View Full Version : In Harm's Way

04-13-2022, 11:13
Pretty good movie. Watchable on YouTube for those who can endure the commercials. Captures a bit of the mid-war feel when Pacific ops still being run on a shoestring.


04-14-2022, 03:10
Great site!

04-15-2022, 03:46
I enjoyed this movie and have seen it several times. It does have its warts. The party scenes used actual naval officers and their wives as extras so the uniforms, and the hairstyles and dresses of the women are correct for the mid 1960s and not the early 1940s. They scrimped heavily on special effects. The film accurately depicts the unpleasant underside of military life. The events are loosely based, often very loosely of multiple historical events homogenized together.

It is good entertainment with fine performances from a first rate cast.