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Around 78 million people may have dementia by 2030 - a 45% increase - WHO predicts
About 78 million people may have dementia by 2030, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates in a new report - a 42% increase from 2019
By 2050, that number could be 139 million - a 153% increase from 2019
But most countries don't have a national policy or plan to support dementia patients and their families
The WHO estimates that dementia care currently costs the world $1.3 trillion a year, which could increase to $2.8 million a year by 2030
The agency encourages national leaders to plan for this increase and support dementia patients in their countries
It will increase the same rate as covid vaccinations.
It will increase the same rate as covid vaccinations.
There has to be some reason behind the hype and big push by the democrats.
Europe is already warning of side affects. The news media here = crickets chirping.
People who try to warn others here have their accounts locked because of "misinformation".
09-04-2021, 06:04
That information is way off; 81,000,000+ had dementia in November 2020.
need to look at the population base,
the boomers, and early Gen X are getting old, and they are a large part of the population,
wondering what percentage is actually getting dementia etc, ?
Johnny P
09-04-2021, 07:46
There has to be some reason behind the hype and big push by the democrats.
Europe is already warning of side affects. The news media here = crickets chirping.
People who try to warn others here have their accounts locked because of "misinformation".
Skin rash, two kidney disorders being studied by EMA
Regulator requests more data from Pfizer, Moderna
Has not recommended label changes
Sounds like a regular epidemic.
Somebody believes all they hear apparently. I have already run across someone else locally who had a similar kidney experience as I did and I see very few people these days since I'm retired. He thought he was passing a kidney stone.
All is fine here--just watch the news. In Europe they will not contract with any more J&J or AstraZeneca. They have to continue with Pfizer and Moderna because they are the only 2 left.
Two kidney disorders means two types of disorders not two cases. How many disorders should there be before it becomes of any importance?
Most people seem to have minimal side affects. I did too for 5 days. Then my body told me it was a foreign substance that it would not tolerate--I've never had convulsions before in my life. A few (very few) have died from the vaccine. Nothing to worry about there but that should tell you it's not a natural substance for the human body.
Remember, it's just an experimental vaccine. Long term problems may occur (hopefully not) and if not now then just keep on getting the unending booster shots.
Here's another side effect you won't hear about on the 6:00 news. Again, 2 problems is 2 types of problems not 2 cases.
While it is being dismissed and excused as "rare" how many of us does it affect and we not know about it?
Personally I don't see where any damage to the heart and kidneys is a good thing regardless of severity and again, what's in store down the road, will the organs repair themselves or weaken further with age?
If there was actual evidence that the vaccines worked I think everyone would jump on it regardless of risk. It appears to me it is just getting worse regardless of the % and statistics that the news media is spreading.
In my case I couldn't get the 2nd dose if I wanted to.
What Lyman said about the baby boomers/population makes sense but what does/could the vaccine affect besides the kidney's and heart? They're making new discoveries every day. It's called misinformation by the democrats.
Johnny P
09-05-2021, 10:49
90% of hospital patients with covid are not vaccinated, and 99% of covid deaths are not vaccinated. If the vaccine didn't work odds are that it should be about a 50/50 split. It is know that the covid virus is deadly with 660,000 deaths in U.S. What is the information that some day the vaccination will be a problem?
Numbers. I believe nothing much anymore from the media, don't trust hospitals and yeah, I've have some experiences there too.
I know of many deaths contributed to covid where the person was ill for years and died of other reasons.
The information I have on the vaccine being a problem is ME and publications from Europe where they are more free to publish the truth. It is a problem after 5 days for me and others. The news of which is kept silent. Long term? Who knows? Shoot any foreign substance into your body and you could get an illness down the road if not now.
As said before, we hear of many politicians and celebrities who caught the covid after getting both vaccinations only because they can't live much of a private life and the news leaked out. How many more millions of the general population has this happened to that you will NEVER hear of?
Perhaps it is the vaccinated people spreading the virus to the non vaccinated instead of the way the media wants to twist it.
09-05-2021, 11:22
Perhaps it is the vaccinated people spreading the virus to the non vaccinated instead of the way the media wants to twist it.
That is the single dumbest statement I've read on this forum.
That is the single dumbest statement I've read on this forum.
nah,,, there have been worse
Johnny P
09-05-2021, 07:55
The medical community freely admits that you can still get the covid virus after vaccination, but a much less chance and much milder case with few requiring hospitalization. I'm not telling anyone that they should get the vaccination, and anyone that thinks the whole thing is a huge conspiracy is free to go unvaccinated. The mystery is what is the conspiracy?
The medical community freely admits that you can still get the covid virus after vaccination, but a much less chance and much milder case with few requiring hospitalization. I'm not telling anyone that they should get the vaccination, and anyone that thinks the whole thing is a huge conspiracy is free to go unvaccinated. The mystery is what is the conspiracy?
There are many, many reasons why a person may not want an experimental vaccine injected into their body.
Conspiracy is what the liberal news media preaches as the reason and the gullible eat it up.
In my case I would probably die if I received the 2nd vaccination based upon my severe reaction to the 1st dose and I may have permanet organ damage. Time will tell.
There are many, many reasons why a person may not want an experimental vaccine injected into their body.
Conspiracy is what the liberal news media preaches as the reason and the gullible eat it up.
In my case I would probably die if I received the 2nd vaccination based upon my severe reaction to the 1st dose and I may have permanet organ damage. Time will tell.
A strong first shot reaction usually means someone already had the disease.
And there is a difference between feeling worse than one expected to feel for a bit and needing medical interventions.
A strong first shot reaction usually means someone already had the disease.QUOTE]
That may be the case.
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[QUOTE=togor;620871]And there is a difference between feeling worse than one expected to feel for a bit and needing medical interventions.
You have no earthly idea what I went through.
[QUOTE=togor;620871]A strong first shot reaction usually means someone already had the disease.QUOTE]
That may be the case.
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You have no earthly idea what I went through.
no he does not,
I know several that had bad reactions to the first, and second, (one was expected, she had the Cooties a few months before)
the others may have had it and not known, or like you mentioned in a past post, they had an allergic reaction, but not as severe as you did,
[QUOTE=togor;620871]A strong first shot reaction usually means someone already had the disease.QUOTE]
That may be the case.
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You have no earthly idea what I went through.
Of course I don't, as you haven't told us.
Did you need to see medical attention for your reaction?
Of course I don't, as you haven't told us.
Did you need to see medical attention for your reaction?
I posted in detail about a week or two ago.
Mark in Ottawa
09-06-2021, 05:17
I really can't agree with what many of you are saying. My understanding is that almost all COVID deaths are occuring amongst people who are not vaccinated. Yes indeed, some people may have unpleasant side effects but I put it to you for consideration, that unpleasant side effects are not quite as bad as dying of COVID. Serious side effects are pretty rare but death amonst the unvaccinated is all too common. Go with the odds
Mark, don't know how honest things are in Canada but the point of the conversation is our media throws out the news they want you to believe and rarely the truth. Some of my comments come from what I see and hear from those I come in contact with. along with my own personal experences.
Side effects as bad as mine surely are rare but what affected me perhaps affects everyone to a much lesser extent and damage may be occurring from it. Who knows?
Though I didn't particularly want to die while all of this was going on it would have been a welcome relief.
As said before, people who get TB, polio and other vaccines don't end up later with the illness and they certainly don't die from it. The same can not be said about this experimenal stuff we have here that is mostly to calm a global panic. In the end we all have the ultimate say and personally I don't need the worst administration in the history of America along with the worlds most corrupt news media trying to tell me what to do with my body. I read recently that Pfizer and the other manufacturers have protection against all lawsuits regarding the covid vaccine. Now why do suppose that is?
For it or against it, I tried it. I won't go through that again.
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