View Full Version : SHTF?????

03-07-2022, 09:38
It looks like this economic mess is going to last for a while. What are you folks doing to mitigate the damage?

We have made some changes, or maybe in some cases moved some purchases up. I'm thinking inflation well over 10% unless the Russo - Ukrainian war is resolved quickly, which isn't likely.

Any big ticket items (or not so big ticket items) that are "on the list" we're buying now, I'm having a garage door opener I've had sitting in my garage for a spell installed today, ditto the wife friendlier generator has already been bought instead of waiting until closer to hurricane season. Since we can shop electrical power here (I know we're unique that way) we locked in our current rate for two more years. We've also checked out our food supply and are going to add to the prep stash before the cost goes up again. The Rooskies supply 1/3 of the world grain supply so the bread we use, which is a bit of a specialty item, we're going to buy a good bit of and freeze, some flour would be a good idea too. Of course there isn't going to be a lot of recreational driving with gas up to near $4.00 a gallon here, and yes I do know its a lot worse other places and is going to continue to get worse before it gets better.

Those are just odds and ends that have already come to mind. You're thoughts?

03-07-2022, 09:59
I'm kind of back to the place I was many yrs. ago when I considered if I really needed to go on the road trip. Back then, going to school on the VA didn't leave much "fun" money. I can afford it now but I am still hesitant to buy a tank of gas @ $100 +/tank without good reason.

-Meanwhile, the S&P GSCI index, which tracks 24 exchange-traded futures contracts across five physical commodities sectors, saw its biggest weekly surge in more than 50 years.-

-Grain prices also were surging, with wheat futures jumping 7%, continuing a march toward all-time highs as the war shuts down exports from the Black Sea region, a crucial global breadbasket.-

I remember .50 cent bread. Now $4-5. I went to Sprouts the other day and saw some fancy Organic bread that was $7-8. Lucky for me I'm not supposed to eat carbs.

Oooh, this is going to get interesting.

Johnny P
03-07-2022, 10:05
Our government at every level doesn't miss a chance. We just received our statement for county taxes which was up even though our vehicles were a year older. Seems that since used cars are in high demand and the prices being ask have gone up, it was only fair to increase their value on taxes. On the reverse side, the taxes hardly come down at all as the vehicle ages and loses value.

03-07-2022, 02:17
Neighbor and I both got through the gun show w/o doing a background check. Or buying anything at all.

Seriously, I am not able to avoid driving three hours each way to work with the managers of a rental, and the bargain bin at the grocery is usually bare.

Scott Wilson
03-08-2022, 01:25
I have been riding the Triumph more and driving the truck less.

one shot
03-09-2022, 06:47

03-17-2022, 08:44
Laid in a stash of Silver bullion.

04-04-2022, 03:24
we got 50# of flour.. some all purpose, some bread flour and some whole grain flours.. put them in foodsafe buckets and sealed them up.. got plenty of yeast too.. all i need is water and i will have A LOT of bread