View Full Version : Starting prep on last weekend's brass.

06-22-2021, 06:12
De-priming brass from last weekend's shooting before going into the annealer. 100 rnds Berdand and 200 boxer. Whatta Hobby!


06-22-2021, 07:08
Note to self: No more Lapua brass for semi-autos. During de-priming found 20% neck splits and enlarged primer pockets after 3 reloads. All other mfg brass have been running much much better except of coarse Federal which is also junk.


06-23-2021, 02:49
Are you including LC with Federal?

06-23-2021, 06:12
Are you including LC with Federal?

Haven't loaded much LC in .308 , but the older 30-06 was good. My favorite to reload is DAG and MEN German Berdan primed brass.

06-25-2021, 03:02
Where are you getting Berdan primers? OWS doesn't list them.

06-25-2021, 03:37
That's the secret. I built up a pretty decent stash years ago. Down to just over a case now so I have been loading some other brass as well to keep things going. Hoping an importer starts handling them again in the near future.

06-27-2021, 08:37
Are you including LC with Federal?
my understanding is that LC brass (no matter who is contracted to run the facility) is LC brass,
and Federal has another plant or plants that makes the rest of their product line,

I have also read somewhere that some LC brass was made by PMC, but not a clue it that is true or not

06-27-2021, 01:25
I thought Lapua was supposed to be the best? what you are showing I never seen in even the cheap soft Hornady stuff. I have seen the same in the old bark box Norma brass on the first shot, a split neck and enlarged primer pocket and on the start load. For me Star line seems to hold up well although they do seem to be harder and heavier cases than most. I just worked up and loaded some of the Star line and it was a average of 10 grains heavier than the Hornady, oh well I save a little on powder.

06-27-2021, 02:33
Been running a test since the split necks on the Lapua brass. I have annealed it and got three more loadings from the rest of that batch of brass with no splits. Guess I should anneal the rest of the new stuff before I load the first time. Live and learn.