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Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
03-04-2023, 05:56
This is a copy of the original picture of Sgt Leslie LaValley, taken at the OSD rifle range in 1918, as it sits in LaValley's photo album. Please note the absence of a grasshopper, which means it has taper bases and Marine Mounts. I have held this scope in my hands, and I can assure all that scope was housed in Marine Mounts with taper base receptacles. The scope is currently owned by a friend of mine, and the rifle is, or was, owned by a member of this forum. The dim light adapter, or optical ray filter, is the one on my Sporter, which I used when deer hunting (I quit hunting due to physical issues).

The absence of a grasshopper is the quickest way to differentiate between the two base systems.



03-04-2023, 07:07
I think I fixed the issue with threads being closed,

honestly, posting then closing you own thread eliminates any chance or a meaningful discussion,

it should stop, now

03-04-2023, 07:27

You were literally posting something and then immediately locking it, so I could not comment??? lol Seriously....

Here I thought the moderators were locking it.

03-04-2023, 07:50
This is a copy of the original picture of Sgt Leslie LaValley, taken at the OSD rifle range in 1918, as it sits in LaValley's photo album. Please note the absence of a grasshopper, which means it has taper bases and Marine Mounts. I have held this scope in my hands, and I can assure all that scope was housed in Marine Mounts with taper base receptacles. The scope is currently owned by a friend of mine, and the rifle is, or was, owned by a member of this forum.

As for your continued attempts to convince people that Sgt LaValley's rifle and scope used "Springfield Marine" bases, LaValley's scope and case are owned by retired Major Jim Land, of Vietnam sniper school fame, and former Secretary of the NRA. Try convincing him his scope doesn't have Niedner type taper bases. Good luck with that one.:evil6:

The 2nd quote of Jim's was taken off another discussion we were having at this link. Post #25. I screen shotted all these by the way.


In your first quote, you state the scope case is "owned by a friend" of yours, and the 2nd quote, you claim the scope case is owned by Jim Land. So Jim Land is your friend who owns it?

Well if it's only the case with the serial, how do you know the scope that is in it, is the exact same scope that was in it back in WWI? It might have had four scopes in it since then. The Marines used these scope cases and the Mann Niedner Sniper Rifles until the end of WWII.

I have never personally reached out to Jim Land. I never really had a reason too. But I told you the collectors of Sniper Rifles are a VERY small group and we all know each other. If I don't know someone, I know for a fact I know someone who knows that person to ask. I have a friend who is good friends with Jim Land, and we will see what Jim Land has to say on this topic. I know once before you had dropped Jim Land's name in an argument we had in 2016, claiming he told you some information we were arguing. So I had my friend ask Jim Land if he knew you. He said he did not.

So lets see what Jim Land says this time on this case.


Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
03-04-2023, 08:24
Yes, Major Land is a friend of mine. I was with Jim when he bought that scope case and scope at the Richmond gun show. Sgt LaValley's son, Jim LaValley, another friend of mine, gave me pictures of the case and scope he sold, so we could identify it. It was the same case and scope. That scope has Marine Mounts and taper base receptacles. All that nonsense you posted, and you can't even differentiate between a taper base and a "Springfield Marine" base.

Would this be the appropriate time to ask for the name of that 96-year old Iwo Jima Sniper/Runner you claim to have spoken to? You made that story up, otherwise, enlighten us as to his name.

03-04-2023, 08:39

Which Richmond show (where was it) and what year? Do you live in Richmond or attend the shows regularly there? If so I?m sure you know, Frank, Richard, and Norm as well if you collect USMC stuff.


Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
03-05-2023, 01:25
Howdy, Greg.

That was my first, and last, time at the Richmond show, and I couldn't tell you where it was. It was years ago. Jim Land took me there. I did run into a another forum member while I was there. It was a great show. Huge.

I live in NC, but I don't travel much anymore. I am a bit long in the tooth, and I have to pee way too often to do much traveling.
