View Full Version : A country in some hemisphere somewhere is missing winter

02-27-2023, 03:39
Ca and AZ get another storm this week.

02-27-2023, 04:21
Don't know about AZ but CA needed the rain badly and so does NV and maybe UT.

We/they just don't need it all at once to the point they go from drought to floods but that's the way it's always been here in AL. I would hate to be a farmer trying to make a living in these conditions.

02-27-2023, 05:40
Utah is pushing the 200% snow pack levels this winter,come spring warmup temp’s there’s going to be some big flooding run off in some North area’s.

02-28-2023, 08:28
Even here our Salt River Basin is at 184%

Vern Humphrey
02-28-2023, 11:43
Utah is pushing the 200% snow pack levels this winter,come spring warmup temp’s there’s going to be some big flooding run off in some North area’s.

So much for predictions the Salt Lake will dry up.:icon_lol:

02-28-2023, 12:13
Lake Mead, Colorado River? Anyone know if this region is getting any relief?

02-28-2023, 02:04
So much for predictions the Salt Lake will dry up.:icon_lol:

Not enough to fill it. A foot of snow is an inch of water.

Too much grass to water in the desert.

02-28-2023, 02:22
Someone said it would take ten winters in a row like we've just had to fill Lake Mead.

03-01-2023, 07:54
Salt Lake has been drying up for a very very long loonnnng time,there are those that say another ice age type event would be needed to fill & form it up......like it did previously after the first ice age event.

03-01-2023, 08:29
Salt Lake has been drying up for a long loonnnng time,there are those that say another ice age type event would be needed to fill & form it up......like it did previously after the first ice age event.

Some of my old school teachers noticed that.

03-01-2023, 10:17
Google Hoover Dam and look at how low the water is. They say CA is thirsty, but refuses to build desalizanation plants for LA, SF, San Diego, but pursues litigation to take the unused portion of AZ's Colorado River. They already use largest portion of electricity from AZ's Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant. Poor forest management stopping logging industry, which DID replant and regrow, has led to man caused floods, mudslides and devistation.

Now, come spring, not all that moisture will be diverted where it is needed, and the W and SW are still going to be in a drought.

Vern Humphrey
03-03-2023, 05:29
California is an incubus, sucking the life out of the West.

03-03-2023, 07:34
California is an incubus, sucking the life out of the West.

California use to be a very nice and picturesque place to live I heard. Then came a trillion people and retarded politics.

Now California simply sucks and the overflow of people are invading other states.

03-03-2023, 08:46
Google Hoover Dam and look at how low the water is. They say CA is thirsty, but refuses to build desalizanation plants for LA, SF, San Diego, but pursues litigation to take the unused portion of AZ's Colorado River. They already use largest portion of electricity from AZ's Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant. Poor forest management stopping logging industry, which DID replant and regrow, has led to man caused floods, mudslides and devistation.

Now, come spring, not all that moisture will be diverted where it is needed, and the W and SW are still going to be in a drought.

If AZ has un-used water it won't be for long. We want to be ten times bigger than California. How long does a nuke power plant last? Palo Verde has to be getting kind of long in the tooth.
If desalination was easy... heck we have a zillion gallons of salt water. For some reason it isn't catching on.

Vern Humphrey
03-04-2023, 07:00
If AZ has un-used water it won't be for long. We want to be ten times bigger than California. How long does a nuke power plant last? Palo Verde has to be getting kind of long in the tooth.
If desalination was easy... heck we have a zillion gallons of salt water. For some reason it isn't catching on.

The Green Weenies will block it. That's because if you solve all the problems people will realize the Left Wing was full of crap and will stop voting for them.

03-04-2023, 11:16
California is an incubus, sucking the life out of the West.

California tax dollars makes up for Arkansas.