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View Full Version : No Grasshopper

Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
03-08-2023, 04:03
If there is no grasshopper, it is a Niedner type taper base. :hello:51716

03-08-2023, 06:57
The pic is grainy, and the grasshopper is only a wire. I can actually see it even in this grainy photo.

Regardless, there is nothing in this pic that is comparable to a Mann Niedner.

The Mann Niedner blocks are taller in the height than the Winchester made Springfield Marine blocks. Therefore with the Mann Niender blocks the scope tube sits much higher off the rear sight the M1903 rifle.

Compare the height of how far the Mann Niedner scope tube sits above the rear sight. Now look at the original pic.


Now the same pic without the red arrow, look at the height difference of the Mann Niedner. It's much taller off the rear sight than the WW1 pic.


Now compare the WRA built Springfield Marine blocks. Not only is the height the same from the rear sight to the scope tube, but even the size of the blocks are the same.

Also if you compare where the grasshopper spring is on my rifle and WW1 pic, you can see where the WW1 pic has a grasshopper spring.


03-08-2023, 07:17
Not only is the scope tube on a Mann Niender taller than what is in the pic. But the handguard and Micrometers on the Mann Niedner conversion are not present in the WWI pic either.

The micrometer adjustments on the A5 scope on a Mann Nindner conversion have a screw on the outside of the knob. On the regular A5 scope, it just has a hole which creates a shadow.

The handguard on the Mann Niedner has to have a lot more wood removed, as the scope attaches from the rear of the block and tightens under recoil with a wedge design. On the Springfield Marine, the scope mount slides on from the front. So the handguard on the WRA Springfield Marine doesn?t really need modified.

In recap:

1) In the WWI pic, the scope tube is not sitting tall enough off the rear sight to be a Mann Niedner conversion. This proves it right there as the height doesn't lie.

2) The handguard does not have enough wood relieved to be a Mann Niedner handguard.

3) The micrometers in the WWI pic do not have the Mann Niedner conversion knobs with the screw at the end of the knob.

The WWI pic just isn?t a Mann Niedner.


In these full length shots again compare how the Mann Niedner scope sits so much taller off the rifle than in this WW1 pic. Compare the distance between the top of the hanguard and the scope tube in both rifle variants below.

Finally compare the Knobs on the scope and the handguards.

This is a WRA built Springfield Marine Mount Rifle, not a Mann Niender.

