View Full Version : Out of basic, onto a Troopship and straight into trouble ...

12-22-2021, 05:18
The Ship HMT Dunnera (ex Liner. Also featured in Movie) was headed for
Egypt (my destinatuion) and beyond.
As a young Private, the military brass had to keep us busy and as there
was an absence of outside threats, the only thing to guard were the two
round bottom fire buckets - one sand, one water. Seemed a rather outdated
method of fire fighting but what did I know.
I got stuck with fire picket duty in Offices' quarters - two hours on, four off.
I had been standing there for a while making sure nobody stole the buckets
when a door opened and out came a pretty girl of about 15 or 16. She spied
me and her eyes lit up - I guessed she had been stuck with middle aged men
and hadn't seen a young fellah near her age for ages, and here I was a nice
looking young lad so she started chatting. I guess I was supposed to ignore
her but that was impossible. An hour or so later we were talking away merrily
when who should appear but the Provost Marshall. Oh boy. She vanished and
I was left to my fate. That fate apart from harsh words was another round
of fire picket - in the same place. You guessed it, she appeared again apologized
for getting me in trouble and started chatting. We talked for two hours until I
was relieved and this time no Provost Marshall. Had he seen us he probably would
have thrown me overboard. I've wondered how she got on with the new bucket guard.
That memory is from another lifetime but remains clear although I can't recall her face.

10-07-2024, 09:15
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMT_Dunera#:~:text=HMT%20(Hired%20Military%20Trans port)%20[2]%20[3]%20Dunera%20was%20a%20British