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View Full Version : Any comments on the originality of RIA auction officers model?

02-13-2023, 12:27
I see this at the RIA auction coming up this week. https://www.rockislandauction.com/detail/1042/6144 It looks original but I question the front sight (no pin on it), the lack of a witness mark on the receiver and the engraving. It has seen a lot of use and maybe abuse?

Tom Trevor
02-13-2023, 01:22
Very well worn rifle. Very rare tang sight but looks like the eye cup is off an H-R officers rifle beech sight is not clear enough to tell if its an original of one made by Lyman. I suppose its worth 5-6 if you just want an example. Its best to wait for a better one to come along.51462

02-13-2023, 01:36
Nice display YOU have.

Dick Hosmer
02-13-2023, 04:25
51463I think it's real, but not a particularly primo specimen. Though, some of us could never afford five-figures for a nice one. Mine has a lot more wear than that one, but the same very rare SA-designed one-screw tang sight. I always drool over Tom's, who was kind enough, many years ago, to provide me with a Beach front sight.

02-14-2023, 06:54
wondering where they got that one from,

I spoke to a gent a couple months ago that was enquiring about value etc for a well used example a widow he knew had,

this did not appear to be a dude trying to scam a widow, I got the impression it was a friend of the family looking to get the most possible for the widow and family,
anyhoo, I did not get to see it, (only got a rather vague verbal description)
however that vague description fits this rifle,,,,,

he mentioned auction houses as a possible option, and I concurred and suggested he shop around and negotiate rates ,

maybe the same, maybe not,

oddly enough, and slightly off topic, I have seen more for sale in the past 4 yrs or so than I have in the past 20,
and was offered one just a couple weeks ago that I need to go look at

02-14-2023, 07:04
oddly enough, and slightly off topic, I have seen more for sale in the past 4 yrs or so than I have in the past 20,
and was offered one just a couple weeks ago that I need to go look at

I wonder if this is a result of so many of us realizing we need to thin our herds or the early signs of the upcoming recession.

Dick Hosmer
02-14-2023, 08:42
Both of those, but also just the aging of the trapdoor enthusiasts in general. I need to thin down but am torn between selling the good stuff (because it will bring the money) and keeping the chaff just to have a couple - or vice versa. One thing for sure, anything you sell you will NEVER be able to reacquire. Well, that's not always true - I just had a miraculous event with a a very nice (and previously-owned by me) 1895 Krag carbine, in which I spent $xxxx to return to previous status of having just $90 (1972) in it! I could sell it again, for big bucks, but Karma says "no". That one's a keeper!

02-14-2023, 08:51
I remember the story on your Krag. You need to be buried with that one.

Tom Trevor
02-17-2023, 05:36
Sold today for 8813.00. More than I thought it would bring. All you need in an auction is two bidders who want something.

02-17-2023, 07:07
Dick ,

you may have seen or have corresponded with the owner of the OM I referenced,

I also had a conversation with someone else you may know regarding selling some of his collection,

I'll shoot you an email when I get a chance

Dick Hosmer
02-18-2023, 10:09
Dick ,

you may have seen or have corresponded with the owner of the OM I referenced,

I also had a conversation with someone else you may know regarding selling some of his collection,

I'll shoot you an email when I get a chance

OK, will look forward to it.

02-19-2023, 06:32
Took part in the recent Rock Island auction and was able to buy an early Hoffer Thompson 1903 for what I hope was a very reasonable price. Also watched some of the auction online and was impressed that priced seemed a bit subdued. Not sure if it?s the economy (doubt), or the fear of government confiscation (maybe), or just a good time to buy.