View Full Version : 56% of anti=vaccsers are worried about side effects

09-10-2021, 05:38
It won't effect your IQ. My arm hurts. Suck it up cupcake.

Johnny P
09-10-2021, 06:36
Side effects from covid much more prevalent.

09-10-2021, 06:43
Well, I can certainly claim I've had mine.

09-10-2021, 07:52
Some people really don't like needles.

09-10-2021, 07:55
Some people really don't like needles.

No one likes needles and needles aren't a side effect.

09-10-2021, 07:56
No one likes needles and needles aren't a side effect.

Heebie jeebies could be listed as a side effect.

09-10-2021, 08:00
Heebie jeebies could be listed as a side effect.

So can death and for some it happens. For others, near death.

09-10-2021, 08:59
Near death can get your attention. No where near death but I learned that it's way easier to climb up a cliff than to climb back down the cliff.
There's a metaphor there.

09-10-2021, 09:05
Simply do not see the big deal. Would not think of failing to have tetanus shot, etc. Want my grandchildren to have the MPD, etc., same as their mothers and my wife and I when we were children. Have to have booster shots for lots of things. Had a church member whose left arm was amputated after he got stuck by a rusty nail. His tetanus was apparently not sufficiently recent. I myself have gotten hurt w/ various puncture wounds from rebar, spikes, big sharp piece of wood, burned. Every time the doctor gave me a tetanus booster. Recently got the shingles vaccine. Second shot is due this week. No big deal. Simply cannot see why people are pitching a fit over the covid shot. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.

09-10-2021, 09:33
Simply do not see the big deal. Simply cannot see why people are pitching a fit over the covid shot.

Experimental with no proof of sucess other than what the media feeds us. In fact, with all the "variants" it appears to be the opposite.

Tetanus, shingle vaccines are proven with time with little or no side effects.

Johnny P
09-10-2021, 11:11
95/99% of covid patients in hospital not vaccinated. Not solid irrefutable proof that the vaccination works, but would appear to have promise.

My son had a mild case of covis before the vaccination was available, and said the worst part was everything tasting like unsalted oatmeal and smelled no better for weeks after. Got vaccination as soon as available.

09-10-2021, 11:57
This BS has been around the block so many times Dryheat is just trying to stir up a turd.

09-10-2021, 02:58
It won't effect your IQ. My arm hurts. Suck it up cupcake.

your first, second or 3rd?

09-10-2021, 05:53
Where vaccine rates are higher, spikes in disease are lower. And vice versa. The vaccine must be doing something right.

Tom Trevor
09-10-2021, 05:55
My arm did not even hurt.

09-10-2021, 07:01
It won't effect your IQ. My arm hurts. Suck it up cupcake.

I have no concern about the pain, I just cant stand anyone (you included) telling me what to do.

09-10-2021, 07:14
I have no concern about the pain, I just cant stand anyone (you included) telling me what to do.


09-12-2021, 05:51
Had no side affects.

09-12-2021, 07:27
Anti Vax-ers?

They come in several varieties.

There are the vaccines (all vaccines) are dangerous group: The most famous (and IMHO dangerous) of these is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who is a major fund raiser and spokesman for this branch which includes a surprising number of health care professionals, especially nurses :icon_scratch:. The majority of all anti Vax-ers belong to this batch.

Vaccines(s) are a government plot: This view is especially prevalent among blacks the majority of whom are aware of the Tuskegee syphilis experiments. Leaders of this group, back in the 1980s, were saying that AIDS was a white plot to kill black folks. A lot of blacks, with that in the back of their heads, might take other vaccines but not this one because they feel that they are guinea pigs. This group is wrong headed but the wrong headedness in this case is understandable.

The vaccine is not properly vetted: Technically true but its been in use for almost a year. While there have been serious side effects for some folks it sure looks to me like they are pretty effective. I may have to go on bone medication like Prolia. Want to see some serious potential side effects? Just look at the label on that stuff :icon_e_surprised: .

Nobody can tell me what to do: I admit to having more than a little of that in me. I've had COVID and the shots and I now almost always refuse to wear a mask unless I have to to get something I absolutely need and that hasn't happened yet. Fortunately living in a "Free State" I can get away with that with little hassle.

Major Tom
09-12-2021, 07:47
Wonder why VP Harris refused the vaccine that Trump ordered!? Religion is also a big factor! Why aren't the illegals from the border getting their shots? Or too the Afgans?

09-12-2021, 11:31
My wife, my brothers, my son, my dau and her husband all got the shot. Only side effects was our son. He got the Moderna shot and then got sick. He said had never been so sick in his life. Turned out he already had the virus and it wasn't the shot did him that way. He's OK now. My daughter took her family on a road trip to CA and she came down with a "breakthrough" infection, but it did not send her to the hospital. We are watching the girls still. Eight and six, can't get the shot. The older one is bulletproof but the younger one catches flu and stuff every year. Pray.


Mark in Ottawa
09-14-2021, 05:18
I know that some of you distrust Dr. Faucci but he says that 99.5% of the COVID deaths in the USA are among the unvaccinated and I have no reason to doubt those statistics. I have heard the situation being described now as an epidemic of the unvaccinated. As I have said on previous occasions, you have the right to be unvaccinated but you don't have the moral right to put others at risk, particularly children for whom there is currently no vaccine.

I am a bit spoiled here because I live in Ottawa, a civil service town where people tend to follow the rules. I was just told that 87% of eligible people in the city have now been jabbed. Many of the rest are recent immigrants or refugees who still have a mistrust of government or whose language is limited and don't understand what's going on. That is being worked on.

Johnny P
09-15-2021, 02:34
Let everyone in on it. What is it that the vaccine will cause that is worse than having the covid virus? Where can this information be found?

Major Tom
09-16-2021, 05:49
Why aren't the illegal immigrants being vaccinated? Are the 'new' Afgans being shot in the arm?

09-16-2021, 06:17
Why aren't the illegal immigrants being vaccinated? Are the 'new' Afgans being shot in the arm?

They are not being given the shot but If you take a hard look at this I think you will see where the Biden government is focused, on the Trump supporter states and thus voters. Hair sniffer is on a mission, he really loves the food his wife feeds him from the jar with the baby on the label. Waiting with anticipation for the Larry, Moe and Curly Joe to vomit their brains out on themselves. Having a great day pissing off one leftist after another LOL

09-16-2021, 06:34
Why aren't the illegal immigrants being vaccinated? Are the 'new' Afgans being shot in the arm?

And biden's "mandates" are suppose to be sooooooo important and crucial yet those in congress are EXEMPT from such BS. Latest word from the gestapo is "no one is being forced to be vaccinated". Yep, you just lose your job if you chose not to be government controlled and I don't think those in the military will have any choice at all, unless you're high ranking perhaps.

The vaccine producers are protected against lawsuits from side affects. If side affects aren't a widespread problem then why all the protection?

Europe has stopped the usage of AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines and would probably stop Moderna and Pfizer if they could since all 4 have been found to cause the same problems.

People here in the U.S. LOVE to believe the numbers spread by the same news media that preached 24/7 that hillary would win by a landslide and are now blaming everything, including hurricanes, on al gore's "global warming".

It's an experimental vaccine, the long term affects (if any) aren't known. I am still having kidney related problems (that I didn't have before the vaccination). Is this worse than the covid? It depends upon how sick you get either way. I probably had covid months before the news of the virus leaked out. That is another story though.

For the gullible though the numbers are there, every day, for THEIR needs, not yours.

09-16-2021, 07:23
Allen, no one here cares if you're vaccinated.

09-16-2021, 07:28
Allen, no one here cares if you're vaccinated.

Sorry if my real life experiences don't match what you've been brainwashed to believe and want to spread.

09-16-2021, 07:45
Sorry if my real life experiences don't match what you've been brainwashed to believe and want to spread.

I was being polite.

09-16-2021, 07:53
I was being polite.

As was I.

09-16-2021, 09:08
And biden's "mandates" are suppose to be sooooooo important and crucial yet those in congress are EXEMPT from such BS. Latest word from the gestapo is "no one is being forced to be vaccinated". Yep, you just lose your job if you chose not to be government controlled and I don't think those in the military will have any choice at all, unless you're high ranking perhaps.

The vaccine producers are protected against lawsuits from side affects. If side affects aren't a widespread problem then why all the protection?

Europe has stopped the usage of AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines and would probably stop Moderna and Pfizer if they could since all 4 have been found to cause the same problems.

People here in the U.S. LOVE to believe the numbers spread by the same news media that preached 24/7 that hillary would win by a landslide and are now blaming everything, including hurricanes, on al gore's "global warming".

It's an experimental vaccine, the long term affects (if any) aren't known. I am still having kidney related problems (that I didn't have before the vaccination). Is this worse than the covid? It depends upon how sick you get either way. I probably had covid months before the news of the virus leaked out. That is another story though.

For the gullible though the numbers are there, every day, for THEIR needs, not yours.

Congress and their aids are exempt from the shot I suspect that means their family's too, which shows you clearly that the elites are the new Royalty in their tiny minds. But some here are to stupid to see this, I assume you know who that is LOL. The "useful idiots" are around until someone farther up the food chain decides to herd them into a trench pour gas on them and light them up and have a Richard Pryor moment.
Pissing on the left one day at a time.

09-16-2021, 09:10
Someone educate Budt that the Executive and Legislative branches are different.

09-16-2021, 09:15
Congress and their aids are exempt from the shot I suspect that means their family's too, which shows you clearly that the elites are the new Royalty in their tiny minds.

It also shows how effective they believe the vaccines are.

Johnny P
09-17-2021, 11:04
One thing that is rampant is an info-demic of rumors and misinformation surrounding the covid-19 pandemic. Some need an inoculation against covid misinformation. The anti-vaxers are are against it, but can't communicate why.

09-17-2021, 01:05
One thing that is rampant is an info-demic of rumors and misinformation surrounding the covid-19 pandemic. Some need an inoculation against covid misinformation. The anti-vaxers are are against it, but can't communicate why.

When they do no one listens and they are quickly labeled as spreading misinformation by the democrats, never the Republicans if you'll notice.

Reminds me of "drink the Koolaid".

09-17-2021, 01:46
When they do no one listens and they are quickly labeled as spreading misinformation by the democrats, never the Republicans if you'll notice.

Reminds me of "drink the Koolaid".

He's speaking about you?

09-17-2021, 02:39
He's speaking about you?

Probably, since my experience is what the media here hides and what is published in Europe where it isn't as political.

Johnny P
09-17-2021, 03:35
Probably, since my experience is what the media here hides and what is published in Europe where it isn't as political.

The fully vaccinated rate in the U.S. is something slightly over 50% while it is around 70% in Europe. Are you saying more information is needed to get to the 80/90% here.

09-17-2021, 03:59
The fully vaccinated rate in the U.S. is something slightly over 50% while it is around 70% in Europe. Are you saying more information is needed to get to the 80/90% here.

No, I'm saying that you (and others) seem to believe any number thrown at you by the liberal press.

70% huh? If real, maybe that's why they are having so many reported cases of side effects.

You stated above that "anti-vaxers are against it, but can't communicate why" How can they communicate when no one wants to believe them and what source of media could they use? Except for Newsmax and OANN no one will go against the grain of the WH gestapo.

The usual lib sites like facebook, twitter, youtube, and google will delete, lock or ban anyone who mentions any side effects or problems with the vaccines.

My wife has been a user of FB for years. Lately any time she mentions Trump her comment is deleted and replaced by "This content is unavailable at this time". She has never mentioned his name politically, never for nor against him, just his name in conversation. That's how closely they critique and cull. Obviously they have troll's turn in users as well.

So, if they are this paranoid over Trumps name think how much more so they are over key words pertaining to biden, afghanistan and anything to do with the covid and vaccines.

That brings me back to the question of "how can anti-vaxers or anyone else remotely concerned about the vaccines communicate to others" ?

09-17-2021, 04:39
Anti-vaxers can call each other? Maybe billboards?

09-18-2021, 09:41
One of the most effective means of converting anti-vaxxers is a stiff case of the disease itself. Of course by then for the infected it's too late, but that it goes like this tells us that the anti-vax position is essentially an emotional one, and resistant to all of the accurate scientific info a well meaning person would throw at a vax holdout.

Johnny P
09-18-2021, 10:32
No, I'm saying that you (and others) seem to believe any number thrown at you by the liberal press.

70% huh? If real, maybe that's why they are having so many reported cases of side effects.

You stated above that "anti-vaxers are against it, but can't communicate why" How can they communicate when no one wants to believe them and what source of media could they use? Except for Newsmax and OANN no one will go against the grain of the WH gestapo.

The usual lib sites like facebook, twitter, youtube, and google will delete, lock or ban anyone who mentions any side effects or problems with the vaccines.

My wife has been a user of FB for years. Lately any time she mentions Trump her comment is deleted and replaced by "This content is unavailable at this time". She has never mentioned his name politically, never for nor against him, just his name in conversation. That's how closely they critique and cull. Obviously they have troll's turn in users as well.

So, if they are this paranoid over Trumps name think how much more so they are over key words pertaining to biden, afghanistan and anything to do with the covid and vaccines.

That brings me back to the question of "how can anti-vaxers or anyone else remotely concerned about the vaccines communicate to others" ?

Vaccination rate in Haiti is something under 1%. Do you think they are better informed?

09-18-2021, 12:35
Vaccination rate in Haiti is something under 1%. Do you think they are better informed?

new report a day or so ago had an African Politician claiming the the rich countries were hoarding all the vaccines so that none were available to the African nations,

no idea what the vaccination rate is, or infections or deaths,
not sure we ever would know, since the infrastructure is not really good enough to tabulate

09-18-2021, 01:02
Bill Gates will send them some.

09-18-2021, 04:50
Probably, since my experience is what the media here hides and what is published in Europe where it isn't as political.

Your hurting their tiny feeling by telling them the inconvenient truth. Lefties hate that sort of stuff after spending a lifetime of being liars.

09-18-2021, 05:26

09-18-2021, 05:51

That's the only part that needs correction.

09-18-2021, 06:00
That's the only part that needs correction.

His grammar is atrocious, and the accuracy of his opinions are not far behind.

Gunsmoke might agree.

Johnny P
09-18-2021, 07:44
Earlier this year Haiti turned down two offers of vaccines, from India and then COVAX, the global vaccine sharing program.

09-19-2021, 06:45
Earlier this year Haiti turned down two offers of vaccines, from India and then COVAX, the global vaccine sharing program.

Ironically a big chunk of the country, waiting under that bridge, would have to get a jab to have any hope of staying here. But alas they are going to be sent back.

09-19-2021, 12:22
you have to wonder why the Haitians are singled out verses some of the others... but with the reported numbers of people coming across the border every month I guess the powers that be are starting to get worried finally.

09-19-2021, 07:45
His grammar is atrocious, and the accuracy of his opinions are not far behind.

Gunsmoke might agree.

I might disagree w/ BudT, but he's a hunter like me and that's gotta mean something.


09-19-2021, 09:02
[QUOTE=jon_norstog;621812]I might disagree w/ BudT, but he's a hunter like me and that's gotta mean something.

There's little faith in his online persona.

09-19-2021, 09:23
I was going to respond to this but I'll let RKT's response illicit the next post. And in other news, I want to see some vid of the shipment of the Islanders.

Col. Colt
09-20-2021, 01:12
One of the most effective means of converting anti-vaxxers is a stiff case of the disease itself. Of course by then for the infected it's too late, but that it goes like this tells us that the anti-vax position is essentially an emotional one, and resistant to all of the accurate scientific info a well meaning person would throw at a vax holdout.

I talked to two people damaged by the "Vaccine" (Poison shot) in the last three weeks. One was a healthy 50-year-old Federal Worker I did business with, who had to get the Jab to get into the Home his elderly father lived in. He works out weekly, and when he went to the gym, he could not breath. He had had a CAT scan six months ago for something else, and so the Doctor ordered another CAT Scan - his lungs are now FULL of BLOOD CLOTS - when he was healthy the week before the Vaxxing. All they can do is give him Blood Thinner and hope a Clot does not break loose and go to his brain or his heart and KILL HIM. He is VERY sorry he took the shot.

The second is a forty-year-old female contractor that I have known for a year. She was the last person in the HR Dept. to not have the shot, and they Pressured Her into it. Also, within a week, her heart started racing uncontrollably at various times during a day, her Carotid arteries would swell up hard and she was terrified. Also, she told me "I can feel it in my liver, my kidneys and my ovaries". She was heading to the doctor, and very scared.

Neither of these people have any reason to lie to me. They are frightened, and properly so. They ignored their own best judgement.

But apparently all of the closet Government believing Sheeple/conformists or closet Leftists here on Jouster2 are incapable of clawing themselves away from the Mainstream Media (or is it Sports?) and researching the actual results of the CCP Virus/Vaccine combo in real life from the many available alternate sources. Did you miss the 900 pages of documentation that Fauci did indeed Fund the Gain of Function Research with the CCP/PLA Lab? And 60 other projects with the Chi-Coms? He paid for and created this monster - and is well thought of in the Globalist/Clinton crowd. But let's get into some specifics you can look up - if you aren't too lazy to do the Research I did:

From the CDC's own Vaccine Adverse Reaction data, known as VARS: Keep in mind the reported numbers are estimated to be only 10% of actual, since that is the proven reporting level over the many years this system has been used to monitor ALL Vaccines.

DEATHS due to Covid Vaccines to date:

14,000 have been reported to VARS as having died from the Jab, at a likely 10% reporting level = 140,000 ACTUAL Deaths (most occurred within 24 hours of the 1st or 2nd shot being administered. CDC has now redefined all deaths that happen before 14 days after the last shot as "unvaccinated deaths" to not catalog any more than they have to. Clever.

INJURIES requiring Hospitalization or a Doctor's Intervention from the Symptoms from the Shot:

613,000 reported at a 10% reporting level = 6,130,000 Injured. It's not an "Experimental Vaccine" - it's a Bio-Weapon!

What is causing the damage? The artificially, genetically engineered Spike Protein - but something more and possibly worse is hidden in the vaccine.

Karen Kingston (Do a search on Rumble, YouTube took the info down), formerly a Pfizer Pharmaceutical Analyst found ANOTHER hidden, damaging ingredient - not in the Drug's patent (hidden as a "trade secret", legally) but in the legally required MSDS for the vaccine - GRAPHENE OXIDE - which is toxic to humans, magnetic unless frozen and causes blood clots and lots of other bad things. GRAPHENE OXIDE also picks up both Electrical Energy and Radio Waves directly - 5G anyone? - Elon Musk and Bill Gates are using it in their "Human Brain to the Internet" AI Experiments.

In addition, the "vaccine" (it's not a Vaccine, as it does not prevent either the disease or spread - and CDC just changed THAT Definition, too!) creates Spike Protein just like the disease, but worse, because it is genetically modified, allegedly to trigger an immune response - except it is the Spike Protein that is damaging everyone when they get Covid!

In short, the Globalists and the Communist Chinese have gotten together and found a way to reduce the West's Population (Watch Bill Gate's videos) by making people sterile and killing a lot off in the next two or three years when the "Side Effects" gradually become Diseases in most if not all of the "Believers".

The reason they are DESPERATE to make Vaxxing Mandatory is that if 60 to 80 Million Americans have the good sense to refuse it for a disease that has a 99.8% Survival Rate (just like the common flu), who don't believe the Fear Porn and totally Bogus, exaggerated Numbers of "Cases" from bogus PCR testing (and calling every death a Covid death (without testing) so the hospital can pocket a Federal Check) and the Refusers are fine in three to five years - and all the vaxxed are sick, dying and unable to reproduce, well, it will be obvious who the bad guys were and what their real game is - and we won't be coming for them with just pitchforks!

Spend some time looking into Graphene Oxide and you had better listen to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Rumble or his Children's Defense Network - you may find out how one of the three bands of 5G plays into this.

Remember the movie, the Matrix? Well, I'm old and have seen a lot. As a young person, I was a Patriot that believed the News Media and My Government. Well, I'm still a Patriot....

I got Red Pilled back in the 1960's about believing the Government and the Media when JFK was murdered on camera when I watched the film and realized JFK's head shot came from the FRONT (the back of his head landed on the decklid of the Lincoln - Jackie gave it to the Head Surgeon) and they had lied to us. Simple Physics. Many lies later, I know better than to believe them now. And now we want you to get a Vaccine Passport so we can control your movements, your purchasing, if you can work or eat. Eventually it will be a chip - like in your pet. Anybody here familiar with the term "Mark of the Beast"?

I suggest you take the Red Pill right NOW and step back into reality with the sharp people. Or take the Blue Pill, go back to sleep and wait for your Next Personal Surprise.


PS - if you have taken the shot, start drinking Pine Needle tea. It will help. NAC and other "repairs" are being developed. CC

Here's a couple of links to get you started. I studied, you can too. It's only Life and Death...


Here's Ms. Kingston's interview:


A little Reproductive Health:


Enjoy. Please see this for what it is - a Bio-Weapon, not a vaccine. And don't even THINK about getting a Graphene "Booster". CC

09-20-2021, 05:01
Oh my.

09-20-2021, 06:15
Good write up Col. Colt. I'm afraid it is mostly going to deaf ears here though.

Poison shot couldn't describe it better unless you want to use the other term mentioned as bio-weapon.

At 68 I am very impressed that my body still has strong counter poison measures. After the vaccine my involuntary mussles made me go into severe convulsions a couple of hours at a time trying to throw up a poison in my stomach that wasn't there. It had been injected but the body took over like I had ingested poison by mouth, the normal route.

Since this experiment backfired on the virus I'm surprised the chinese haven't thrown obama and fauci under the bus and likewise for them on the Wuhan lab.

09-20-2021, 06:28
I'm confused is the vaccine bad or the virus?

It's great that we can learn so much here.

09-20-2021, 10:31
Good write up Col. Colt. I'm afraid it is mostly going to deaf ears here though.

Poison shot couldn't describe it better unless you want to use the other term mentioned as bio-weapon.

At 68 I am very impressed that my body still has strong counter poison measures. After the vaccine my involuntary mussles made me go into severe convulsions a couple of hours at a time trying to throw up a poison in my stomach that wasn't there. It had been injected but the body took over like I had ingested poison by mouth, the normal route.

Since this experiment backfired on the virus I'm surprised the chinese haven't thrown obama and fauci under the bus and likewise for them on the Wuhan lab.

Allen, it is a bio weapon developed by Dr. Fartsie/U.S. government and the enemy Chinese to use on us and that's exactly what they have done.

09-20-2021, 10:36
Allen, it is a bio weapon developed by Dr. Fartsie/U.S. government and the enemy Chinese to use on us and that's exactly what they have done.

Keep going. I heard it was developed by an embedded alien population to enslave earth's population.

Major Tom
09-21-2021, 08:51

The first guns fired at Ft. Sumter were NOT the first guns fired that started the ball rolling toward the civil war! Check your history (not the CRT) to find many instances of uprisngs both in the South AND North!

09-21-2021, 08:57
The first guns fired at Ft. Sumter were NOT the first guns fired that started the ball rolling toward the civil war! Check your history (not the CRT) to find many instances of uprisngs both in the South AND North!

It's a quote. Do you know what a quotation is?

09-21-2021, 11:13
Col. Colt:

I'm guessing I know at least as many vaccinated people as you and no one has reported such a reaction.

It is possible that he also got the disease at the same time?

Also we have no way of knowing what the disease would do if that was his shot reaction.

Some people are sitting ducks for Covid and don't know it. Sorta the "LN 03s with bad ammo" of the general population.