View Full Version : 28 ga Trapdoor Carbine Forager?

12-05-2022, 04:51
22 inch barrel
bead on the front

no rear, or provision for one

smooth bore, and roughly machined (bored )

1884 dated lock,

Carbine stock, not altered rifle, with partial (faded) P and a cartouche I cannot make out on side,

no marked on butt plate

top of the barrel marked,
-28 GA. - Chambered .618 in Dia. 2.752 IN. Long

any idea who made such a thing? can't seem to find a reference anywhere when I search the barrel markings






Dick Hosmer
12-05-2022, 06:18
Sears, Roebuck - or the like. NOT US issue.

12-05-2022, 06:21
Sears, Roebuck - or the like. NOT US issue.

thought so, but had never run across anything like this before

same estate has another Carbine, sadly reblued,, and it looks like the wrong rear sight,

Dick, how to you think the 'faux forager' would do Dove Huntting?

Dick Hosmer
12-06-2022, 12:30
Like any other 28ga, I guess (not a hunter). Once you got used to it and knew where it hit, you'd likely be fine (in fact, you'd better be, cause Mr. Dove ain't going to wait for you to reload:icon_lol: