View Full Version : I'm very suspicious about this never ending ammo shortage ...
It's been going on now for several years - about three I think, although the older I get
the faster my birthdays seem to come around, About that long ago I was in Walmart and
on the spur of the moment decided to stock up on 22 ammo - the 500 boxes Fed and
Winchester - I didn't need it as I already had plenty, but somebody must have whispered
in my ear because right after that ammo began to vanish from shelves.. It's well known
that the way to control guns is to deny them the means to go bang, so when you consider
who is now in the White House, you suspect there's something rotten in the State of
Denmark. I read how ammo makers are making it as fast as they can and we're importing
stuff from Europe at record rates. At least that's what we're being told but I suspect
there's more to it. Every dept of the Government has been corrupted by this bunch of creeps
running the country and I wouldn't trust them if the told me 2 and 2 added up to four.
Gun sales are through the roof and people are arming themselves which will obviously cause
a shortage - but for this long and this bad ? Anyway, I'm glad I'm a reloader.
im glad i reload too but if i hadnt put a bunch of stuff on back order the LAST TIME we were under control of the democrats, i would be like a lot of others, scrambling for components...
it started a little over a year ago, maybe 18 months ago,
gotta remember,
the Cooties hit, everyone hoarded toilet paper, then 8 mill, +\-, needed a shotgun or handgun to protect the hoard,
and a lot of Asians were worried about there safety,
and a lot of folks of all color were worried when the riots,,, I mean protests, started,
add those new folks, (each trying to buy 2 or 4 boxes of ammo) to the folks last summer that decided to play outdoors (range time) and the normal (relatively) gun guys that want to stock up,
and demand was (and still is a bit) at an all time high,
supply is starting to catch up,
It goes beyond ammo - I browsed through Midsouth Shooters Supply - everything
is Out of Stock and I mean everything - Cap n Ball, even the molds and caps,
One place (Dixie maybe) advertised a Starr DA for just under $700 - marked Out of Stock.
I bought one of those about a year ago for $100 new in box. Tempted to sell it
It goes beyond ammo - I browsed through Midsouth Shooters Supply - everything
is Out of Stock and I mean everything - Cap n Ball, even the molds and caps,
One place (Dixie maybe) advertised a Starr DA for just under $700 - marked Out of Stock.
I bought one of those about a year ago for $100 new in box. Tempted to sell it
right about the time ammo got gone, the reloading gear got gone too,
it is kinda expected to see shortages of primers when the manufacturers are running none stop, but it seems those that reload stocked up, and those that were on the fence about reloading finally started,
damn near everything reloading related was in very short supply for a long time,
some stuff (besides primers, which are trickling back in) are starting to show here and there,
08-07-2021, 09:33
After His A-Holiness left office CCI had some rebates so I bought a quantity of .22 and whenever I saw WMR on sale ($7.39 at Wally) I bought some. Primers dipped below $30/brick so I bought SP/SR. Just had to be in 'now' mode rather than 'I'll wait'.
this is going to be cyclical.
The Democrats have made it clear that in their perfect world laws like those in Australia where the possession of pump shotguns is now virtually prohibited and lever actions are next on the chopping block is their ideal solution. Therefore every time a Democrat is elected President there will be a round of panic buying.
National emergencies can also kick off panic buying.
This time there was a perfect storm - the election of an extremely anti gun President along with all of the issues Lyman spoke about in his post.
So we may as well get used to it. Buy your ammunition and components during the lulls in the panic and understand that when the prices come down after these elections and/or panics the price will never be quite as low as it was before. I'm really glad I bought all those .22s 15 years ago!
Johnny P
08-07-2021, 08:39
The Democrat run big cities are the breeding grounds for gun crime, which the Democrats will cure by passing gun laws which will only affect the people in the red fly over states. The people causing all the trouble will continue to shoot each other with no fear of punishment.
Ammo is still in short supply and prices will most likely never return to pre-covid pre-hair sniffer days. Ammo is in fact on a limited basis but more available in some places as it is with reloading components and tools. There are still lots of things missing and they wont be back in any quantity for some time, there are still lots of guns missing but you can find some types in small limited quantities for sale. There is powder but like all things it's limited and spotty as well as price is still higher than the pre covid and hair sniffer. Primers can be had for around 90 dollars + or- depending on what your looking for. I can buy all the 9mm pistols I want but had a hell of a time finding a Ruger American standard 17 HMR finally got one out of Montana. Still looking for a 629 or 29 S&W 4 inch and a couple lever guns. Gold and sliver continues to be spoty at best. Gas is still going up I paid 4.40 per a few days ago. Like ammo some food was missing from a couple of stores, I went to the Chef's store a couple days ago and the beef was gone except for a few brisket as was most all other meat and produce. I've never seen it that bad before and don't know why it's like that. Pre-election during covid scare it never got like this they always had plenty. Some of these shortages could be from the local population growth which is on the insane side, 109 single family house starts in one month not counting all of the business/commercial starts with lots of people running from the riots and rotting cities. I guess it all adds up.
08-08-2021, 10:08
I live in Indy and my gun store has lots of ammo at good prices., I'd say your area will to soon.
Former Cav
08-10-2021, 06:31
I live in Indy and my gun store has lots of ammo at good prices.
define good prices please!
Good prices = What your willing to pay.
The local Academy has a lot of ammo on the shelves in the most popular calibers. These are prices for practice/blasting ammo.
9mm brass case assorted $20.00 t0 $22.00: for 50, a slight increase over pre pandemic prices.
.556 mm NATO Winchester 55 gr fmj (M193.): $12.00 for 20. No increase over pre plague prices.
7.62x39mm Soviet: $8.00 for 20. increase of about $1.00 over pre plague prices. Bulk Com Bloc spam cans are available.
.38 Special: Federal 158 gr lead round nose: Not my favorite style but all they have. $29.00 for 50. About $4.00 above pre plague prices.
A lot of popular ammo is not in stock there, no .357 Magnum, no .30-06 for example.
Shelves still bare at the local WalMart's in my area. Zero, nada, nothing. I'm sure they put out stock but the employee's perhaps notify their friends ahead of time and the ammo goes straight from the case to the cash register.
The last time I bought 7.62x39 it was 1.99 a 20 box. After that I added it to my reloading as
I wasn't going to pay those exorbitant prices.
The last time I bought 7.62x39 it was 1.99 a 20 box. After that I added it to my reloading as
I wasn't going to pay those exorbitant prices.
Wow!!! that's a heck of a deal. I bought ChiCom ammo for about $5.00 for 20 in the mid 90s. but that's the least I ever spent personally.
08-13-2021, 02:49
Left Carolina TG '03 LC M193 was just over $83/500. About 10% higher here so I started shopping and it's been going up ever since.
Wow!!! that's a heck of a deal. I bought ChiCom ammo for about $5.00 for 20 in the mid 90s. but that's the least I ever spent personally.
I'm obviously older than you. It was in the mid eighties at the San Francisco gun show.
A gun show the lefties finally managed to close down.
I'm obviously older than you. It was in the mid eighties at the San Francisco gun show.
I don't know if I'm younger, but my experience with the cartridge starts about 10 years later than yours. I bought my first 7.62x39mm rifle, a Chinese SKS in 1995. It's still comparatively pretty cheap to feed a 7.62x39mm ComBloc rifle.
I don't know if I'm younger, but my experience with the cartridge starts about 10 years later than yours. I bought my first 7.62x39mm rifle, a Chinese SKS in 1995. It's still comparatively pretty cheap to feed a 7.62x39mm ComBloc rifle.
That's what I shoot, Chinese SKS, except that I restocked it - much more comfortable to shoot.
Have the Russian one too, but too nice to shoot. Yeah, cheap to shoot - especially reloads.
I have a buch of new brass that takes small rifle primers. which I've not used.
Wonder what the difference might be with same load but with large versus small primers ?
Chinese SKS. The good stuff. Non corrosive. In the yellow box. By Norinco. Got it before the ban. I don't remember what we paid for it. I think I doubled my money and then regretted selling it so cheap. Probably paid 7 cents for it. The good old days. I remember going to north Scottsdale to visit the famous reloading outfit and picking up 8mm in bandolears that equated to .7cents a round. But did I get rich? No.
Sometime in the 80s bought 500 rounds wrapped in heavy plastic.
Still have it unopened.
Cost was $64 (works out to about 2.60 per 20.
Bought same deal but in 223. (still unopened)
Yup, the Good old days.
one shot
08-15-2021, 12:54
Does anybody still believe we have a ammo shortage , Fool me once shame on you , Fool me twice shame on me .
Does anybody still believe we have a ammo shortage , Fool me once shame on you , Fool me twice shame on me .
There's a shortage due to the demand. The questions are, why is there still such a demand, why can't the ammo companies catch up, is the gov't interfering with the supply?
Not as good a buy as you guys did with the 7.62x39 but more recently (2005 or so) I bought some 7.62x51 for $139.95 per 500 in the steel ammo cans. I bought at a local gun shop. Bought all they had which was 5 cans. Got it home, opened it up and it's all LC M118. Some are in the brown boxes marked "M118 Long Range" and some are in the white boxes marked "M118 Match".
There's a shortage due to the demand. The questions are, why is there still such a demand, why can't the ammo companies catch up, is the gov't interfering with the supply?
Not as good a buy as you guys did with the 7.62x39 but more recently (2005 or so) I bought some 7.62x51 for $139.95 per 500 in the steel ammo cans. I bought at a local gun shop. Bought all they had which was 5 cans. Got it home, opened it up and it's all LC M118. Some are in the brown boxes marked "M118 Long Range" and some are in the white boxes marked "M118 Match".
8 million +/- new gun buyers
figure each bought a 2-3 boxes of ammo,
now those 8 mill new buyers were a very mixed bunch
start in 2020
Cooties hit,
everyone blames the Chinese, so the Chinese buy guns
Soccer Moms, realize that the minivan full of Toilet paper may get stolen, so Soccer Mom sends Dad down to buy a gun if she does not do it herself,
St George is becomes a Martyr, and as the Riots, become less peaceful (sarcasm there) EVERYONE buys more guns, everyone as in when Black Folk and antifa start not very peacefully protesting, every one (black, white, asian, etc etc) bought guns,
then the every day gun people, partly because of the hype, and some States trying to pull stupid gun regulations, decide to go all in and buy more guns, and xxxxtons of ammo
ammo was holding its own, re availability, until the summer of 2020, they it started to get crazy,
factor in also,
once ammo got scarce, those that wanted to start reloading, started reloading,
and those that do, and did not have a big supply, started buying supplies,
and since Remington when tits up for a short time
and all the various cooties restrictions in various states, production had a hiccup,
and as the Ammo supplies ramped up, that put a strain on availability for reloaders , since a lot was diverted to ammo production,
imported ammo hung up in customers, or the Euro plants shut down or restricted like here,
I do know some makers do short runs of oddball calibers, and I was told that was stopped for the time being,
why retool with limited resources, to make a run of 307 winchester, when you can keep the 5.56/223 line open and run it all day, or the 9mm line, and you know you will sell out in a jiffy,,,
You forgot that the China cooties caused a big interruption/shut down of raw materials. Big problem, not enough sea containers or port capacity and a little bit of truck drivers for a while. Ya cant make bullets without the materials no matter what the other situations.
More shortages and these are even more serious, jet fuel is in short supply for the air tankers thus hindering some of the suppression efforts. Not to mention fuel costs for all of it no matter what sector, getting worse. Water shortages in many of the Ag. areas of the western states are going to cause some food shortages, look for short crops. No hay for feed the livestock has to be killed and dumped into a hole or slaughtered in a already strained system. Supply down and costs up= demand up. Gonna get interesting real soon, no 2nd or 3rd cuttings.
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