View Full Version : The Growing Cost of "Equity" Politics...

02-12-2022, 08:59
,,,,and its effect on bail bonding and detention.

This idiot was out of jail because big city courts refuse to remand suspects, or at least post high bail on those who are clearly a threat to public safety. This happens all the time and I could have almost predicted this fool was out on bail. I wonder how much time the shot and beaten deputy got in the hospital???


The "Free State" Sheriff is right on at the end.

02-13-2022, 07:55
"Why did you shoot him 14 times?"

"Because we ran out of ammunition"

02-13-2022, 08:45
I liked what the captain said better. To bad evil can't be taken care of before hand.

02-13-2022, 09:10
unloading on the guy was a bit much, that's the stuff the media seems to focus on,
but I can see how adrenaline and training doctrine would cause that,

02-13-2022, 09:22
Cops killed by firearms have risen from the low thirties in 2019 to 55 last year. Cops shot and not killed (the guy in the video) increased to over 600 in 2021. The number of encounters where cops were shot at but not hit is not quantified now but has to be in the thousands. An increasing number of these shootings are ambushes by people in groups who have been led to believe, too often by public officials including politicians, that killing a policeman is a moral good. They are oblique enough to talk about the evils of racist cops which to them includes all of them to incite an unfortunate amount of this stuff.

- - - Updated - - -

unloading on the guy was a bit much, that's the stuff the media seems to focus on,
but I can see how adrenaline and training doctrine would cause that,

The young cop probably felt that he was about to need a cross and stake for this guy. 'Combat unloading" looked bad but I think in this case the Shooting Board will call him in say your shooting has been ruled fully justified and necessary and you're back on the street.

The wounded cop is going to make a full recovery and be back on the street.

Note the initial hits were all low. People tend to shoot low to the weak side under stress.

02-13-2022, 10:57
I remember a shootout vid yrs. ago. I think it was in AZ. Several cops were firing at the guy and you can see the rds. hitting the asphalt.

02-14-2022, 01:41
14 officers shot in various states in 24 hours, none killed. Not all the usual suspects either.

02-14-2022, 01:53
Nine officers shot or wounded by shrapnel in AZ last week.

02-18-2022, 10:18
AR pistols catching on with criminals?