View Full Version : A moderator not wanted
Major Tom
05-25-2021, 06:50
I respectfully ask that moderator 'TOGOR' be removed as moderator.
Not because I don't agree with his posts, but because his posts are generally childish and disruptive! I PM'd him asking why he was always deleting and/or editing my and others posts. His answer was "because I can and will" followed by a big smiley icon.
I respectfully ask that moderator 'TOGOR' be removed as moderator.
Not because I don't agree with his posts, but because his posts are generally childish and disruptive! I PM'd him asking why he was always deleting and/or editing my and others posts. His answer was "because I can and will" followed by a big smiley icon.
please forward me that PM, and also copy Sysad and Vern Humphrey,
Major Tom,, waiting on that PM sir,
06-26-2021, 06:07
Well Lyman .... did he respond .... or was he full of chit ? It's been over a month
He made the accusation and we should all know the truth ... shouldn't we ?
Well Lyman .... did he respond .... or was he full of chit ? It's been over a month
He made the accusation and we should all know the truth ... shouldn't we ?
not heard a word from either on the matter,
High Plaines Doug r
07-07-2021, 02:11
I would certainly like to be able to put togor on "Ignore".
I was on a socially is dysfunctional forum that had never learned to keep their hands to themselves, they thought they had all kinds of liberties that allowed them to insult other members. A new member joined for the sole purpose of learning every thing the forum had to offer on chamber casting. It did not take the new member long to realize the forum had nothing new to offer. As always the forum turned on him with insults etc.
Having pride in the forum because I was on it I took it on myself to apologize on the behalf of the forum. I asked him to contact me 'off forum' by phone and or email. I took the inactive and got started. First I told him I was the only one on that forum that could cast a chamber and the problem lies in all the answers that are available from all forums are cut and paste.
The shooter, reloader collector from Jersey Shore had more to offer than most of the members on the forum and a very teachable person. In about 5 days he had cast the chambers in all of his rifles and he decided he could do better on his Garand with a change in the method/technique; and I was so proud of him.
Back on the forum: members wanted to know who in the H@#$ do I think I am when I apologized to the new member for their bad behavior.
We worked on other methods and techniques for close to a month. He had spent years reading and studying gun experts, he suggested I must be good friends with one of the gun gurus called Salazar, I said the man has not said one kind work to me.
F. Guffey
that sounds like the old Full Auto forum,
back around 2004 or so it was a good place to go for MG info, then something happened in an offtopic section, bunch of idjit posts, nudity, and craziness happened, and the forum collapsed a year or so later,
that sounds like the old Full Auto forum,
back around 2004 or so it was a good place to go for MG info, then something happened in an offtopic section, bunch of idjit posts, nudity, and craziness happened, and the forum collapsed a year or so later,
What are you accusing me off? I have never been on a forum as you described; I have visited members that have taken liberties I did not give them. As always I felt sorry for them, one of them, a moderator on this forum was going to sue all involved. No one respected him because he never earned the respect. I called my people and explained to them I needed an excuse to travel to a town north of Chicago and south of Milwaukee.
The forum was the "RELOADERS NEST"; I was looking through post on the "Shooters FORUM" when I noticed a question about chamber casting. I noticed a moderator posted a response that was absolutely irresponsible; he claimed there was a small amount of information could be gained with a chamber caste and then he went on to say 'it can not be done'. I responded with a statement I have been casting chambers for over 20 years; and then I suggested he contact me off line through mail or phone.
The moderator removed my post again and then banned me for whatever reason and time. And still it goes on; there are only two reloaders/shooters etc. that can cast a chamber, again, I taught him and he is good.
And Sid deserved better than you telling him "Good By:.
F. Guffey
What are you accusing me off? I have never been on a forum as you described; I have visited members that have taken liberties I did not give them. As always I felt sorry for them, one of them, a moderator on this forum was going to sue all involved. No one respected him because he never earned the respect. I called my people and explained to them I needed an excuse to travel to a town north of Chicago and south of Milwaukee.
The forum was the "RELOADERS NEST"; I was looking through post on the "Shooters FORUM" when I noticed a question about chamber casting. I noticed a moderator posted a response that was absolutely irresponsible; he claimed there was a small amount of information could be gained with a chamber caste and then he went on to say 'it can not be done'. I responded with a statement I have been casting chambers for over 20 years; and then I suggested he contact me off line through mail or phone.
The moderator removed my post again and then banned me for whatever reason and time. And still it goes on; there are only two reloaders/shooters etc. that can cast a chamber, again, I taught him and he is good.
And Sid deserved better than you telling him "Good By:.
F. Guffey
not accusing you of a thing, nor saying you had anything to do with the forums you mentioned decline,
you post just reminded me of that forum I mentioned, where the good folks left and those that stayed managed to ruin the place,
again , not you
re Sid, if he is lurking, he is welcome to come back if not then,, hope he is well,
Truthfully, I thought moderators would help keep things in order but with the continuous squabbling, I am seriously considering dumping the lot of them or shutting down the site completely.
Truthfully, I thought moderators would help keep things in order but with the continuous squabbling, I am seriously considering dumping the lot of them or shutting down the site completely.
then shut it down,,,,,
if you like, I can go into a discussion about moderators, how you failed to give a moderator all the stuff needed at first, (for a good while),
or we can discuss the disarray this forum was left in for years, and the number of trolls that were here, as well as the large number of good folks that were RUNNOFT during that time..
or we can go positive and talk about the increases in viewership has increased a number of times over the past few years, once the trolling was stopped,
like this new milestone back in May,
Most users ever online was 3,863, 05-16-2021 at 06:52.
granted a pile of them were likely bots,,,
this thread itself should be an indicator of what some of the membership wants,
Truthfully, I thought moderators would help keep things in order but with the continuous squabbling, I am seriously considering dumping the lot of them or shutting down the site completely.
It isn't now what the Maj. created CSP for....dump the troll mods or shut vote.
Dump the 2nd A thread; there is plenty of social media available for the kind of political discussion that takes place here. Maybe it is only here because on other media they would be given a "time out" or banned.
It isn't now what the Maj. created CSP for....dump the troll mods or shut vote.
Dump the 2nd A thread; there is plenty of social media available for the kind of political discussion that takes place here. Maybe it is only here because on other media they would be given a "time out" or banned.
FWIW, I tried to change the 2nd forum to password enabled, as in locked unless you had a seperate password, but I do not have clearance for that
It isn't now what the Maj. created CSP for....dump the troll mods or shut vote.
If the site is shut down then the troll's have won.
SysAd - The site was created for more than the 2nd A. The other threads languish for participation. Most of the experience has left. You can't even access the encyclopedia of knowledge that originated here except thru Lane's Tips. I understand the cost of bandwidth that necessitated that loss. The other forums are geared to the type firearms for which this site was created.
Kill off 2nd A, and see of the dim light from Jouster 2 will grow brighter. Tightly moderate the remaining forums against political speech just like the other healthy firearm/shooting forums do. See if this forum will come back.
I think for the longest time you abdicated your admin responsibility and that is why we are here now. It 's not a matter of who's a matter of directing a properly relivent forum.
09-04-2021, 01:47
I concur, remove the 2A cracker barrel.
Or permanently ban those who cause the problems here and keep all the Majors forums as He intended. With the well known trolls here gone we wouldn't even need moderators.
Still, a password to get into the political section would be a good idea I think. Some of what is said here is thinking out loud, political jokes or sensitive material, though perhaps true, that the general public shouldn't view.
Most of the traffic here is 2A related. Killing it off won't leave much else. The subject of 2A rights and guns should never be an issue but because of democrats it is. I think we need to keep the discussions alive but w/o the interference from the left anti-gunners. They have their own forums.
09-05-2021, 05:10
Or permanently ban those who cause the problems here and keep all the Majors forums as He intended. With the well known trolls here gone we wouldn't even need moderators.
Still, a password to get into the political section would be a good idea I think. Some of what is said here is thinking out loud, political jokes or sensitive material, though perhaps true, that the general public shouldn't view.
Most of the traffic here is 2A related. Killing it off won't leave much else. The subject of 2A rights and guns should never be an issue but because of democrats it is. I think we need to keep the discussions alive but w/o the interference from the left anti-gunners. They have their own forums.
Trolls make alternate accounts, not the other way around.
Right, Gunsmoke?
Mention troll and they volunteer their identity.
09-05-2021, 06:17
Mention troll and they volunteer their identity.
Why did you create alternate identities on this forum? To assist moderation?
Why did you create alternate identities on this forum? To assist moderation?
he admitted why,, in a past thread,
here is the thing about banning people,
to play fair, and yes, life is not fair, you ban someone for breaking the rules,
infractions, time outs etc then perma ban,
RED, got lots of infractions,
Vern, and Sam a few,
RED,, more so than the other 2, could not seem to follow the rules, then, after a few vacations, apparently gave up, and started following the rules,, then left, for what ever reason, (he has not viewed this thread)
Vern is now Admin,,
Sam,, self exile due to an issue with email that only sysad can fix, and got a warning or infraction or 2,
the other side, the Stoogez,
togor,, walked the line, rarely dipped a toe, and when I had a chance for a long deleted post,, sysad stepped in and made him moderator,
pebbles, and trax,, both got some infractions,, but never pushed the issue or crossed the line to get a time out,,
there is a lesson to learn there,,, but don't seem to understand it,
I've banned a metric poo ton of spammers,, been like 6-8 a week lately
I banned Maus45 for being Maus45,
don't think anyone else got the banhammer except for the extra accounts,
togor sniffed out gunsmoke,
Sam had a total of 4 accounts, all but one are banned,
extra accounts are not a thing I'll tolerate
I don't know if togor has banned anyone, the list I can see in mod mode shows mostly JeffL and I banning spammers,
new members are looked over maybe once a day,, I check IP's and if they smell like they are spam,, the poof,, they go,
I'm not sure if Vern or togor look over that,, surely JeffL and sysad do not,
Major Tom
05-21-2022, 06:15
I did PM Togor on the subject of this thread! Why I haven't replied back here with it is because I cannot find it! Where are PMs stored?
I did PM Togor on the subject of this thread! Why I haven't replied back here with it is because I cannot find it! Where are PMs stored?
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