View Full Version : 1903 Remington handguards

09-19-2021, 07:52
Working on a project rifle and noticed something about the handguards on 1903 Remington rifles. Take a look at the photos and you will see three different lengths of sighting grooves. The middle complete rifle is an early Lend Lease rifle marked with English proofs and remnants of red paint around the rear band (looks to be all original, boxed RLB proofs). On either side are two Remington handguards with longer and shorter sighting grooves. The under side of these two unattached guards show the wider Remington band spring grooves.4964749648

John Beard
09-19-2021, 10:07
Some variation in sighting groove length is normal in Remington handguards. But all three handguards in your pictures may not be Remingtons. The pictures are very small and inconclusive.


09-21-2021, 08:49
Sorry John
Not sure how to send a larger photo. Let me try sending them one at a time.

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09-22-2021, 05:22
I believe these hand guards in my photos are all Remington496604966149662

09-24-2021, 07:23
They look like Remington handguards and there is a difference in sighting groove length.

John Beard
09-25-2021, 09:41
Sighting groove length was not a critical dimension. Sighting groove depth and width were critical. The outer profile was subject to hand sanding to finish. So some variation in sighting groove length can be expected.

The front metal clip in one of your handguards is in a different location. The clip grooves were cut with fixturing. That's very unusual and questionable.
