View Full Version : Irwin Pederson Value?

10-16-2022, 08:10
Best guesses as to the value of a Irwin Pederson that has been through a rebuild. Original barrel is all I know. No pictures as the friend that is looking at buying it is in another state. An IP is the only carbine that he does not own.

10-16-2022, 11:36
Wow, quite a range here. Off the top of my head I would say $2,000---$5,000. It all depends upon condition, number of original parts, fake parts, early parts, worn/buffed markings, re-park, import stamped, highwood stock cut down to low wood and many, many other issues. Your friend being a collector no doubt knows all of this.

Whoever owned the carbine after the rebuild may have switched parts or tinkered with it ????

Common rebuilds have few "as issued" parts, have many late feature parts and re-parked. If that is the case and no import stamps then the lower part of the range $2,000--$2500. A lot of "IF's".

He should view sites like Gun Broker and witness what sellers are asking and which ones actually sell and for what price.

10-17-2022, 05:23
last 2 mixmasters I sold avg out to be about $3700,

barrels were correct, parts were mixed, finish was typical for a Carbine, (good +)

a few years ago I sold on that was just the receiver, barrel was an inland IIRC, and an import that one was a bit over $2K.

10-19-2022, 04:51
He bought it for $2800. I won't get to see it, until later this winter. He is not good with a camera. Maybe he can get a family member to send me some pictures. Thanks for the info.

10-19-2022, 06:15
Thanks for the update.