View Full Version : They are going monitor my milage

10-07-2021, 07:10
And that's fine with me. I signed up with my insurance co. to have a device installed in both vehicles. If I keep my milage low(which I do) I may save up to $800 a year on auto insurance. Pay by the mile. It's kind of a new thing. I know, I know, they are watching me. I don't care.

10-07-2021, 08:40
GPS too or just odometer? Speed too? Gotta do 34 in a 35 zone now?

It's not for me but YMMV.

10-07-2021, 10:14
Who's the insurance co?

10-07-2021, 11:10
It is very much one thing for a consumer doing business with a company to allow that company access to his private personal information. It is quite another thing entirely for any governmental body regardless of its reasoning to be permitted to disregard the COTUS and gather the private and personal information of citizens without their direct informed consent so that that governmental body may proceed to use that information to levy a tax based on the movement of that person. The same exact Federal agencies and departments that have so routinely been used to access such information for political purposes cannot be in any way trusted not to also disregard the COTUS and make this and any other information they can gather available to political parties, interests for use as a weapon in the ongoing political/culture war. Sincerely. bruce.

10-07-2021, 11:42
Who's the insurance co?

"Scotty Reiss Progressive, like many other insurance companies including State Farm and USAA, offer a tracking device that plugs into your car?s OBD II (onboard diagnostics II) port or offers a phone app that tracks your driving."

I assume this is voluntary at this point. I use State Farm and have the "under 7500 miles annual rate". No tracking device. They don't check. Me and my wife are both retired so they know we're not going to rack up a lot of miles regardless.

On a side note I remember years ago an auto rental agency had tracking devices on their vehicles to monitor speed. A man returned his rental car to find out he was being charged an extra $200 (I think) for exceeding 80mph twice. He knew nothing about the device--was not told about it beforehand, and got the charges dropped.

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It is very much one thing for a consumer doing business with a company to allow that company access to his private personal information. It is quite another thing entirely for any governmental body regardless of its reasoning to be permitted to disregard the COTUS and gather the private and personal information of citizens without their direct informed consent so that that governmental body may proceed to use that information to levy a tax based on the movement of that person. The same exact Federal agencies and departments that have so routinely been used to access such information for political purposes cannot be in any way trusted not to also disregard the COTUS and make this and any other information they can gather available to political parties, interests for use as a weapon in the ongoing political/culture war. Sincerely. bruce.

One thing the obama administration taught us is the laws mean absolutely nothing to the dimocrats and most all lib judges look away.

10-07-2021, 03:02
I'm with Allstate. She told me they used to kind of use an honor system but you know how that goes. This plugs into the OBD and of course tracks engine performance too. And my "limit" is six thousand but if I go over it's .06 cents a mile. In the last eight yrs(since I bought the awful Ford Edge) I've driven 40K. About five thousand a year.

10-07-2021, 05:27
How do they read it? Does their widget have a cellular uplink? Do they come out with a Bluetooth reader? Are you supposed to use an app on your phone to fetch the telemetry for them?

10-07-2021, 07:07
I don't do anything. They send me a read out and if I go over they deduct the extra from my pre-paid fund. I get emails. I get the thing in a few days and will find out more.

10-08-2021, 05:39
I don't do anything. They send me a read out and if I go over they deduct the extra from my pre-paid fund. I get emails. I get the thing in a few days and will find out more.

So their widget plugs into the OBDII connector and talks on its own to the Mother Ship. Yikes!!

I hope you get every penny of that $800 they're waving in front of you. Know that their widget probably has GPS in it too. Basically Big Brother, Inc., is riding along.

And don't even get me started about the cameras that some think should be there too. As it is, every new car already has the hardware to record and uplink all audio. It's just a matter of software and networking.

10-08-2021, 05:49
Progressive Insurance is Owned by George Soros.
I’m assuming you knew this.

10-08-2021, 08:36
Someone check on Togor, I think he's gone to the other side. You guys are scaring me.

10-08-2021, 08:38
He's already over there.....

10-08-2021, 09:23
Maybe I didn't phrase this right: Lyin' sonaofabitchn democrats coerced me into signing up for a plan akin to walking into the gas chamber...

10-08-2021, 11:04
Someone check on Togor, I think he's gone to the other side. You guys are scaring me.

The point is, the cost of surveillance is plummeting faster than just about any other activity. It all goes into some damn cloud, and there is very little practical difference between a corporate or government cloud, that can't be bridged by 3 little words:

a court order.

On my mobile I am not opposed to using GPS as a navigation aid when need genuinely arises, but no way would I just leave it on 100% of the time.

10-08-2021, 12:15
So their widget plugs into the OBDII connector and talks on its own to the Mother Ship. Yikes!!

I hope you get every penny of that $800 they're waving in front of you. Know that their widget probably has GPS in it too. Basically Big Brother, Inc., is riding along.

And don't even get me started about the cameras that some think should be there too. As it is, every new car already has the hardware to record and uplink all audio. It's just a matter of software and networking.

those fancy gadgets like lane assist etc, all are camera based,
you have one or 2 in the top of your windshield , (replace the windshield, and it has to be recalibrated)

surely that video can also be uploaded if needed,

big brother was already in your car when you bought it,

10-08-2021, 01:18
No lane assist in my newest machine, which is some years old. But it has the sensors for blind spots, and back-up cameras.

Mostly I'm talking about the inward-facing cameras which are supposed to watch us to beep at us if we're falling asleep or something.

It's always done with the best intentions.

If a modern car gets wrecked, the argument goes that the data in the black box belongs to the manufacturer, who can give it to law enforcement if they so choose.

Interesting to read that Tesla is moving HQ to Texas. The car that is leaning into Big Brother more than any other brand operating out of the state that used to take the dimmest view of that kind of thing. Also the irony of an electric car moving HQ to a big petroleum producer, with the least reliable electric grid in the country.

Major Tom
10-09-2021, 05:53
Hmmm! Maybe Togor is on our side; a republican in dimocrat disquise?

10-09-2021, 06:28
It goes to show how deep this control effort is going. they want to know how much money you have how you spend. Where you go and restrict criticism of them by calling it disinformation. It never ends.

10-09-2021, 07:02
It goes to show how deep this control effort is going. they want to know how much money you have how you spend. Where you go and restrict criticism of them by calling it disinformation. It never ends.

Add to that the experimental vaccine mandates and now the DOJ has said they will investigate anyone who speaks out against liberal education board members.

10-09-2021, 08:19
Amazing how any free American would be okay with this.

10-10-2021, 06:19
Amazing how any free American would be okay with this.

Safety and convenience sell.

Next time you watch TV (or listen to the radio), make note of the ads. Note these are broadcast ad streams, not the microtargeted ones you get on the web.

They're selling safety, convenience, again and again and again. And people buy it.

10-10-2021, 06:30
How come in the car ads on t.v. people drive like maniacs?

10-11-2021, 09:05
Safety and convenience sell.

Next time you watch TV (or listen to the radio), make note of the ads. Note these are broadcast ad streams, not the microtargeted ones you get on the web.

They're selling safety, convenience, again and again and again. And people buy it.

They have to scare them first, then hit 'em with the safety and convenience aspects. The evidence seems to indicate Americans are easy to scare.

10-11-2021, 09:36
They have to scare them first, then hit 'em with the safety and convenience aspects. The evidence seems to indicate Americans are easy to scare.

Speaking of convenience, park your DL on your smart phone!


Apple, Google, etc., working on common standards to make it happen.

So your government ID, tagged to GPS, uplinks at every cell tower, what's not to love???

10-14-2021, 02:09
I kind of like my phone. Haven't been it by lightening yet. What's a cell tower? It's not the radiation in the phones it's the imagination.
OK, it's the radiation in the cell tower. Couldn't slam a phone, that little funnel that picks up radio waves and compresses them and then sends tiny well...
Yeah, I know, we are a little too country for this. Well, that would be me. I honestly remember the telegraph line strung on a tripod of thin logs. One wire that went to the mining camp.