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Dan Shapiro
11-24-2022, 08:48
Happy Birthday Dick.................and may you have many more. :headbang:

Ned Butts
11-24-2022, 10:38

Dick Hosmer
11-24-2022, 10:56
Thank you, guys - lots of unfinished projects still buzzing around in my head. Having ideas and plans helps keep you young, I think.

Major Tom
11-25-2022, 12:26
Happy Birthday, Dick!

11-25-2022, 04:38
Happy belated birthday, Dick! Sincerely. bruce.

11-25-2022, 06:28
If we finish all our projects we're finished.

Happy birthday.

11-25-2022, 11:44
Happy belated birthday Dick!! Wishing you many more!
I just started one of my projects yesterday which is cataloging and tagging my collection.
Since my children have no idea what I have or have any knowledge of what I have it’s time I write down some information and some numbers of what I paid.
Going thru my paperwork I found so recipes from arms my Dad had bought, prices were so much cheaper in the late 70’s and 80’s LOL!!!
I’m half way thru my arms but then there’s all my reloading stuff and books, amazing how much a book is worth these days.
Would have been nice if just one of my children we’re interested in my interest but they developed their own so all is good.
Just came across The History and Development of Small Arms Ammunition by George A. Hoyem, awesome book.

11-25-2022, 12:53
Happy Birthday, Dick! Thank you for all the wisdom and help you give to everyone!

11-26-2022, 03:05
What birthday? Birthdays are illegal after 55!

Dick Hosmer
11-26-2022, 07:53
Thanks again, guys - onward & upward!