View Full Version : Source for replacement detent ball and spring for M14 buttplate ass'y?

08-12-2021, 08:37
Or just use a commercial spring and ball?

Or what is the distance that both can fly?? [and they weren't singing: "OFF we go..."}


08-13-2021, 06:15
they fly just out of eyesight, and land in another dimension,,

every time,

just like all spring loaded detents

08-16-2021, 08:00
Found the flying parts, now just to get them back where they belong. Definitely , need a second set of hands.

08-16-2021, 08:56
you need to buy a lottery ticket now!!!

08-16-2021, 08:24
Naw, I'm going for a "perfecta", I took a second one apart for turpentine soak and wire brushing.

I figured out of to use a medium CHANNEL-Lok pliers to squeeze the ball and spring down and to slide the upper butt=plate in to place and slide a drill bit thru the four aligned hole and tap the roll pins in.

Will re-parkerized shortly.
Lottery just remember that money is TAINTED, it taint yours' nor mine!