View Full Version : Wearing your uniform as a veteran
Griff Murphey
04-06-2022, 11:09
502165021450213[ Iwas invited to attend my old high school’s now Naval Junior ROTC annual inspection and review. Yes, I did want to wear my uniform. In my case I finished as a lowly O-3. I had two shooting ribbons not even a geedunk although I had been on the Cambodia and Vietnam evacuations with 1st Bn 4th Marines in 1974. My awards trickled in over the years got my geedunk in 2003.Checked the regs, yes you can. Dress uniforms are recommended, working uniforms may be worn, combat uniforms are strictly prohibited. Appropriate occasions are military or family occasions. It’s strictly prohibited to wear the uniform to a political demonstration. Hair and weight must be within regulation. Anyway just a bit of guidance for those interested. I enjoyed it and was in the reviewing party, 72 y.o. LT on a cane!
Even bought a new tropical white uniform.
L-R: old LT. Hiding his cane; today’s cadets recognized for smart appearance and military knowledge, myself at left as a cadet corporal squad leader, 1965 army JROTC yes real M-1s
04-09-2022, 08:18
Interesting to know. I got out as an E-5, navy. I may still have a dungaree shirt and dixie cup somewhere.
Interesting to know. I got out as an E-5, navy. I may still have a dungaree shirt and dixie cup somewhere.
if wearing your work uniform is okay but not combat uniform, would you have had to change from dungarees into something else if you had been in a battle? my "work uniform" was green fatigues and then BDUs. if i had gone into combat i would have worn green fatigues and then BDUs.
when are work uniforms NOT combat uniforms?
04-11-2022, 09:04
Hey Griff! Glad to see you are still alive! As to the unjiform, I hung onto mine for a long time, but pieces of it went away. My daughter got the peacoat, all the swimming and construction work - especially laying block and stone and working high - I went up a couple chest sizes. Then most of my stuff got stolen in a burglary. I still have the white cover for my flathat, though, and a black and gold "U S Coats Guard" ribbon for it. The marching band I'm in lets the veterans wear their service hats when we play our "patriotic set" - memorial day, 4th of July and veterans day.
I wore the dungarees until they fell to pieces!
High Plaines Doug r
04-11-2022, 09:36
Anthem, AZ holds a nice Memorial Day Service at their Veteran's Park in town.
I have a black, a little bit flea bitten Resistol cowboy hat that I put a 5th/7th Cav pin on and an enlisted yellow/gold hat cord. I put a miniature ribbon rack ~2" wide that I usually wear on my Am Legion cover on a dark blue sports coat, over the pocket and wore that with khaki slacks, black cowboy boots and that cowboy hat and wore it to the event.
Some girls, about my age; 73, thanked me for my service and shook my hand. Looked like some of them might have gotten up and hugged me if my wife hadn't have been right there on my arm. That was nice.
Griff Murphey
04-14-2022, 02:55
I agree the wording re possible wear of the work uniform is confusing since my work uniform as a dental officer included navy blues with coat and tie, tropical white long, khaki working short sleeves, and USMC utilities. Basically everything but choker whites. I think dungarees are certainly a combat uniform as are utilities (fatigues!).
Anyway that?s what it says. I certainly went to battle stations (drills) in whites, khakis, and utilities.
I never wore a uniform when I wasn't on duty. I don't (generally) stand when veterans are recognized either. I put my hand over my heart instead of the hand salute when the Anthem is played. Many years ago when I could still fit into my uniforms my church on the 4th of July asked veterans to wear their uniforms. I didn't, I didn't stand either. One old boy there had been in the Army of the old Republic of South Africa and wore his old uniform which I thought was really quite snappy (hey nobody said what uniform or what army.)
It's just my way of doing things. Wearing the uniform as a vet is a matter of preference, no right or wrong here.
I wear my original dog tags from Ft. Leonard Wood, 1966 on veterans day. That's the only piece of my uniform (although I still have all of it) that I can get into.
Former Cav
05-13-2024, 05:12
Still have my dress greens the Army gave me at Fitzsimmons Army Hosp in 1969. The inseam of the left leg is a zipper so you could get it on over a cast. (cool idea). It SHRUNK hanging in our closet all these years. Can't get into it.
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