View Full Version : Tactical Guide to the Javelin

03-09-2022, 08:05
Interesting vid.


Major Tom
03-10-2022, 05:08
When Russia started its buildup back in May; slo joe should have been sending more arms then! But then, he wanted this war!

Vern Humphrey
03-11-2022, 12:33
The Parable of the Skydivers

There were two men who went skydiving. They jumped from 12,000 feet -- one of them without a parachute.

As they fell free of the plane, he shouted to his companion, "Well? Tell me what I should do now!"

And his companion replied, "I really can't tell you what you should do now. But if you'd asked me ten seconds ago, I could have told you what you should not do."

The meaning of this parable is, if you wait until you've jumped before you look for a solution, it may be too late to find one.

03-11-2022, 01:32
Well given that Putin expected the Ukranian army to fight like the Russian Army, or maybe a little worse, the number of Javelins in Ukranian inventory would have no deterrent effect. Deterrence only works if the other guy willing to be deterred, and that's his decision, not yours. A reminder to those who are dead sure that there must have been a way to prevent this war, short of preemptively starting an even bigger one.