View Full Version : Citizens of Russia living in occupied Crimea are participants in war crimes

04-04-2023, 01:26
Citizens of Russia living in occupied Crimea are participants in war crimes

Citizens of Russia living in occupied Crimea are participants in the war crime of colonisation, so they should leave the peninsula,

Said the Ukrainian Presidential Representative on Russians in Crimea: Cross Kerch bridge and go home


04-04-2023, 01:36
Citizens of Russia living in occupied Crimea are participants in war crimes

Citizens of Russia living in occupied Crimea are participants in the war crime of colonisation, so they should leave the peninsula,

Said the Ukrainian Presidential Representative on Russians in Crimea: Cross Kerch bridge and go home


Now that's an interesting idea. She does not specifically include ethnic Russians born in the Ukraine specifically. However, it should be remembered one of the reasons the Rooskies were able to just walk into the Crimea and take over is almost 3/4, 71% to be exact, of residents of the Crimea are ethnic Russians who didn't seem to mind the take over much. Nearly half when surveyed today say they consider themselves Russian citizens. I guess whether "ethnic cleansing" is ok depends on whose doing it.