read an article about a small company in Alberta Canada that is making high quality reproduction stocks for LE's and other vintage firearms. They are called Prestigious Wood Stocks and their website is https://www.prestigiouswoodstocks.com/

Hal O'Peridol
06-29-2022, 08:10
Libery Tree has stock sets for both No4MkI and No4Mk2.
