View Full Version : LRB still Master and Commander.

06-21-2021, 07:35
Had a chance this morning to get out on the range with my LRB M-25 10 dot rifle. She is still Master and Commander of the herd. Custom built by Lou and his crew for me over 10 years ago, she still holds the 10 dot challenge record set 5/2/2015 of 14 in a row.
Barrel is Kreiger 1/11 heavy ss with mostly TRW parts set in a JAE Chassis by Lou's crew back then. From date of order to receipt of rifle it took just about 16 mos and worth every second of it.

Targets from this morning. Practice 10 dot after warm up on dirty bird. She's still got it. Ammo was the boring 136 fb customs in DAG cases over 45 gn of Varget. Used up the remnants of some 100 cnt boxes that only had a few left in them. Time for some more loading.