View Full Version : Two from my pile of old steel

04-05-2023, 10:51
Not a 71/84 bayonet - this is a "pioneer cadet sidearm" from the 1870s. At academy, cadets were supposed to present a military appearance so all wore one of these. Very uncommon here, and I was glad to get it even if it's missing the release spring. Ironically, the spring is just for appearance - there's no release button. The same style without a saw back was an infantry cadet sidearm = much more common.

This cadet paid extra to have his sidearm etched as shown. As an aside, the sawback is still quite sharp as I just found out the hard way!

Next is a Puma NCO's dress bayonet with stag scales and troddel.

Dress bayonets weren't intended to be mounted on a rifle. As such there's a felt spacer for the slot. Price takes a hit if it's missing. Price also increases at least $100 for stag scales.

And just for fun, this is part of my bayonet assortment. I have quite a variety of Italian blades.

04-12-2023, 02:10
Another that was laying close at hand when I was taking pics of hats. DRK (German Red Cross) enlisted man's dagger. Phoney as Bill Clinton's NRA membership
card. If you ever plan to collect or even buy a German dagger, buy the book on fake daggers first!! Some of the early post war examples made in Spain very closely resemble the real deal. This one was advertised as a repro - even at that it's very similar to an original. Got it for less than $30. SW