View Full Version : LRB M14BR 05120 ready to become a rifle.

12-31-2021, 05:50
One of my favorite times in building a rifle is the hand selecting of the parts that will be used. Got LRB M14BR receiver 05120 out of the box this morning and gathered components from my stash to get get ready to nail her together. The intention is to do another traditional build with NM rear sight. First step will be to lap the bolt to the receiver for a 60/40 contact using 300 gr lapping compound and a Brownell's bolt lapping tool.


12-31-2021, 11:59
Understand lapping bolt to receiver as w/ a bolt action rifle. What does 60/40 contact indicate? Sincerely. bruce.

12-31-2021, 12:51
60% contact right lug, 40% contact left lug.

12-31-2021, 05:55
Re: 60/40. I wondered. Will do some reading tomorrow to find out the rational for this procedure. Had only heard of lapping when rebarreling BA rifles. Sincerely. bruce.