View Full Version : If I had a million dollars

10-04-2021, 11:03
I'd give three quarters of it to lie in bed with her for fifteen minutes.

https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Emily+Frantz+Mandolin+Orange&ru=%2fvideos%2fsearch%3fq%3dEmily%2bFrantz%2bMando lin%2bOrange%26FORM%3dVDMHRS&view=detail&mid=9947A5F0AC4AF32531889947A5F0AC4AF3253188&&FORM=VDRVRV

No one likes anybody else's music. Mandolin Orange. A great cool name for a band, but someone convinced them that they should change it and the look of the band. Now called Watchhouse.

one shot
10-05-2021, 07:20
https://youtu.be/zZo7Rt94GzI best to get girls from the vegetable Isle they can cook .

10-05-2021, 08:17
Well, you've got a point there.

10-06-2021, 04:12
Same goes for the Girls from the Sandwich islands

10-06-2021, 06:01
Let's see, girls from the virgin islands, or girls from the promiscuous islands. hmmm.

Vern Humphrey
10-13-2021, 12:56
A guy visits a brothel in Nevada. "I want Olivia."

"Are you sure?" says the Madam.

"I'm sure."

So Olivia comes down and says, "It's a million dollars a night -- cash up front."

He hands her a thick envelope and they go upstairs.

The next night he's back. "I want Olivia."

So Olivia comes down and says, "It's a million dollars a night -- cash up front. No discounts."

He hands her a thick envelope and they go upstairs.

The next night he's back. "I want Olivia."

So Olivia comes down and says, "It's still a million dollars a night -- cash up front."

He hands her another thick envelope and they go upstairs.

The next morning she says, "No man has ever been able to afford me three nights in a row. Who ARE you?"

And he says, "I'm Bill Clinton. I'm your grandmother's lawyer. She just passed away, and I've come to give you your $3 million dollar inheritance."

one shot
10-13-2021, 03:25
slick Willy

10-13-2021, 05:04
Many years ago a fellow I know gave one of the best definitions of a "hot woman." He said "a hot woman is a woman who thinks I'm hot."

10-13-2021, 07:45
Many years ago a fellow I know gave one of the best definitions of a "hot woman." He said "a hot woman is a woman who thinks I'm hot."

Well there you go.