View Full Version : Nobody likes anyone elses music.

12-13-2022, 09:24
Delta Rae. Three siblings. The other girl is a friend. Plus another guitar player. I think I've got it right.
Their version of Fleetwood Mac. A good job. These guys are hard working and smart. I like just about everything they do.

https://www.bing.com/videos/search?&q=delta+rae+fire&cvid=f952085151034a94b56e4879fb650c82&aqs=edge..69i57j0l4.3791j0j4&pc=U531&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3ddelta%2brae%2bfire%26cvid%3df95 2085151034a94b56e4879fb650c82%26aqs%3dedge..69i57j 0l4.3791j0j4%26FORM%3dANAB01%26PC%3dU531&view=detail&mmscn=vwrc&mid=0ACA595E872BC30539BF0ACA595E872BC30539BF&form=VDRVRV&ajaxhist=0

12-14-2022, 08:33
Here's another favorite. Beth Hart. She was/is bi-polar and was pretty crazy when she was younger. She did pull it together as best she could. Trucks full of music ability.
She is known for her shrieking voice, but it's the blues and it take some spirit. She plays piano and guitar. I don't think there is an instrument that she couldn't naturally play if she wanted to. This song I have to gear up for a little. It puts me on the edge of my seat.
As usual, it's not for everyone. I like my rock to rock.