View Full Version : DISH satellite TV

Major Tom
02-11-2023, 02:11
How many here use Dish TV exclusively? We have had DISH for 6 years now. We have the usual complaints about too many long commercial shows, doubling up of TV shows, mexican channels, etc!
But the real booger is that DISH in not broadcasting the Super Bowl on Sunday, EXCEPT on DISH+!! Our monthly bill for their so-called '250 channel' package runs $190+. We are pissed that this year we would have to PAY to see the Super Bowl!! Well, we ain't paying!! We live in Iowa so there is no reason to 'block' the game!
I wish there was an alternative to DISH that not only is less expensive but has great programing! We tried HughesNet a few years ago and that was pure crap!

02-11-2023, 02:34
We have Direct TV which is a dish/satellite service and we're getting the Super Bowl on our basic service.

We switched from cable when our basic cable and internet package hit just under a whopping $400.00. We have the same package, more or less, on Direct TV for half the price. We had some of the same issues you do on cable as well and still have it with Direct TV, a couple of hundred channels of which we may watch 10...maybe.

I wish there was a better alternative but I haven't found it either.

02-11-2023, 02:46
We had Dish years ago but switched to Ditrect. We've got Direct TV and looking for alternate since they dropped News Max. Don't know anything about Sling, Hulu. Any one here have recomendations?

02-11-2023, 03:08
The Super Bowl is being broadcast by FOX local channels and has nothing to do with cable or satellite.

When your Dish outfit was set up it may not include local channels or you may need to use a standard antenna to receive the locals.

We use Direct TV and have the locals come in through the same receiver so we can record and playback the news and few shows we watch. Also, they come in as HD that way.

Our monthly bill is $120 but includes a HD package (Hall Mark Chit), HD, and Genie DVR receiver where we can record, store and FF thru commercials.

Like Dish when it rains or is foggy the reception is gone, nada, zero. That's when we watch our recordings.

After dumping OAN and Newsmax I would like to dump Direct but like others here, there is noting better to replace it with.

Maybe one day someone will come out with a system where you only pay for what you WANT to watch, w/o commercials and w/o the politic's. Untill then, we are stuck. As far as Hula, Netflix and others I don't hear much good about them. I assume they are like watching YouTube plus they are loaded up with commercials even though, like satellite TV, you are paying for it and there shouldn't be any.

If you get the local channels you should get the Super Bowl being broadcast on FOX unless something is way different in your neck of the woods.

Johnny P
02-11-2023, 07:37
I have Dish, and they are in a pissin' contest with the local Fox station that would have carried the SB. Then they have the balls to ask the customers to complain to the local station about not being broadcast. Greedy bastards, but there is no good alternative. The small town where my son lives just got fiber optic, and he had the pleasure of telling Dish he was gone.

02-12-2023, 06:54
I had Direct TV; the monthly price had increased to the point. it was no longer worth
the effort, with poor reception, weather problems, and outages. I just paid $100 and put up a HD antenna. Saves me large amount of money and reception is clear.

02-12-2023, 10:30
I've got an antenna, get around twenty channels, watch maybe three or four. Grit is on some of the time, old westerns. The wife is on it the rest of the time, if she's not on her phone. I've got a fire stick in the man cave for movies, fairly inexpensive

02-12-2023, 02:06

I have had terrible experiences with both Dish and Direct. I would rather die and go to Hell before I would ever give these liars and thieves a penny.

I have WiFi and a digital antenna. I will watch the Super Bowl on a Fox channel for free on my antenna.

The WiFi allows me to watch 100s of channels. 90% of those are worthless. My favorite channel is DEFY.

02-21-2023, 02:46
I had AT&T Direct and was paying $215 per month. They advertised discounts, I asked for the and they said I had all that were available. My solution, I bought a digital indoor antenna, hooked it up and stuck it in the window. I get all the local channels and some as far as 300 miles away. That was $42. I then added ROKU and get all kinds of additional shows. The cost of that was $24.95 at a discount store. My monthly billing now is $00.00. I don't miss cable at all. Besides, with their antenna, get a storm or heavy cloud coverage and reception is ZERO. Not good when if you rely on the TV for heavy storm warnings.

02-21-2023, 03:10
I had Direct TV; the monthly price had increased to the point. it was no longer worth
the effort, with poor reception, weather problems, and outages. I just paid $100 and put up a HD antenna. Saves me large amount of money and reception is clear.
Your antenna; is it just like the antennas of old that you staked out on the roof?