View Full Version : Curious about the USS Missouri ...

05-16-2022, 12:26
I built a three foot long plastic model of her many years ago
and have wondered what the three pods were for, one at bow,
two at stern. Looks as though they were built to house guns, but
I've really no idea.

05-16-2022, 02:32
The model you made must have been of Missouri well post WWII. You are probably talking about where the mounts for the bow and stern quad 40mm guns were located. So you are probably correct on the gun mount theory.

05-16-2022, 03:44
Thanks, I don't need to wonder any more.
Yes it's a later model with missiles (which I left out)

Worked in a high rise in early and mid 60s
Window had view of the bay so had a birds eye view
of the New Jersey when she visited San Francisco.
She sure was impressive with all the fire boats surrounding her.
A sight remember - goes along with my visits to HMS Victory and HMS Vanguard
in Portsmouth (Dad took me when I was a kid)