View Full Version : New Wood

07-15-2021, 11:52
Just had these delivered by UPS a few minutes ago. Looking forward to fitting a couple of rifles and finishing the wood.


07-15-2021, 12:16
who made those?

07-15-2021, 12:20
They were a gift and I haven't asked the donor any specifics as yet. You know the thing about looking a gift horse in the mouth.

07-15-2021, 12:44
excellent gift,

have you decided on a finish yet?

07-15-2021, 12:53
Same thing I have done hundreds of stocks with mix of 50-50 turp and BLO for a few coats then finish with BLO and eventually Bowling Alley Wax. Has worked well for me for over 50 years not. Too old to change paths at this point.

07-16-2021, 12:06
Slathered on the first coat of 50-50 BLO and odorless paint thinner. Love the instant life that appears. About an hour and I can add the second coat. Whatta Hobby!


07-16-2021, 12:37
that top one has some nice grain to it

07-16-2021, 12:49
Thanks. Should be a real eye catcher in a few days. Got all new hardware including NM ferules to go on them as things progress.

Hal O'Peridol
07-17-2021, 01:48
Looks really good. :1948:

Major Tom
07-17-2021, 07:03
Wenig used to make stocks for garands. I don't see that on their website now tho. DGR put one on my garand a few years ago as well as reparking the metal. Great looking garand now!

tom gray
07-17-2021, 01:54
Nice looking stocks. I am also curious who made them

07-17-2021, 02:07
Nice looking stocks. I am also curious who made them

I understand they were on a special order from Boyd's.