View Full Version : Want to sell War Baby, Vols. I and II ...

04-06-2022, 04:17
Have a set of Larry Ruth's "War Baby I" and "War Baby II" Collectors Edition for sale. Excellent condition with dust cover, no tears. Asking $350 Shipped.....Price reduction: $300 shipped....
Been a member since abt 2009 but inactive. Getting old and am divesting my WW II collection. Will consider splitting, $170 for War Baby 1 plus shipping and $180 plus shipping for War Baby II
War Baby II SPF @ CMP. War Baby I still available for $165 shipped.....Both vol's sold....


04-06-2022, 07:04
you may get more traction with this ad if you posted above and got to know some folks,

first post as an item for sale, makes folks think spammer , or worse

04-07-2022, 07:11
you may get more traction with this ad if you posted above and got to know some folks,

first post as an item for sale, makes folks think spammer , or worse

Makes sense, however I'm 82 yrs on the earth and am getting rid of my firearm's collection and not looking to expand my exposure to it. Just getting old I guess. Thanks for the advice.


04-07-2022, 07:46
no worries,

I have a friend just outside of Reno,
seems like a nice place

05-05-2022, 07:59
BTT War Baby II SPF...