View Full Version : Doofus-ness on Steroids

07-06-2021, 10:36
There are things I don't understand. One is why anyone would buy a fine firearm and put cheap glass on it.

That isn't the subject of this though. This is about people who buy a firearm and run garbage ammo through it, especially if the firearm is any kind of milsurp. The gun in this video was a "Tanker" Garand. I have issues with these rifles but if it floats your boat go with it. As with any milsurp or milsurp build up the owner has no real idea of what the weapon has been through (unless its something like my new in the mummy wrap No 4 Mk2.) This guy not only didn't use good commercial or mil-spec ammo through this rifle he fired the worst crap you could possibly find and paid the price. If you look at this old boys cases you'll see plenty of signs of overpressure before he fired the one that destroyed his rifle.


07-06-2021, 11:55
Amazing how folks with firearms can make such foolish decisions when they " should " know better.

Major Tom
07-06-2021, 01:12
Milsurp firearms aren't cheap anymore like they were 60 years ago. So, I agree, why run crap ammo thru one!

07-06-2021, 02:10
sad part is Art,,, ,he has a youtube channel,

07-07-2021, 09:20
Holy moly, look at the craters in those primers.

07-10-2021, 12:36
I guess the guy and the "gunsmith" never heard of a ruptured case extractor.

Johnny P
07-10-2021, 01:23
Hard to tell for sure, but in some shots that looks like a welded receiver, common to some of the "Tankers".

07-10-2021, 03:19
So as I understand it he bought the full kaboom at Cabela's, rifle and ammo both, so they gave him a refund. Gotta wonder if anyone involved had even a basic understanding of the M1 rifle.

09-06-2021, 06:18
There are so many fails in that video that I lost count.

No ruptured case extractor....WTF??

Major Tom
09-07-2021, 04:49
Have you ever fired a "tanker garand"? Muzzle blast and ear splitting sound! You would never fire a full enbloc thru it without going deaf!