View Full Version : Range time with the '88
Took my 1888 to the range today, shoots about 12' high @ 75 yds. Using cowboy loads by supermax. Got 5" group from a rest, wondering if bullets are undersized. All in all a good day with some pistol time.
Dick Hosmer
08-04-2021, 12:20
Believe it or not, some TDs will shoot MOA to 200 yards at least, from the bench, when EVERYTHING is "perfect", so you have a goal to look forward to! The best accuracy is only obtained by reloading your own, and getting a lot of practice. "Cowboy loads" are extremely safe, and probably one of the the best ways to start, but are not noted for their gilt-edged accuracy! Get Spence Wolf's book.
These kind of posts and responses ... ought to be marked "Danger!!!" I read these threads and start getting crazy ideas about finding a TD ... casting ... loading ... you know! Good luck to you as you enjoy your rifle! Sincerely. bruce.
Took my 1888 to the range today, shoots about 12' high @ 75 yds. . . . . .
I’m thinking you meant 12 INCHES . . . .not 12 FEET!
Also thinking the bullets are undersized . . . .I size to .461” dia.
Get MUCH greater accuracy by doing so!
Yes I missed typed. I will slug the bore. It has a pristine bore so with a little work I should be able to close the group up some. Thanks Dick & JimF.
Bruce, you have to get one of these! A real head turner at the range.
kj47, I agree with Dick you need to get Spence's book it covers everything you need to know about the TD on reloading, loads, sights, ballistics, loading equipment and where to get it.
Jim O
Yes I missed typed. I will slug the bore. It has a pristine bore so with a little work I should be able to close the group up some. Thanks Dick & JimF.
Bruce, you have to get one of these! A real head turner at the range.
Yep! That's just the problem! I recently got a .30-40 Krag infantry rifle. Bubbaed but not terminally. Have almost finished unbubbaizing it. Only need handguard and upper band to have it just about like 1902. Bore is just gorgeous! Kind helpful board members here at CSP and CMP and Smith & Wesson Forum have been a big help, especially w/ brass, dies, etc. Can't say how much people gawk when they see it. It is a pretty thing! Sincerely. bruce.
When I bring my krag carbine I get
. that 'What is that' look. Where can I get that Spencer book on trapdoors?
kj47, Here is the link or
It’s a great book. You can adjust the loads in his book to your rifle as I have done. Have used the full 70 gr. but I find it most relieving on the shoulder to reduce the loads to 58 gr with a 405 gr hollow base round nose bullet. I use a 459 diameter bullet that I cast with 20-1 lead in a lee mold. This works well for me especially since my range has a max of 200 yards.
Enjoy his book.
Thanks Carlsr, I'll order that book. I've fired some old black powder 45/70s in my trapdoor carbine years ago and OUCH! I don't cast bullets but may have to get into it!
Book ordered, looks like alot of info in it.
Book ordered, looks like alot of info in it.
Alright, kj . . . .welcome to the ?club?!
After you read Spence and Pat?s book,. . . .and you get into handloading for it . . . .
I suggest you mark your brass in some fashion to indicate the enlarged flash hole.
This will ensure (to a degree) that the case will not be loaded with smokeless powder in the future.
I merely ?nicked? the case head with the tip of the .096? drill bit, thusly . . . .
Here is a pic of my ?code.?. . . . .49507
Now I KNOW my ammo is loaded with BLACK!
- - - Updated - - -
Dunno WHY my posts are showing ? instead of quotation marks and apostrophes!
Thanks Jimf, having trouble getting black locally. Hopefuly this will ease up, only have triple 7 on hand.
Spence & Wolf book came in today, gonna retire to the back room& go start reading.
Thanks Jimf, having trouble getting black locally. Hopefuly this will ease up, only have triple 7 on hand.
kj47, Buffalo Arms is saying that they have Goex, Old-E and Swiss in stock price is up a little from when I got mine plus a flat hazardous shipping fee.
08-14-2021, 10:57
Believe it or not, some TDs will shoot MOA to 200 yards at least, from the bench, when EVERYTHING is "perfect", so you have a goal to look forward to! The best accuracy is only obtained by reloading your own, and getting a lot of practice. "Cowboy loads" are extremely safe, and probably one of the the best ways to start, but are not noted for their gilt-edged accuracy! Get Spence Wolf's book.
I will second that. It is amazing how accurate a rifle can be with those barrel bands. I would add that your best accuracy will probably be with a caseload of 2 FG black powder, especially Swiss. I shoot the bullets as cast, 20:1 lead:tin. They are soft enough that the base upsets n the barrel to fill the grooves. The Swiss burns a lot cleaner (and produces significantly higher velocity) than Goex and the deep, 3-groove barrel on the TD can absorb a fair amount of gunk before it affects accuracy.
I shoot a 375 gn Lyman RN bullet (457124), mainly to save a little on lead
Yeah a nice trapdoor gets some attention at the range, especially if it is shooting well
Will order some Swiss 2f, I have some 405 hollow base. they measure .458, hope they expand enough to fill the groves. Again thanks guys.
order from Powder inc will ship to your door.
Thanks K arga, I will check them out.
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