View Full Version : Mystery solved.

07-18-2021, 09:12
For months I have been trying to locate the source of a .127 ball bearing that appeared on my work bench. For any of you that have taken something apart and re-assembled only to find parts left over, you know the feeling I have been having. During that period of time I had worked on a bunch of SAI NM rear sights with the bearings and a few Savage bolt rifles that I took apart the bolts and put them back together. Being sure this freaking bearing came from one of those jobs, I went back over them all to no avail.
By chance today while loading a few hundred Berger 150 fb bullets I found a duplicate of the mystery bearing in the bottom of the container I dump bullets into for loading. Source turned out to be from one of the 100 rnd Bullet boxes from Berger. I have no idea how they might have found their way into them, but they were sealed when I opened them and dumped into the container which I had just cleaned and dusted this morning so I know it wasn't there earlier. Whatta Hobby!


07-18-2021, 10:05
Ya might give Berger a call. Maybe they'll send you a free box.

07-18-2021, 12:53
Worth a shot.

07-18-2021, 01:38
betting they use the ball bearings to tumble the bullets to polish or clean

07-18-2021, 02:26
betting they use the ball bearings to tumble the bullets to polish or clean

That would be my guess also.

07-18-2021, 10:25
No clue, but a dealer at the Dallas Market Hall gun show gave me two boxes of 9 MM ammo, the ammo was different. The bullets were sabot, meaning when the round was fired the steel ball never touched the rifling. I asked him why he was so generous, he said he shot one round from his 9MM, he said the steel ball hit everything metal in his shop; he said he does not understand how it missed him. He claimed the ammo was for practice.

F. Guffey

07-19-2021, 04:36
Had a PM on another forum with a very good possible explanation that brought out a good belly laugh. " Judging by the size it could be a snowflake ball ". And all this time I thought snowflakes were balless bags of hot air.

07-19-2021, 06:02
well since you got the balls, ,I guess one is?