View Full Version : Setting up for practice of 1/4" 10 dot 50 yd challenge.

09-04-2022, 05:34
Looking like a good day for some 10 dot practice. No wind and overcast with a temp about 70. Sheet with the most dots is for practice, choosing the dots randomly. One with just the 10 dot target is for the attempt. When I make the attempt for a real 10 dot score, I only shoot one set on a particular day. I find that more just adds to the frustration and doesn't really help improve the score. Whatta Hobby!


09-04-2022, 06:36
Practice seems to be working. Broke out the old 82G to test a fresh crown for today's attempt. Didn't make the 10-10, but I will settle for a 1-9 on the 1/4". Always room for improvement. Whatta Hobby!

09-04-2022, 06:49
Good score! Looks like the 82G is dialed in.

09-04-2022, 07:19
It is. Now if the trigger monkey could get his act together and pay more attention to heart and breathing it would help.

09-05-2022, 02:01
Did a simple plot of the shots on the 10 dot and it works out to a .25" group or 1/2 moa. .224 and .308 bullets for reference. .308 covers the group centers. Whatta Hobby!


09-05-2022, 02:08
Going to try this same target with a CZ-VPT for comparison.