View Full Version : superman

one shot
10-12-2021, 12:59
https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/12/22722482/dc-superman-son-of-kal-el-comic-jon-kent-bisexual-comics what's this world coming to

10-12-2021, 01:46
comics went woke long ago

10-15-2021, 03:24
And Captain Marvel turned into a Woman.
Doctor Who is now a Woman.
007 next ?

10-16-2021, 02:49
They are cartoon characters who have been kidnapped into portraying sleaze and pimp for this generation. It's sleaze comics now. The old guys are turning in their graves. Don't worry, these comics aren't in the school library unless hidden behind a National Geographic. 'course gay goes back a thousand yrs. but so does "normal" sex. I think superman did lay one on Miss Lane at some point.

one shot
10-16-2021, 06:29
I think Perry White the editor had Lois covered Superman was to busy stopping a charging locomotive .