View Full Version : new pages or forums and maybe new members

04-02-2023, 06:12
unless Pat nixes it,
in the near future, as in a day or so from now, there will be a couple of new forums or pages,

a friend is an admin at Yesterday's Weapons, a forum about as old as this one, and an older format, that was kilt dead by microsoft,
while they are fighting to get reinstated, (I do not know the particulars) I offered them a refuge here,
so I will open a forum page for them, and at first it will be password protected if they want,

I will also create another section for both the YW members , and the left over 'survivors' for the Minefield, a subsection on Gunboards that was password protected ( I am a Minefielder , as were several members here) that will be password protected, and invites will be screen heavily,
Vertical Scope, and a vindictive troll of a moderator made sure that section was eliminated, so we Minefielders found refuge on mewe, but some do not like the format,
YW was gracious enough to give some Minefielders a refuge,

just wanted yall to know what was going on,

FWIW, Milsurps was gracious enough to support Jouster when in need, and this is just returning the favor

for now, I will not entertain , as in note , give out any passwords, to YW, (if you were a minefielder, you will be allowed, ) for that section,

just wanted to give yall a heads up

04-03-2023, 06:17
yes, i enjoyed the Minefield, it was like a Club, fell victim to PCness and Wokeness.

04-03-2023, 08:01
yes, i enjoyed the Minefield, it was like a Club, fell victim to PCness and Wokeness.

one mod got butthurt when someone called him a name,
odd thing is VS went out of their way to keep it hidden, then kilt it due to moderators,,, and the left the Grumpy dude section after threatening to kill it,

consistently inconsistent,,,,

04-03-2023, 08:27
Sounds good; reminds me of when CSP (Culiver's shooting Pages) ran into problems and Military Surplus Forums took them on to help out. Problem was once CSP was back up there seemed to be a problem getting a divorce from Mil Surps.

I don't know how active the 2nd A is, since I don't go there, but new forums will bring xisting followers and maybe pump some new blood into Jouster. Good on you Lyman.

04-03-2023, 09:45
More forums? Yikes there's fifteen or so now. I guess they do get a hit occasionally. But you can see the final post moldering after weeks of non participation. Which is OK.

04-07-2023, 04:43
What's minefield forum?

Collecting milsurp mines?

04-07-2023, 06:18
a refuge for those that were members of the minefield on Gunboards,
if you were not a minefielder, and you were not, you will not get the password,

I gave the yesterdays weapons folks a password protected forum for now, but if they want, it will be made open,

as you likely know, once you feel at home on a forum, esp a pass word protected one, you get used to the freedom from the public,

04-08-2023, 10:08
Man, I wish we could get Clyde over here.

04-08-2023, 10:57
exactly trax,

but maybe not the way you think

04-08-2023, 11:46
I can find many references to it. Sounds like Gunboards did the right thing.

04-09-2023, 05:37
I can find many references to it. Sounds like Gunboards did the right thing.

that would not be correct,

Verticle Scope had it set up as privileged access only, and there were quite a few members that contributed in the normal section ,

it was a bit of a gloves off place at first, but then mellowed to just a damn nice place to hang out,

not everyone was in the same camp, politically or otherwise, and when dust ups happened, the mod(s) took care of it,

some got booted from the site and the minefield (oneshot) for reasons,

others like myself, stayed and made lifelong contacts,

we knew each other, conversed off site, mailed packages amongst each other etc,

then a mod (all mods have access) that is full of drama and quite liberal, petitioned VS to kill it after he got called a name,

he won, and that mod is still there, managed to ban a lot of the talent on that site (minefielder or not)

even the previous owner and founder is on record saying VS screwed up the site,,,,

04-09-2023, 06:15
FWIW, at the request of 5thDragoons, the yesterdays weapons section is no longer password protected,

and congrats to 5th, he is now a moderator

04-09-2023, 08:41
Atta boy, 5th!

04-09-2023, 08:48
that would not be correct,

Verticle Scope had it set up as privileged access only, and there were quite a few members that contributed in the normal section ,

it was a bit of a gloves off place at first, but then mellowed to just a damn nice place to hang out,

not everyone was in the same camp, politically or otherwise, and when dust ups happened, the mod(s) took care of it,

some got booted from the site and the minefield (oneshot) for reasons,

others like myself, stayed and made lifelong contacts,

we knew each other, conversed off site, mailed packages amongst each other etc,

then a mod (all mods have access) that is full of drama and quite liberal, petitioned VS to kill it after he got called a name,

he won, and that mod is still there, managed to ban a lot of the talent on that site (minefielder or not)

even the previous owner and founder is on record saying VS screwed up the site,,,,

The Gunboards Minefield went from a lively, fun place to hang out and chat, to a restrictive, entitled-only slog. VS and their cronies made it a living hell by restricting speech and trolling members. What's worse, one Mod, who we thought was "one of us" turned out to be a VS puppet.

Phloating Phlasher
04-09-2023, 09:58
FWIW, at the request of 5thDragoons, the yesterdays weapons section is no longer password protected,

and congrats to 5th, he is now a moderator

That's odd I just tried visiting there & its still requiring a password?

04-09-2023, 11:30
Gunboards didn't do the "Right thing"...

It was a private section with loose rules that the public couldn't see. But, the new Canadian owners (overlords) got pissy because some post offended or they thought would offend the general public, that couldn't see it in the first place..... Stupid Canuks...

- - - Updated - - -


I've tried it also today and it's asking for a password. However, since we have a new minefield here now I'll probably not visit the YW forum. I am grateful that 5th gave us a home for the short time it lasted.

04-09-2023, 11:56
I think I was a member of those sub-forums a long time ago, but admittedly I didn't use Gunboards very much. Most gun forums have been bought up and cleaned out I guess.

Have to ask, what exactly was offensive? Racist diatribes and disjointed political rants?

04-09-2023, 12:52
I think I was a member of those sub-forums a long time ago, but admittedly I didn't use Gunboards very much. Most gun forums have been bought up and cleaned out I guess.

Have to ask, what exactly was offensive? Racist diatribes and disjointed political rants?

no such thing, someone called the guy a commie,
and even tho he was invited to join in the conversations, or threads, he declined,

I got a day suspension for questioning something, but that same mod said I was an asset to the boards and released me after a 1\2 day,
with a rather firm discussion on never questioning a mod in public,

VS has a tremendous amount on inconsistencies in how they manage one board, and they bring in mods from other forums (some with little to experience in what the forum is about) to keep the new rules enforced, while allowing what is not allowed on other forums,

all in the name of clicks for advertisers, no a thought given on the actual content

04-09-2023, 12:57
I think the same company killed the M14 forum as well (at least for me). Just seems to be their way of keeping clicks alive.

04-09-2023, 02:17
I think the same company killed the M14 forum as well (at least for me). Just seems to be their way of keeping clicks alive.

I think they also just bought Rimfire Central.

Phloating Phlasher
04-09-2023, 04:08
Is it just me or did our resident troll just bubble to the surface?:icon_e_surprised:
They changed the rules without notice, penalized completely at random, frequently when not even a modified without rules notice wasn't violated in any way, sometimes when the member wasn't even able to post & handed out random bans for absolutely no reason.
How is that even remotely like "Doing The Right Thing"?

04-09-2023, 05:07
I think they also just bought Rimfire Central.

Thought they ran through a pistol forum as well. I just remember the Canadian influence.

Hopefully the asylum seekers find the home they desire.

Ned Butts
04-09-2023, 05:51
That's odd I just tried visiting there & its still requiring a password?

Same here

04-09-2023, 06:04
if it is still asking you for a password, try logging out, the logging back in,

my admin page shows no password now

04-10-2023, 04:26
And just how does one find or log into Yesterdays Weapons?

Doc Sharptail
04-10-2023, 07:50
I can't access it either. Still being re-directed to a password entry page for it, and the log in/out does not change anything.


Doc Sharptail

04-10-2023, 09:58
well now, I'll go back again and see

Phloating Phlasher
04-10-2023, 10:17
Still asking & not taking as of 4/10 @ 1:18 EDT

Phloating Phlasher
04-10-2023, 02:05
OK fixed & working fine now,