View Full Version : How many identical guns
09-12-2021, 05:17
For people who are active in any shooting sport- steel challenge, silhouette, clays, high power, small bore, whatever.
How many identical guns do you have?
I used to shoot Service Rifle,
short range gun
Across the course gun
and a short range gun scoped,
and a spare, that can go either direction
(scopes came out after I got out of shooting, so I built one but have not shot it enough to be comfortable with it)
never shot a match, but plan on it one day,
Clark Long Heavy
a couple wad guns built by who knows who,
a few High Standards (slant and military,, Citation, Trophy, and a couple Olympics)
and a rather rare High Standard Rapid fire gun,,, but that's not really for bullseye,
Smith 52
Smith 41,
I have 3 pistol boxes,, just in case
Small Bore,
52 pre A
52 B
52 D's , have several
Rem 37
Rem 513
Rem 541
Rem 540
Win 75 (got 2)
and a handful of Unertl's and Lyman's for them, as well as Olympic, Palma and International sights,
Vintage Springfield Matches
both with C stocks, and a few spares,,,
Garand Matches
one that I competed with,
a few spares that are backups,,
and that is the short list
some are not identical, but are stand ins if needed
One pair of Stevens M107 single barrel 20 ga. Shotguns.
One consecutive serial numbered pair of “new-in-the-wrap” Argentine 98-09 Mausers. (Only the serials make them “non-identical”.)
Garands were a hobby and money maker. I've had over one hundred and once had twenty in the safe. I'm down to 2 now. Love Swedes and Swiss and have had a couple dozen Swedes. They can bury me with my last Garand, Swede and Swiss. I have gotten rid of all the Russian and Chinese. No more 8mm.
Hardly identical, but I have a love for obsolete BP Military rifles:
They're such fun to shoot.
71 Mause
18 something Rolling Block
Dutch Beaumont
Swiss Veterli
Martini Henry.
Smokeless oldies'
8mm Lebel
91 Mauser
1910 Smidt Rubin (straight pull)
1891 Moisin
#4 Lee Enfield
And of course there's the Cap n balls
Dan in NH
09-14-2021, 02:02
I to collected US service rifle for a while. got 14 Garands, 2 1903A3's and 2 M1 carbines tho not identical, 1 M1 and 1 M1A1. Makes for a full safe.
I am getting old getting rid of my collection sold over 30 M1 Garands 6 M1 Carbines 4 1903s and 1903A3s a lot of Stock sets M1 D my M1 C My 1941 Johnson will be going next along with the rest of my M1 Garands and M1 Carbines can't take it with you maybe i could have my wife bury everything with me LOL
Well, if you can't take them with you, the answer's simple. Don't go.
Not quite identical but real close:
Smith & Wesson Model 27-2 .357 Magnum and Model 28 Highway Patrolman.
U.S. M1903 and M1903A3
I usually avoid buying the same thing twice.
Like BDM I'm getting older and my health isn't great so I'm starting to give some things, not just guns, to the people I want to have them.
JB White
09-18-2021, 03:54
3 S&W 4inch K frames
2 M1 Garands
3 M1917 rifles
Everything else are variations or different.
But not the same.
I do not believe I have any identical but several that are similar, 3 .45 1911 style pistols 2 Colt Gov. mod one blue one stainless then one Remington all the same or all different yes.
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