View Full Version : Model 1870 type ??

11-06-2021, 02:26
I have been searching for many a years for a model 1870 type I. My search is still unfortunately on going but I have found another 1870 that is most likely as hard to find.
Recently I called Al Frasca about an 1877 manufactured trapdoor that he had posted on his site. I was rather interested in it but would have needed to use the money put aside for the type I which has now become rather dusty : ) While talking he mention that he had acquired 2 1870's that he would be posting soon. I got all fuzzy inside hoping that one of them was a type I but neither of them were. He began telling me about the one which was made in 1873, one of only 500 manufactured that year. It was made with a new stock with no spoon, one ESA cartouche and a circle P firing proof. I told him that I would be more interested in that rifle than the 77 and to please mark it pending when posted. He sent me photos before posting it so needless to say it now has a new home. It was a little pricey but figured I have yet to acquire a type I what would be the chance of seeing another M70 made in 1873??
So what type would this be?

Dick Hosmer
11-07-2021, 07:36
Nice find, Carl!! Good for you.

11-07-2021, 09:21
Thanks Dick. Here are the photos from Al. Have you seen any of these rifles?

Dick Hosmer
11-07-2021, 10:29
Not that I know of. One of my 1869 Cadets was among the 300 rebuilt at SA and thus includes both (ESA) and [SWP/1881] as well as the (P).