View Full Version : Photography thread
Doc Sharptail
04-09-2023, 12:13
It seems to work...
Doc Sharptail
04-09-2023, 02:42
This site auto-sizes. Later on this morning, I'll start a dedicated photography thread. SW
04-09-2023, 05:57
The place for your pics, and discussion of photo kit.
I'll start off with a goose nest. There's a narrow ledge on one side of a local fishing pond protected by a chain link fence - mostly to keep kids from diving in. The same pair of geese have been nesting here for a few years and away they go again. The fence will help keep kids away but it does exactly no good against coons. I didn't have a camera along yesterday and am frankly amazed the eggs are still intact. SW
A goose and a rooster could make a gooster if they didn't chicken out.
Doc Sharptail
04-10-2023, 11:54
The place for your pics, and discussion of photo kit.
I'm trying to avoid linking to my computer- which is why still no avatar.
Let me know if image height of 530 is too tall.
It seems to be about the standard for B/B type boards.
I've been with the full-frame sensor long enough to develop personal favorites for glass, and was about to compile for the old board.
A bit of explanation for those who haven't followed previously:
I'm using a Nikon D-810 digital camera.
I am not using autofocus lenses with it because those systems have a tendency to shut down around 32F/0C.
I have been through a LOT of glass over the last 3 years or so, and am getting a very good idea of what works for me with the old film era manual focus lenses.
More to follow on this later...
Doc Sharptail
04-10-2023, 12:06
So far, I don't think image size matters too much - site software seems to resize. SW
Phloating Phlasher
04-10-2023, 12:19
I tried uploading an image from my online storage on "Imgur" & got a "error: Remote file is too large" error, so there is some upper limit, for hosted images at least!
Now the same image uploaded from my HDD came through with no problems @ 2.10Mb!
Doc Sharptail
04-10-2023, 12:20
So far, I don't think image size matters too much - site software seems to resize. SW
I'm getting the full 530 X 680 image here without having to click on it :D
Doc Sharptail
Phloating Phlasher
04-10-2023, 02:10
A bit more artsy than my usual stuff.
Doc Sharptail
04-11-2023, 11:49
Nikon series "E" 100mm f2.8 at f8 and low ISO.
It's wearing a Nikon L-37-C coated filter here.
Optically this out-performs the 105mm nikkor by quite a bit.
The series "E" line was just what the E designates- an economy line of lenses that didn't last very long.
The build quality and materials used were definitely inferior to the nikkor line- the plastic focusing tube and nylon bearings in the helicoids can get a bit noisy at the right temperatures.
I'll let the imagery speak for it's self.
I like this lens for it's small size, and ease of focus.
More to follow later...
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
04-12-2023, 09:38
Nikkor 35-105mm f3.5-4.5 here.
Crop from about 50mm and the macro lug engaged. Wide open.
The zone of focus when being used in this mode is incredibly shallow. A tripod and focusing rail would make images like this much better and easier to take. Still, given enough light, I try. :icon_wink:
Same lens at 105mm and f5.6. ISO 64.
More to follow...
Doc Sharptail
04-12-2023, 10:10
Extremely good detail on the sparrow!! SW
Great. Still have my old Pentax 35mm. Hung it up like most others when the digitals came about.
04-12-2023, 11:20
Great. Still have my old Pentax 35mm. Hung it up like most others when the digitals came about.
I went with a *ist D once I found out the lenses would interchange. I still have it even though my point & shoot is usually more 'at hand'. My son is one of the phone cam crowd but still does pretty nice when he takes the time to compose and crop.
Doc Sharptail
04-12-2023, 11:23
Great. Still have my old Pentax 35mm. Hung it up like most others when the digitals came about.
The K-mount lenses are still popular.
There's quite a few on mflenses that use them on various Sony and Fuji digital cameras by using a mount adapter.
For me , the Nikon F mount is still king, and the nikon f mount lenses work extremely well on the Nikon D-810.
Apparently, the last (?) Nikon DSLR is the D-6. All the new ones to follow will be mirrorless...
Doc Sharptail
i mostly shoot PJ work but im trying to get more commercial work with some fashion/beauty.
this one at least is 'gun' related. sort of
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04-12-2023, 11:39
many years ago...
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Getting use to the forum's image handling software is going to take me awhile.
I went with a *ist D once I found out the lenses would interchange. I still have it even though my point & shoot is usually more 'at hand'. My son is one of the phone cam crowd but still does pretty nice when he takes the time to compose and crop.
No, a Spotmatic ll. I always wanted a Spotmatic. By the time I was able to buy one they had been replaced with the Spotmatic ll. Big mistake. A great camera but they take a specialized flash that incorporates the amount of light given off based upon conditions. The camera has a photo eye or sensor on it that sends the info to the flash. Most of my pic's were taken outside so no real big deal there, however, me and a flash suited for that particular camera never came about. They quit making the camera and the specialized flash units.
I think the K1000 WAS the one that replaced it.
04-12-2023, 12:00
I'll drool over nice gear same as the next guy but I tell anyone who'll listen that the main thing is to be taking pics.
The K-mount lenses are still popular.
There's quite a few on mflenses that use them on various Sony and Fuji digital cameras by using a mount adapter.
For me , the Nikon F mount is still king, and the nikon f mount lenses work extremely well on the Nikon D-810.
Apparently, the last (?) Nikon DSLR is the D-6. All the new ones to follow will be mirrorless...
Doc Sharptail
Due to my age (69), health, and other factors, I don't get around much anymore and lost most interest in photo's.
I now use a small digital Lumix with a Leica lens. The lens is fixed and not removable. It is my go-to camera because it is so easy to operate. I also have a digital Nikon D-3200 with a telephone lens. I got my wife a digital Cannon 50D (I think) but she has only used it once.
Since the invent of the camera phones I see this art disappearing. Some of the newer camera phones are really good and you don't have to carry a bulky camera bag around with you.
Not saying these beat a SLR 35mm nor have I ever said that CD's and tapes are better than vinyl records but as times change I have changed some too.
Photography is changing real fast. From the DSLR's to Mirrorless and now phones are what the majority of people use. Digital Photography Review, that's been around for 25 yrs. is shutting down this week. I will never really get used to holding the Iphone to take a picture but like everyone else, it's with me a lot more than a camera even though I don't carry the phone around everywhere I go. I'd never heard of AI (artificial intelligence) a year ago and maybe you haven't either, but you will be. It's huge. Insert what kind of photo you want and it makes it. You can open your fridge door and point your phone at the food and it can tell you what you can cook up with the ingredients it sees. The big fear is that it is going to eliminate tens of thousands of jobs.
Here a gun pic:
sad to hear about DPR, I used that sight when I bought my last DSLR
I used Sony Point and Shoots for years to take pics of stuff to sell online, but with the tech in phones now, I started using my phone instead,
easier, and since it is an android phone, and I use a Google phone, it sync's right to my laptop , very easy to download,
04-12-2023, 02:28
I try to discourage interdevice communications.
I don't trust the microwave and the toaster oven's starting to act a little shady.
I usually yank the memory card and slap it into the desktop to get started.
...unless I'm using the Android. The 'droid gets cabled.
my phone is part of my business, besides the usual calls and texts,
it is my camera,
hot spot for wifi while on the road or at a show,
map (Waze is a good app)
my alarm clock,
etc etc
if it can integrate and save me some time or effort, then I all for it,
but I don't have it connected to the TV (have not tried honestly)
04-12-2023, 04:22
My older Samsung lacks the ability but I could sync through the connected Roku.
...option listed under 'settings'
I just realized the Samsung is over 10 years old.
That's more than double the life of my original Roku.
...first one fried, literally overheated and cooked itself
I have a roku upstairs, wife is warming up to it,
I mostly watch the downstairs TV, which has a Flex box (from Comcast) that was part of the internet package, and is kinda the same,
we subscribed to Apple TV, since the first 3 months are so are free thru Verizon (wife has an iphone)
so I got to see the first season of Foundation, (very good, but a bit of a departure from the books, as expected) and the second season starts this summer,
otherwise, I am digging Pluto TV (getting used to commercials again) and there are some decent stations on Samsung TV, (lots of good cooking and a few good travel shows)
Doc Sharptail
04-12-2023, 05:11
Phone sensors are still incredibly small. For serious work with images, I prefer the big and bulky and soon out of style full frame sensor DSLR.
My latest phone was a huge mistake- a Samsung A-20. This is the first in a long time wireless phone that I really dislike a lot.
The camera in it is a real turd- extremely low pixel count. I shudder thinking of trying to get anything other than 3" X 5" enlargements off it.
The user interface is incredibly poor in it's response- not only with the camera, but also most of the phone functions as well.
It doesn't come anywhere near what my old work-issued S-6 was.
Personally, I like the concentration that my current photo set-up requires.
Focus, compose, check exposure, and shoot.
I am using the manual exposure function with the camera a lot. Despite all it's intelligent exposure modes, it still cannot properly expose a strongly back-lit scene without some type of user in-put, which is not necessarily a bad thing. :icon_wink:
The idea of this with me is to have fun, and increase my profiency with what may well be a dying art form.
Doc Sharptail
04-12-2023, 05:41
There's things I miss about B&W darkroom work, not enough to try and go back to it but there's parts I miss.
Used to be, thinking about what I was trying to accomplish was a bigger part of things.
Phloating Phlasher
04-12-2023, 05:47
Some semi good news.
Even though DPR is going to die they are at least going to archive all that's on it.
It wont go forward any more obviously, but at least all that great info is still going to be available!
04-12-2023, 05:48
Phone sensors are still incredibly small.
Even knowing that to be true, some of the car/dash cam sensors out now blow me away.
my Pixel 7 Pro has a mighty fine camera,
granted, I am snapping pics and posting stuff on ebay, gunborker, or sometimes our website,
so I don't need to use a DSLR,
tried that once, it was actually easier with the point and shoot,
Pixel 7
does struggle with a black cat,
but so does my D5100
meanwhile, the old Pixel 3XL
Gary Numan last fall
granted, I was on the 3rd row, maybe 25 feet from him,
but the lighting changes will mess with the camera
for giggles, not meant for anyone here
04-12-2023, 06:38
your Nevada shot...
I can't say I did a whole lot better with film-
Doc Sharptail
04-12-2023, 08:09
There's things I miss about B&W darkroom work, not enough to try and go back to it but there's parts I miss.
Used to be, thinking about what I was trying to accomplish was a bigger part of things.
It doesn't make a whole lot of sense for me to get back into film.
If I had the space and time to set up a proper dry/wet darkroom with enlarger, I probably would.
Having done out of house has a lot going against it.
There are very few left who chemical print commercially.
Take your C-41 film in, and they'll develop it, but for prints, they are now digital scans.
Some of the stuff I've seen has been pretty abysmal even compared to the old 1 hr. photo places.
And then we get into sky high silver paper costs and proper chemical disposal...
I've decided to side step the whole works, except for the occasional roll through the old F2.
I still have a little Canon something or other point and shoot that I've kept.
It is a surprisingly good tool for making reticle pictures, among other things...
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
04-12-2023, 08:23
Nikkor 200mm f4 a.i. here at 5.6. ISO 400 for the dark and heavy over-cast. Shot on monochrome.
Same lens at f5.6 and ISO 400 again.
It is not the equal of a modern lens~ it displays heavy purple fringing ( C/A's) on strongly back-lit subjects.
I have a Tamron that I'm testing in this regard, and have a bit more to find out yet.
Doc Sharptail
...I'm using a Nikon D-810 digital camera.
I am not using autofocus lenses with it because those systems have a tendency to shut down around 32F/0C.
Doc Sharptail
me thinks you need to upgrade to good glass if you have auto focus problems starting at the freezing mark. ive shot hundreds of images in Alaska when it was -20 to -30F (thats -29 to -35C) and never had an auto focus lens fail. Canon EF 24-70 f2.8L, EF 70-200 f2.8L, and EF 100 macro f2.8L
i shoot in icebox condition hockey arenas (okay theyre only into the 50s) but marching bands and parades down below freezing in the winter too.
Canon 5D3, 5D4 for my bodies. i started a long long time ago with a Canon EX-Auto (an affiliation with Bell and Howell) before the ubiquitous AE-1 and New F-1n. lots of images with a yashicamat 124G but obviously those werent auto focus
04-13-2023, 01:00
I'd mentioned one of my boys taking snaps with his cell (smart phone).
recent shots from Idaho-
Doc Sharptail
04-13-2023, 10:37
me thinks you need to upgrade to good glass if you have auto focus problems starting at the freezing mark. ive shot hundreds of images in Alaska when it was -20 to -30F (thats -29 to -35C) and never had an auto focus lens fail. Canon EF 24-70 f2.8L, EF 70-200 f2.8L, and EF 100 macro f2.8L
i shoot in icebox condition hockey arenas (okay theyre only into the 50s) but marching bands and parades down below freezing in the winter too.
Canon 5D3, 5D4 for my bodies. i started a long long time ago with a Canon EX-Auto (an affiliation with Bell and Howell) before the ubiquitous AE-1 and New F-1n. lots of images with a yashicamat 124G but obviously those werent auto focus
That information on operating temperatures comes directly from the D-810's user manual.
I had worked a bit previously with an ED glassed Coolpix (nikon) L-820 p&s, and it would quit around 28F or so- as soon as the helicoid grease in the internals started to stiffen.
I've had the D-810 body out at close to -35 with varying different manual focus lenses aboard, and the camera functioned normally.
TBH, after paying what I did for the body, I had very little interest in A/F lenses, entirely based on pricing.
I've handled a few, yes, but there's little of the robust feel of the old film era m/f lenses.
I try to keep an open mind on such things~ there may come a time that my situation changes.
I've heard plenty on various Nikon and other DSLR's functioning well in the cold.
I do get a bit of possibly unfounded paranoia of fogging the sensor at such extremes, but that's probably just me.
Doc Sharptail
Some semi good news.
Even though DPR is going to die they are at least going to archive all that's on it.
It wont go forward any more obviously, but at least all that great info is still going to be available!
A sight that I miss that many of you may not have heard of is the photo section in Wunderground, the weather site. They used to host a photo section that had many thousands of pics sent in from all over the world. Many were so good it wanted me to give up. They gave up the site and I haven't seen it since. Hopefully it's still out there somewhere---there's a lot of great work gone if not so.
Doc Sharptail
04-14-2023, 08:53
The DP review site is still acting a little funny.
I'll give it another week or so, and try again.
Doc Sharptail
so, walking the trash can up to the road yesterday and spotted a nice looking cardinal,
he moved,
then moved again
then moved again,
then as I clicked the shutter on the phone camera (zoomed all the way out) he said nope and moved to the back yard,
big pretty red bird did not like attention,
04-14-2023, 09:53
so, walking the trash can up to the road yesterday and spotted a nice looking cardinal,
he moved,
then moved again
then moved again,
then as I clicked the shutter on the phone camera (zoomed all the way out) he said nope and moved to the back yard,
big pretty red bird did not like attention,
I feel your pain! I've tried for years to photograph mountain blue birds that nest in the buttes south of town. They don't hold still worth a darn! SW
Doc Sharptail
04-14-2023, 02:13
I think certain birds are hyper-aware of lens glass~ definitely red crested wood-peckers, and at times bald eagles can be fairly flighty....
I was out back without the camera (or phone ) the other day, and there was a huge Red-Crest drilling into an ancient telephone pole.
I moved to go in to get the camera, and he was instantly gone.
Doc Sharptail
The bottom line is any time you can get a really close shot you won't have a camera.
04-14-2023, 03:40
for me, it's owls
mostly because they're nocturnal
Even if I know where one's hanging out, it takes me weeks before I can catch a halfway decent shot.
There's two in this one (note the ear tufts @ 11:00 & 5:00) and I'm not saying it's a halfway decent pic.
04-14-2023, 03:47
A big part of the problem is how well they blend.
The trick is not to let them feel pressured or they won't hang around.
I'd drag out a tripod and do it right if I thought I'd get away with it.
Doc Sharptail
04-14-2023, 11:46
This bald eagle gave little chance other than to get it into the frame, and almost focus.
I spotted him flying in while changing lenses.
Nikkor 200mm f4 a/i-s wide open at ISO 400.
Lack of contrast gives this frame am almost monochrome look.
Darkly over cast skies last fall.
Series E 100mm f2.8 at f5.6 and ISO 200. Rabbit was about 5 feet away from me, and just a tiny fist sized tiny thing.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
04-15-2023, 12:44
Nikkor A/I-s 50mm f1.4 at f 5.6 and ISO 64.
Image is a crop.
95% crop from original to the upper image.
Very good performance at minimum focus distance of about 18". I need to get this lens on the extension tubes, or bellows unit to see what it's truly capable of.
This lens is one of my personal favorites, despite it's tendency to flare wide-open.
One of the few pictures of me that I have.
Taken with my sister's S-8.
I'm giving a soda can what for at 15 paces at the gravel pit with the 13-22 air pistol here. And, no, I can't see the rear sight without my readers on. Some are familiar with using half the eyeglasses frames trick to get a good sight picture :P
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
04-15-2023, 12:59
Male mosquito with the 50mm f2 nikkor H at f5.6 on the PB-2 bellows unit, D-810.
Doc Sharptail
Great. All of them, especially that mosquito.
Doc Sharptail
04-19-2023, 07:39
Tamron 80-210 f3.8-4 (103-A) here:
F5.6 and ISO 200 here for the heavy shadow. At 210mm.
Hybrid bunny sleeping with it's eyes open. The big hindlegs suggest railway jack, while the blunted nose says pet rabbit, likely of dutch origin.
Image was manipulated for the somewhat blown out high lights, and slightly hazy lens elements.
About an 80% crop here from a less than stellar test shot.
It is from the lower left hand corner, and quite impressive optically. F8 here at 210mm again.
This lens was one of the first optically successful 3rd party zooms~ I think it was only preceded by the Vivitar Series 1 70-210mm f3.5. This one has a bit more going for it when it comes to sharpness. Not bad at all for a mid to late 70's zoom at all.
There's the original frame from which the crop was taken...
Near minimum focus distance here at 210mm and f5.6 at ISO 400.
This sort of old school rendering has a lot of appeal for me.
Reflections from a triple pane "weather" window.
Wide open here at f3.8 and about 180mm. Good performance in strong-cross lighting...
Doc Sharptail
04-20-2023, 06:40
Traffic jam on the Danube. Pic from my pal in Budapest. SW
2nd picture, right side, top of the hill. I wonder what that building is. A fort, prison, government building? Along with the flag it looks like a statue in the front.
Phloating Phlasher
04-20-2023, 04:58
Old medieval Castle & monument on the highest point.
Pretty much De Regeur for most old European towns.
Gellert Hill & "Lady of Liberty", maybe?
Old medieval Castle & monument on the highest point.
Pretty much De Regeur for most old European towns.
Gellert Hill & "Lady of Liberty", maybe?
05-04-2023, 09:29
Doc Sharptail
05-04-2023, 11:31
Nikon Series "E" 100mm f2.8 at f8 and ISO 200.
This is a subject done before with the Nikkor 105 f2.5.
I think the cheapie "E" is optically superior, but with totally different rendering. The "E" has a tendency to flare, even at f8, just from strong high-lights without a direct light source.
Taken with the nikon L-37-C filter on the lens.
Crop from a similar frame with the camera in multizone program metering mode.
Same exposure information as above.
Other than some very slight c/a's on the glass edges, very good representation of what the subject actually looked like in the mid-evening light...
Doc Sharptail
05-05-2023, 07:49
Another view from the driveway.
05-05-2023, 12:52
That tree isn't in this shot.
(you'll probably figure that out on your own)
05-06-2023, 06:54
Unusual photography kit - I'm not sure if this is a legit camera. SW
Unusual photography kit - I'm not sure if this is a legit camera. SW
I'll bet few people would be interested in taking "selfies" with that camera.
Doc Sharptail
05-06-2023, 11:26
Unusual photography kit - I'm not sure if this is a legit camera. SW
The NEX lens adapter and mirrorless electronic viewfinder say heavy P/S.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
05-06-2023, 11:32
Nikkormat FTn here with Nikon bellows PB-2, 55mm f3.5 Micro-Nikkor P, and early Nikon slide copying unit.
I finally got the lens lock-pin repair completed (by me) on the bellows.
Same bellows with F2, BR-2 Nikkor reversing ring, and reversed 50mm f2 Nikkor H. Good combination for some of the medium and large size insects that spring brings.
Doc Sharptail
05-06-2023, 01:11
My two boys gave me grief for trying to take scorpion pics.
I'm not allowed to play with stinging insects anymore.
Johnny P
05-06-2023, 07:23
I've got three Nikons, two Leicas, and several lens that digital photography put out of business. Use to do my own developing and printing, but moved after retirement and never got set up again. I just use an inexpensive Canon digital camera for what photography I do now, mostly sending photos back and forth.
Doc Sharptail
05-06-2023, 08:22
I've got three Nikons, two Leicas, and several lens that digital photography put out of business. Use to do my own developing and printing, but moved after retirement and never got set up again. I just use an inexpensive Canon digital camera for what photography I do now, mostly sending photos back and forth.
I still have one Canon digital that is mostly okay. It rarely gets used anymore.
Almost all of my manual focus film era lenses get used on the D-810 DSLR. (I still don't have any A/F lenses)
Fortunately, Nikon stayed with the F mount bayonet system for a good long time.
For the amount of time I spend at it, it's definitely worth it.
I am doing things with the big 24 x 36mm full frame sensor that I couldn't even possibly dream of back in the film days.
The bellows photo's above were taken with an old Nikkor S 35mm f2.8 lens~ for it's close focus ability at ISO 6400 :icon_e_surprised:
Your old film era lenses are still usable, and if barring that, still salable goods.
Doc Sharptail
05-07-2023, 06:22
Except for the cat, this is classic old school photo kit. Speed Graphic with flash unit and what appears to be a sturdy tripod. SW
Doc Sharptail
05-07-2023, 07:01
Except for the cat, this is classic old school photo kit. Speed Graphic with flash unit and what appears to be a sturdy tripod. SW
Somebody's gonna be cleaning ground glass for a while...
Doc Sharptail
Phloating Phlasher
05-07-2023, 02:16
From the dark, dank, dusty days of Vinyl.
"Zerostat" pizeo record cleaning pistol & One of those funky "Saticmaster" brushes with the "Polonium" radio active element in a cage. Done in 10 seconds!
05-07-2023, 03:56
Some Polonium isotopes have a short half life - was this advertised to last a while? SW
Phloating Phlasher
05-07-2023, 06:50
Yes the replaceable cartridges had printed expiration dates.
" Every alpha ionizer source provided in the Staticmaster incorporate only a few microcuries of Polonium 210 material, still to obtain a license to manufacture and distribute these devices the design had to pass a safety analysis and battery of tests mandated by state and federal agencies, and defined by ANSI/ISO standards. Each element is leak tested prior to shipment. The quality assurance program is in place during the manufacturing processes, and these are reviewed and audited to assure compliance. It is completely safe to handle this alpha source since the particles can not pass through a sheet of paper, or through human skin. These have now been in production for over 60 years, and during that time the only instances of contamination were when the integrity of an ionizer was compromised by tampering or by physical abuse such as cutting into it.
The half-life of the encapsulated radioactive Polonium 210 material is 138.4 days, so about (14) months since manufacture have elapsed the radioactive activity of the Polonium has reduced to about 12.5% of its original level. One year after production it retains 17% of it?s original level of activity, and so the manufacturer suggests this is when the cartridge should be replaced in order to maintain optimal static control of your process.
Left: the metal label plate of a Staticmaster? one inch brush. Note the stamped Polonium 210 expiration date (35,746 bytes).
Click on image to see enlarged view (88,866 bytes)
In addition to the practical considerations there is a Federal regulatory body that governs the manufacture and distribution of these devices that requires all such alpha products be inspected at intervals of thirteen months after manufacture. By returning the Polonium Cartridge the required testing can be done on our customer?s behalf.
It is a simple matter for the user to remove the encapsulated Polonium module from the brush assembly and then return it for safe disposal at the factory. Replacement modules can be ordered and easily installed by the user. Regardless of the cartridge half life status, given reasonable care the Staticmaster remains useful as a brush for many many decades to come.
well,, a post I thought I posted disappeared,
I may have one of the zero stats around here somewhere, used them, but not sure they did much,
re cleaning, I have a brush the size of a small shoe brush that is more of a padded felt or velvet, that worked really well to get dust off an album,
came with a spray bottle of basically alcohol
05-07-2023, 07:45
Polonium 210 used to be the KGB's poison of choice. Took long enough for serious symptoms to develop, the half life was nearly timed out and an ID of the poison was difficult at best. A very unpleasant way to be assassinated. SW
Phloating Phlasher
05-08-2023, 09:37
Its encapsulated in beads which are also sealed in a resin. Then its behind the cage shown.
I wouldn't chew on it too much though.:icon_scratch:
Easy test for the Zerostat.
take some paper chads from the shredder then wipe something plastic vigorously for a bit. Now sprinkle the chads onto it & hold it vertically, the paper chads should stick be static attraction. "Fire" the Zerostat at it & they should immediately drop free.
:1948: :headbang:
It also works when dusting a glass lens!
05-20-2023, 04:16
Photo kit. SW
This guy needs help designing a cart to wheel his kit around.
I had heard of Zorki before but didn't realize there was a lens assortment for them.
Phloating Phlasher
05-20-2023, 06:12
Zorkis & the lenses were a GREAT deal at the time.
The lenses would fit screw thread Leica bodies & you could use Leica or Canon 39mm threaded lenses.
05-20-2023, 06:29
Piezoelectric unit. My 40 year old son isn't as old as this is.
Works great. Used it last to un-stick an enclosed plastic meter needle a neighbor was complaining about.
52707 52708
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totally unrelated... a photograph
05-20-2023, 07:59
I like the pic! At first I thought the gat was a Cetme. SW
05-21-2023, 09:28
I like the pic! At first I thought the gat was a Cetme. SW
Took that one at American Flats, an old Virginia City mill site that had a reputation as a place to party and run amok.
Government desk dwellers decided to level and fill in that particular piece of history some years ago.
Girl pictured was partial to that HK91.
Honestly, partial to the point of my having some doubts as to my getting it back.
Doc Sharptail
05-22-2023, 08:25
Photo kit. SW
This guy needs help designing a cart to wheel his kit around.
Over-kill in the most extreme way. The dented lens barrels and shades as evidenced in the photo are testament to these ill thought out transport and handling methods.
Then again, some people *may* have money to burn :P
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
05-27-2023, 10:39
F2 on the P/B-2A bellows unit. The mount on the bellows rotates to accommodate vertical imagery. Nikkor Q 135mm f3.5 aboard.
This frame to show size.
It makes images like this. Note shallow depth of field here, even at f8. I focused on the aperture blades on this work horse 50mm f2. Illuminated with a cheep little l.e.d. flashlight. 16 seconds at ISO 64.
Doc Sharptail
06-07-2023, 06:05
I hope you're stocked up on these, Doc - I believe prices are about take a big jump! SW
Doc Sharptail
06-07-2023, 10:04
At that price point, I'll be out of the Zeiss game without ever getting into it.
My preferences are still for the older film era manual focus lenses and the "character" images they provide, not to mention the low to reasonable prices I'm still finding.
That 36 m/p sensor is revealing a lot of old timer gems.
Hoping for a bit of a break in this heat. Most of the city flower box planting is done now, so I may have some good images in a while.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
06-08-2023, 10:07
Just a few additional thoughts after doing a bit of looking around.
It appears they've literally, and figuratively, priced themselves right out of the market.
The current Cosina/Voightlander m/f series is the I/Q equivalent or better, for a fraction of the price.
Then there's the chinese stuff like TT/7 Artisans, which is cheap by comparison, and taking a fairly large bite out of the m/f lens market.
Perhaps their rifle scope line is next under the axe~ there's even more very serious competition there...
Doc Sharptail
06-08-2023, 02:32
It wouldn't surprise me to see them exit the scope market. To remain competitive price-wise, quality would have to suffer. And that by itself would kill them off. SW
Ziess is a small player in the US Scope world,
would not surprise me if they did pull out,
after all Nikon did,
Swarvwoski makes a fine spotting scope, but it is severly over priced,
Doc Sharptail
06-08-2023, 08:14
No confirmation or denial here, with some somewhat negative commentary coming from company insiders.
We shall see.
It's news to me that Nikon has left the rifle scope business...
Doc Sharptail
Phloating Phlasher
06-09-2023, 12:17
They left a while back.
From Jan of 2020:
Doc Sharptail
06-09-2023, 11:00
They left a while back.
From Jan of 2020:
Thanks for the link.
They have also exited the DSLR market at roughly the same time, with the D6 being the last.
Efforts have been concentrated on the Z mirror-less line, for the time being.
I had just recently seen an ad somewhere for the nikon 2-7 x 32 rimfire~ likely on amazon, or similar.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
06-10-2023, 08:24
That old twin ring Tamron zoom is capable of a bit of the artsy-wartsy stuff too. Mix a bit of wind, some dandelion seeds, and wide apertures for painterly like effects.
Purple Martin house in the little play-ground/park across the street.
Doc Sharptail
Phloating Phlasher
06-10-2023, 10:47
Back in the day I won a pair of Tamron Adaptall (adaptamatic?), directly from Tamron.
IIRC an 70~210 & a 37~80?
Both very nice lenses.
Doc Sharptail
06-10-2023, 12:20
There was a sometimes confusing lineup of high quality zooms from Tamron over the years, with the very first (?) being simply Tamron t-mounts.
Then came the Adapt-amatic line, then the Adapt-all line, and later the Adaptall-2 line.
The lens discussed above is an early adapt-all that is either a CZM, or QZM 85-210 macro f 4.5.
I lean towards mine being a QZM based on it's early double coatings, and number of lenses manufactured.
I have to watch the A/M switch on mine- it under exposes quite heavily in the M position.
It is one of the sharper zooms I've come across with good definition at all focal length positions.
The macro lug engaged results in some usable, if not a bit soft close-up images. It is a lens I'm liking a lot.
I'm at 3 Tamron lenses now- Their first run 500mm f8 mirror, a 70-210mm f 3.5, and the lens listed above.
There is supposed to be a 90mm macro that is well regarded, but I've never seen one.
There's a bit of info here.
From the way I read it, the site is incomplete with lens listings still being compiled.
Doc Sharptail
Phloating Phlasher
06-10-2023, 02:39
Mine were the bayonet, not the "T-Mount" It was originally before "Auto Indexing" for Nikons to you had to do the "Rick-Rack" thing to set the aperture range. I originally got them in Pentax screw because I was using Spotmatics, then when I switched to Nikon The mounts adapters were swapped for Nikon.
I honestly don't recall a Macro feature? Maybe, but I was doing press type work at the time so it wasn't relevant either way. Both were 2-ring, "Trombone" zooms were a thing of the future at the time.
"Short Zooms (Nikkor 43~86)" & so on were a rarity at the time. Late '70's~ mid 80's.
Doc Sharptail
06-10-2023, 09:37
I am with the nikon system now.
The lens pictured way above in this thread came with an early adaptall nikon mount for the aperture racking f system that does not link up with the A/I tab system still used on the D-810 camera. I'll get some pictures up of the various adaptall nikon mounts that I have. A little bit of digging will be required.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
06-11-2023, 01:12
Adaptall mount for Nikon F with the shoe for the aperture pin at right side of the ring.
Adaptall-2 mount for Nikon A/I. Note absence of the pin coupler shoe. A/I indexing tab is at image upper left.
There was an earlier variant with both the shoe and the A/I tab that I would like to find.
Fotodiox Tamron to Nikon mount. Current generic with no aperture coupling at all. I use this on the F8 mirror lens, where lack of aperture coupling doesn't matter.
Macro lug circled in red here...
Doc Sharptail
Phloating Phlasher
06-11-2023, 09:15
Yes, "Adaptall".
I really don't remember the macro, but it was 40+ years ago & I probably never used it anyway.:icon_scratch:
The lenses I had did have that same 2-ring config & the same "leathercloth" rubber pattern.
Doc Sharptail
06-17-2023, 12:37
This young goose walked up and sat behind me at Sturgeon Creek today while I was fishing. Snapped a few pix from about 3 feet away and resumed fishing. Next time I looked, it was sound asleep :D
Nikkor 35-105 f3.5-4.5 macro at 105mm at ISO 200 and F8, 1/320 sec.
Doc Sharptail
06-18-2023, 07:10
Car show. Rather than endure crowds, I took a few pics this morning just after sunrise. For some reason, there were a lot of new Corvettes on hand, but those really don't interest me. SW
The Hudson I mentioned elsewhere. Apparently the fellow drove it from Texas. Much more interesting than a brang new Vette.
Vintage COE Ford tractor with 5 hot rods.
I tried for better pics of his rods. Very well done.
Better shot of the tractor. From a distance, I thought the hood ornament was a Mack bulldog, but it's a Ford duck.
06-18-2023, 07:18
A few more shots. SW
Side view of the Hudson. I wanted to ask if he was going to leave it in clear coat, but not available. I'm guessing he channeled his available $ into mechanical stuff and is saving up for paint.
Parked beside the Hudson
Rather an improbable dragster. This wasn't at the show - I'd saved the pic for some reason.
Doc Sharptail
06-18-2023, 10:38
Neat old cars! thx for posting.
Got some work to do on the bike, and then will try Portage west again- nothing yesterday.
Manitoba Marathon is today, and the road is closed until 2 p.m.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
06-18-2023, 08:37
Found a big local meet and show at Grant Park Pony Corral.
Elder Statesman ;-) Pontiac of unknown vintage to me.
I don't care much for the modern satin paints used on this.
Deuce rag-top. This model served as part of Softy's Speed Shop advertising for the better part of 3 generations.
Mid to late 30's Chev. Don't know much about these other than how much I like the body style.
Got a few more to edit and crop.
Taken with a mix of the Nikkor 50mm f1.4, and the Nikkor 35-105mm macro zoom. Almost all at f8.
It was very, very crowded here, and getting clear shots of the cars was a bit more of an undertaking than I'm accustomed to...
Doc Sharptail
06-22-2023, 10:32
First attempt to include a photo. This is a live shot off the TV from South Africa.
06-22-2023, 10:45
This is a live shot of a Eastern Red Tail Hawk in my back yard.
Found a big local meet and show at Grant Park Pony Corral.
Elder Statesman ;-) Pontiac of unknown vintage to me.
I don't care much for the modern satin paints used on this.
Deuce rag-top. This model served as part of Softy's Speed Shop advertising for the better part of 3 generations.
Mid to late 30's Chev. Don't know much about these other than how much I like the body style.
Got a few more to edit and crop.
Taken with a mix of the Nikkor 50mm f1.4, and the Nikkor 35-105mm macro zoom. Almost all at f8.
It was very, very crowded here, and getting clear shots of the cars was a bit more of an undertaking than I'm accustomed to...
Doc Sharptail
That Chevy is a 1937 model . . . .I once had one.
06-24-2023, 12:30 shot of a Eastern Red Tail Hawk in my back yard.
Great pic.
Doc Sharptail
06-26-2023, 09:36
Impala bubble top coupe from the show last week-end.
Car has been heavily modified.
I'm not sure if this was a factory option, or a custom build. The interior layout is definitely strange...
Doc Sharptail
06-26-2023, 01:23
Agree with you Doc. I had a 59 Biscayne, my first car, and I don't remember the roof line looking like that and the windshield seems to be taller. The body looks to be the same as I remember. Thanks for the compliment on the Hawk Photo. I have a couple of photos of the hawk showing its colors, however, to large a file to post here.
Doc Sharptail
06-26-2023, 08:14
however, to large a file to post here.
Shoot me a p.m. and get them e-mailed to me- I'll get them posted and re-sized if you like.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
06-27-2023, 05:19
That old Tamron zoom I picked up a few weeks ago is turning out to be quite the art-house lens.
Tamron QMZ 85-210mm F4.5 Macro at 210mm and f8, ISO 800, 1/320 sec on the D-810.
Image has been manipulated a bit in post, mostly for contrast and exposure, and slightly sharpened.
Picture distance was 80-90 feet. In the right setting, that oldster certainly is sharp for it's vintage.
I need to explore these some more.
This was a guy still fishing for carp. He caught a Goldeye shortly after I took this picture.
The usual Sturgeon Creek haunt...
Doc Sharptail
Impala bubble top coupe from the show last week-end.
Car has been heavily modified.
I'm not sure if this was a factory option, or a custom build. The interior layout is definitely strange...
Doc Sharptail
looks shortened,
06-27-2023, 08:33
Thanks for the compliment on the Hawk Photo. I have a couple of photos of the hawk showing its colors, however, to large a file to post here.
You might consider Doc's offer.
Another option would be Irfanview, @ Irfanview(dot)com, a free to download and use program without many of the bells and whistles of Photoshop (payware) or Photoscape (freeware). Youtube is good for tutorials on the various features of all three. I use Irfanview mostly due to the simplicity of it's re-sizing options. Step through it a couple of times and it'll become second nature.
Doc Sharptail
06-28-2023, 07:29
You might consider Doc's offer.
Another option would be Irfanview, @ Irfanview(dot)com, a free to download and use program without many of the bells and whistles of Photoshop (payware) or Photoscape (freeware). Youtube is good for tutorials on the various features of all three. I use Irfanview mostly due to the simplicity of it's re-sizing options. Step through it a couple of times and it'll become second nature.
I do all my re-sizing with the Windows 10 photo editing suite. It takes about 5 sec to resize a full frame (7200 w) raw converted to jpeg, which is laser like compared to anything I've found on-line. I use imgur for hosting everything I post here.
There are some very basic tools in the Win 10 suite that seem to work fairly well, albeit minus the finesse of the bigger pay and go outfits.
If I were to work directly from raw, I would most certainly need something like photoshop, or better. For now, I'm content with the very basic manipulations that came built-in on my computer...
Doc Sharptail
06-28-2023, 08:59
Neither of us use Photoshop.
Phloating Phlasher
06-28-2023, 09:11
I had a very nice photo editing package, but it became no longer supported.
Based on suggestions from photographer friends I went with some nice free shareware.
Gimp for photo editing (very like Photoshop)
"Raw Therapee" which interfaces with Gimp, or "S7RAW" for RAW file manipulation.
I'm completely happy with both.
06-28-2023, 10:36
I had a very nice photo editing package, but it became no longer supported.
We call that a subscription service. Do you remember what it was?
Looked into Gimp and decided, not unlike Lightroom/Photoshop, it had more features than I'd ever need or use.
Not exactly intuitive or user friendly.
Phloating Phlasher
06-29-2023, 10:58
"Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10.0" The program was an old one running in a compatibility window in Win 8, into Win 7. It wouldn't even do that when the Win 10 upgrade happened.
It was a purchase, not a subscription.
06-29-2023, 12:44
Thought I would try a little photo editing. Only downsized the photo size.53162
06-29-2023, 07:40
Doc Sharptail
06-29-2023, 09:54
Tamron 85-210mm f4.5
Definitely worth working with a bit more.
The American Black Ash outside our back door is flowering~ something I had never seen it do before. We have been here a good 12 years or so, and it's the first I've seen of this.
At 210mm here and f5.6, 1/320 sec at ISO 800 for the dense shade.
The rendering is something else, as long as one is willing to put up with the slightly glowing high-lights.
Same subject again, with the macro lug engaged at 1:3 and f8.
Both frames unmanipulated except the macro shot has been cropped quite a bit.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
07-07-2023, 09:32
Nikkor S 35mm f2.8 at ISO 800 and f 5.6. Shutter speed was about 1/30 sec here, right at sunset. Monochrome from the camera, and not a conversion. About a 95% crop here, showing a bit of camera shake induced blur, and more than a bit of noise.
This is one of the best times of day for photographs. The monochrome camera setting makes what would be a some what bland photo a lot more interesting, especially with the long sunrays. I have up-graded this 35 to a much better condition, and older O.C. 35mm F 2.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
07-07-2023, 10:04
Chev Cameo 1/2 ton nicely done.
Lot's of chrome on this one, and I'm fairly certain by the hood ornament that it's pre-'55.
Cameo badging on the box sides.
Detail of the hood ornament.
There's a view of the front.
No sunstars here- almost all of these were taken with the 35-105 f3.5-4.5 nikkor zoom wide open...
Doc Sharptail
07-10-2023, 05:53
Unusual photo kit. I think there's supposed to be a rail for the bellows. SW
Vern Humphrey
07-10-2023, 12:24
Unusual photo kit. I think there's supposed to be a rail for the bellows. SW
Have you tried Viagra?
Doc Sharptail
07-11-2023, 09:18
Bellows section looks awfully short as well- possibly cut or torn.
Copious amounts of duct tape holding the extension tube on the end as well.
Looks actually quite a bit like a War 1 gas mask snootle.
Doc Sharptail
Phloating Phlasher
07-11-2023, 09:35
Home made "LensBaby" attempt?
Doc Sharptail
07-11-2023, 06:39
Home made "LensBaby" attempt?
It looks like a modified lensbaby adapter ~ sort of a redneck attempt at shift movements- which have already had a workable system designed into the original shift type lenses. Such a set up would suffer from control, and repeatability issues. The big miss here is lack of reference to the focus plane. It may work for crazy special effects, but just try doing the same thing twice :P
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
07-12-2023, 09:00
Moulting teenager geese on the Red River near the mouth of the Assiniboine.
Image is a considerable crop from the original. 1/320 sec f8 at ISO 64 with the O.C. Nikkor 35mm f2.
Provencher pedestrian suspension bridge over the Red. Known in local parlance as the "dink" bridge.
O.C. Nikkor 35mm f2 at f8 again.
Canadian Museum for Human Rights. What an architectural dream, and an erector's nightmare. Straight lines are rare on this structure. Horrid resemblance here to a cow patty.
O.C. Nikkor 35mm f2 at f5.6.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
07-13-2023, 05:47
O.C. Nikkor 35mm f2 yet again:
At f8 here and ISO 64. I like this rendering a lot. Slightly manipulated in post for contrast and exposure. Not sharpened.
Considerable crop of upper left hand corner.
This lens seems to minimize it's barrel distortion by being shot vertically.
Dried clay and vegetation along the north bank of the Asssiniboine river.
Doc Sharptail
Have you tried Viagra?
That made me laugh out loud. I have a Minolta lense with a rail. One of the only "vintage" lenses I have that I use and like.
Doc Sharptail
07-17-2023, 02:15
The geese around here are getting mighty tolerant of people.
O.C. Nikkor 35mm f2 at f 5.6, ISO 64. In camera monochrome.
Provencher pedestrian bridge over the Red almost converging with the road bridge here.
Same as above except f8.
More to add to this set in a bit. There's some cropping/editing to do first.
Doc Sharptail
07-17-2023, 11:52
The geese around here are getting mighty tolerant of people.
During nesting season?
That seems unusual.
Vern Humphrey
07-17-2023, 02:50
During nesting season?
That seems unusual.
In the '90s I worked at General Motors Warren Tech Center. That place is over-run with geese, apparently attracted by the cooling ponds. No matter what time of year, the geese are not only tolerant, they resent people. At the right time of year, you would drive onto the Warren Tech Center and it would be like Moses parting the Red Sea -- huge mobs of goslings, from curb to curb, and they would only grudgingly move out of the way of your car.
07-17-2023, 05:15
My mom had a yard goose for years. Best guard dog possible.
If it moved it got honked at. Turns out geese have remarkable vision. Set foot in her yard and you got chased.
People around here lose cats and small dogs to coyotes all the time but the coyotes may have been afraid of that goose.
The only experience I have with geese are the white (domestic ?) geese. A nearby city has a huge park with lakes full of ducks and geese. I went there a few times to feed them taking about half dozen loaves of bread. The geese only bit me when they were trying to get the bread out of my hands. Some of them would tug on my pants leg like a dog if they didn't get enough attention/food. Really had no problem with them.
Canadian geese may be a whole different story though.
Doc Sharptail
07-17-2023, 08:59
In camera monochrome continues here for a bit.
Fire exit at the Human Rights museum.
Same lens as above at f5.6
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
07-26-2023, 08:55
Wide open at f2 and minimum focus distance with the O.C. nikkor 35mm f2 lens fully extended. 1/80 sec at ISO 64 right at sunset.
About an 80% crop.
Doc Sharptail
Pistols and stamen are creepy plant sex organs I don't need to know about. Mandibles, nien. If you can't get out, take pictures of your back yard.
That is one very tall, well built building. Whatever that was about, they were serious.
Doc Sharptail
07-30-2023, 11:30
At f5.6 and ISO 400 here with the o.c. nikkor 35mm f2
This lens is going to stay in the bag for a while yet.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
07-30-2023, 08:28
Somewhat rare car for around here. '57 Chev Bel Air Tudor hardtop. O.C. nikkor 35mm f2 at f5.6 and ISO 400. Car was in motion here at about 20mph. 1/1250 sec.
There wasn't a lot on Portage West tonight. Must have been another Sunday show at the Grant Park Pony Corral.
Pontiac GTO shot with the same settings above. Nailed focus slightly better here.
R/T Super Bee here with 50mm f1.4 nikkor at f5.6 and ISO 400. 1/1250 sec.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
08-02-2023, 02:36
Luna last night, on the "super moon".
There was quite a bit of atmospheric interference, and I was shooting from the bright lights of the city. A bit of the smoke/cloud haze shows over the craters near image center right.
Still, not too bad considering the conditions.
Tamron 55-B-AR 500mm F8 mirror at 1/500 sec, ISO 400.
Shot from the big Manfrotto tripod using live view on the Nikon D-810.
Doc Sharptail
08-02-2023, 07:36
My best falls short of that.
Perseid meteor shower peaks on the 13th of the month.
Counts will drop off dramatically post-peak but ramp up until then. Viewable occurrences will also vary considerably from the projected counts depending on local light pollution, elevation, etc.
I intend to try my luck at a screen grab working from a cell phone video.
I'm at 5,000' (appx), not far enough away from city lights to suit me but far enough to easily make out the 7 Sisters.
Wish me luck.
Doc Sharptail
08-02-2023, 09:54
Perseid meteor shower peaks on the 13th of the month.
Counts will drop off dramatically post-peak but ramp up until then. Viewable occurrences will also vary considerably from the projected counts depending on local light pollution, elevation, etc.
I intend to try my luck at a screen grab working from a cell phone video.
I'm at 5,000' (appx), not far enough away from city lights to suit me but far enough to easily make out the 7 Sisters.
Wish me luck.
We are at 750 feet here, and the city is a fairly big one with about 900.000 population, so there is a lot of light pollution here.
There's what actual shooting conditions looked like. Shot in normal color~ the brown tinged clouds at image center lower right suggest wildfire smoke.
I also took a couple of useless frames of Jupiter. I'll wait a couple of days for a moonless sky and try again at much lower ISO.
Good luck,:icon_wink: then! Lowering ISO is going to be pretty important on small sensors, regardless of the glass quality.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
08-07-2023, 11:37
Not much for old cars this weekend, so here's a couple of interesting "bikes" :
Mid to late 80's Beemer with what appears to be a home-built side-car.
Unknown to me year Can-Am Spyder. Condition suggests fairly new, but that could depend on how much it's ridden, and the care it receives.
Doc Sharptail
In the first picture the cycle is obviously modern with the wheels, disc brakes, tank, engine and other. The sidecar appears to be vintage to me. I don't keep up much with BMW.
Phloating Phlasher
08-08-2023, 12:34
St Michaels, Md during the thunderbumper yesterday this is about 4 PM!
Doc Sharptail
08-10-2023, 07:32
Got this this a.m. Missed the spider though~ he was already gone with his tiny moth by the time I got back outside with the camera. Blobby blurs near center are flare on the lens. I'll have to dig out it's hood and start using it for shots like this.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
08-16-2023, 10:58
Go fast boats on the Assiniboine river.
Pushing their luck here with water depths~ the stern drive in-board systems require at least 4 ft.
Doc Sharptail
08-16-2023, 07:27
Doc, I would call this photo "light at the end of the tunnel."
I am referring to the Moon Shot above the Motorcycles photos above.
08-19-2023, 05:19
I'd like to have cash in my pocket what some of this glass cost! SW
Doc Sharptail
08-19-2023, 06:02
One cat at the very far end~ probably 1000mm, or better.
The rest are all extra long telephoto.
The A/F versions shown here do come with fairly steep stickers on them.
Monopods abound. I still have to get around to trying one.
Doc Sharptail
That's actually a 8" cannon to even the playing field for those who are about to lose their bets to a winning team. The guy shooting it though may end up with a black eye.
08-27-2023, 04:35
Publisher guy wanted a bio pic for the latest book. Older daughter took this with her phone. It should work great for scaring squills from bird feeders, too. Re phone cameras - it amazes me what they can do. SW
Doc Sharptail
08-27-2023, 06:13
Some of the older phones like the samsung S-6 and S-8 were actually very good.
The only draw back to them is the small sensor size, which is quite apparent in your photo.
I would likely not have gone the DSLR route if the phones had a better final image quality.
Nice mug btw!
Doc Sharptail
09-04-2023, 07:02
What is the title of the "latest book?" You mentioned it as the reason for your daughter taking a photo of you.
so, that old Vivitar telephoto lens I have,
got it mounted on my D5100,
hummingbirds a bit active this morning, so I grab the camera, get a shot at the feeder, (very narrow field of view,) and then the battery died,
I don't have, cause I never needed, a spare,,
just my luck
Doc Sharptail
09-04-2023, 08:46
pixel 7 Pro
That's pretty good for a phone.
Batteries I never have a problem with- on my camera battery status displays in 3 different places: the view finder, the top plate on the camera, and on the rear screen.
I carry a 3rd party spare in my go bag, and rarely have to use it.
On the other hand, the canon point and shoots I've had were pretty bad for rapid battery depletion.
It may be getting close to time to replace the nikon battery in the D-810~ it's starting to heat up on the charger.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
09-04-2023, 09:49
A few frames from the long weekend show and shine at the Pony Corral.
All were taken with the Tamron 02B 28mm f 2.5, mostly wide open. ISO 64 right at sunset.
This lens has great rendering for this sort of thing.
'51 Mercury modified to 3/4 ton and 4 X 4. Nose badging looks like a partial replacement from an earlier Ford. Canadian Mercury trucks got styling cues of all their own as well, so anything is possible here. Look out, Power Wagon:icon_wink:
Another Canadian optioned vehicle, this time from G.M.
IIRC, this is a '70 Acadian wagon, made just before Pontiac took over the Acadian name plate. Early Nova badging. These cars had an optional 307 C/I 2 bbl. This one has been modified to a Rochester quadra-jet.
Brace o' Ranchero's with different trim levels. Pretty sure these are '59's.
Wide open-mouth grille here suggests Lincoln, but it's a little small- probably early 30's Ford. Car has had the "melt" treatment with all of the badging removed.
'59 Biscayne. Love that rear deck, and Cat's eye tail lights.
Doc Sharptail
09-04-2023, 05:48
Here's a scan he sent me of the cover. (book #16 for me) I write for him on various fiction topics - this one concerns a fictional future of people returning to Earth after it was uninhabitable from an atomic war's radiation. The book before that was alternate history of Germany and Japan fighting for control of the North American continent. Other than that, I wrote the first English language book on Carcano rifles. Also edited a 900 page book on WW2 Japanese militaria. Keeps me out of the taverns! :icon_wink: SW
'51 Mercury modified to 3/4 ton and 4 X 4. Nose badging looks like a partial replacement from an earlier Ford. Canadian Mercury trucks got styling cues of all their own as well, so anything is possible here. Look out, Power Wagon:icon_wink:
You probably know this but Plymouth made trucks too. So did Oldsmobile. In fact, the old truck used on the Beverly Hillbilly's is an Oldsmobile, however it began life as a 1921 Old's roadster.
Acadian,,, Nova,
seems Canada got a mixture of names etc,
nice looking wagon
I believe the Ranchero's are 57's. The first year of production.
Doc Sharptail
09-04-2023, 09:24
Acadian,,, Nova,
seems Canada got a mixture of names etc,
nice looking wagon
I'll get a crop up of the front left fender- there's three name plates there.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
09-04-2023, 09:57
Note the "A" on the wheel covers.
From what I've read, the original idea was to have Acadian as a "brand" division, much like the recently evaporated Saturn division.
The Beaumont nameplate would move on, and become Chevrolet Beaumont.
Note the "A" above three maple leafs in the center of the grille trim.
The Acadian nameplate would move on as well, and become Pontiac Acadian.
By the mid 80's, the Acadian was nothing more than an up-trim level Chevy Chevette with Pontiac arrows.
I accidently deleted the frame from the camera with the Nova plate on it. It appears on the front left edge of the hood when it's down.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
10-12-2023, 12:57
Taken on Oct. 10.
Nikkor P 55mm f3.5 micro at about 1:2~ as close as I could get...
I didn't know that honey bees lose their color like this. It is almost completely brown in color with very little yellow/gold left.
Doc Sharptail
10-12-2023, 06:14
Great detail in the wing veins and grains of pollen! SW
Doc Sharptail
10-12-2023, 10:50
For an old flat field lens like that, not bad at all, considering the wind.
The narrow depth of focus at that level of magnification is a bit trick to work with hand held.
There's a bit of wind induced motion blur on the bee's lower body, but just barely noticeable.
That lens is an old personal favorite, despite it's slightly low speed.
The newer, faster versions give pleasing images as well, with a totally different rendering.
I prefer this one for the way the back-grounds mute out, but that's just a matter of personal taste.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
10-21-2023, 10:32
A few frames from the new to me Tamron 200mm f3.5 recently acquired:
At minimum focus distance here and wide open (f3.5) at ISO 64.
Wide open again at ISO 200 for the heavy over cast.
Approximately 125% crop of the image above.
Great sharpness here at almost 1200 yards from subject. The sharply defined edges at the top of the cathedral structure are surprising.
A bit more testing to do with this yet. It purple finges a bit on high contrast edges, and may need a hood a bit deeper than the built-in, which looks a bit short.
Doc Sharptail
10-22-2023, 06:09
I really like the composition of your leaf image! SW
Doc Sharptail
10-22-2023, 08:13
That is with the long flat sunlight rays of near sunset- what some call "sweet light".
It is a good time for photo's, serious portraiture, and especially wildlife.
I've lately been trying to capture a red tinged sunset without a whole lot of success.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
10-28-2023, 04:47
Yesterday morning out the back door with the D-810 about 20 min before sunrise. 55mm f3.5 "P" micro-nikkor at ISO 800 (it was that dark) and f 5.6, 1/40 sec.
Doc Sharptail
10-28-2023, 05:27
That looks like what we have here after it snowed all night! SW
12-09-2023, 06:47
Pic from an electronics store in Moscow ca. 1980s. As well as I know, exchange rate for Rubles to dollars was about 30 to 1 at the time.
Lens brands shown are (in no particular order) Jupiter, World, Telear, Kalenar and Zenitar. SW
Doc Sharptail
01-20-2024, 12:31
Dale Hawerchuk statue at the N.E. entrance to True North Square. Taken with the 28-85mm f3.5-4.5 Nikkor at f5.6, and 28mm IIRC.
This was actually one of the last manual focus zooms that nikon produced, and a good performer at the wide to normal focal lengths.
A bit soft wide open at the 85mm end, it wants f5.6 or f8 to settle down.
As an architectural lens, not too shabby at the 28mm end again. This shot from the west entrance to the same location and f8.
Doc Sharptail
Phloating Phlasher
01-20-2024, 11:05
WE got a 2 day total of about 3~ 4" here in the Flatlands of Md.
Doc Sharptail
02-06-2024, 04:04
Some knife shots. I was experimenting with the bounce off a single SB-22 flash, and low ISO of 64.
Daily pocket knife. Chinese Gerber with about a 2 1/2" blade. The steel and edge are definitely not the equal of the older U.S. made knives. I use a pocket sharpener to keep it good enough to effortlessly cut 20 lb. braid fishing line. It does not hold an edge that well, and requires sharpening after use over a hardwood cutting board.
At f4 here and ISO 64. The 20+ year old flash still works the way it should.
Columbia River Knife and Tool M-16 with the matte finish stainless blade. Another Chinese made knife with sort of a "Meh" edge. I still haven't used or sharpened it yet. It resides in the day camera bag incase of need. Shot and exposed as above.
Leatherman "Sidekick" multi-tool. The knife blade on it is surgically sharp, like the old Gerber Gator I had with non-serrated edge. That one I miss when I'm field dressing game. The blade shown sliced a slightly over-ripe tomato once, and I haven't used it since. Tool is actually sort of handy, and gets used quite a bit for the pliers and screw driving functions. Pliers jaws are a bit on the soft side.
Shot and exposed as above.
Just as a control subject for this series, Nikkor O.C. 35mm f2 shot at f5.6 and ISO 200.
All were taken with the 50mm f1.4 A/I-s Nikkor manual focus lens on the D-810 camera.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
02-16-2024, 01:48
A bit reduced from the last time I did this.
Still not all of it. None of the film folder cameras are here... I only allowed myself an hour to set this frame up. Also missing are the various and sundry 3rd party lenses and flashes in the deep closet, and scattered around here in various buried locations in boxes of clothing etc.
So, just how does one get a photo of all their gear anyways?
It actually worked fairly well. That little point and shoot auto everything camera can be tamed a bit for use as illustrated. I also finally found out how to increase the image quality on this camera, after owning it for I don't know how long. It's been a while anyways.
The SB-22 will fire reliably from the optical slave provided the camera is far back enough from the subject.
Doc Sharptail
Phloating Phlasher
02-16-2024, 01:49
I borrow the Mrs Point & shoot Canon!:headbang:
Doc Sharptail
02-16-2024, 03:27
I *think* the last time I did this there were something like 9 SLR bodies not counting digital, and over 50 lenses- which was all a bit much for this tiny apartment we call home.
It all got thinned down through four trips to KEH camera- at a considerable loss. Probably around 40% of the paid value was lost, which was a lot better than expected.
I think I have it down to where I can mange most of it in my head, and almost know where everything is. :icon_wink: :icon_wink:
Still love gear and looking at it though.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
05-22-2024, 12:01
Been a bit busy of late~ some new to me glass to show:
Final variant of the 105mm f2.5 nikkor. Beautiful, incredibly sharp and useful lens. I'll get some image samples up a bit later.
A/F nikkor 50mm f1.8-D. My first, and possibly last auto focus interchangeable lens. More on this later as well.
Tokina ATX 28-85mm f3.5-4.5 zoom. Interesting some what earlier lens of this focal range and aperture combination. Reasonably sharp in most situations with contrast a bit low in some brightly lit scenes. More on this later as well.
Doc Sharptail
Doc Sharptail
05-22-2024, 12:50
Quick look at samples from the 105mm f2.5 nikkor:
Impressive lens.
All here at f8 which seems to be optimal for this lens:
Crop of upper image. At minimum focus distance.
Sneaky kitty...
And of course the done to death seeding dandelion at minimum focus distance. :P
I really should try this lens on a short extension tube. It may work well with the 12mm tube...
Doc Sharptail
glad to see you back,
tell me more about extension tubes,
not that I would ever use one,,,just not heard of them
Doc Sharptail
05-22-2024, 07:46
There's a look at a modern (and quite well made) 3rd party extension tube set.
12mm tube is on top of the stack, and is the smallest.
This set sends electronic data for aperture to the camera, and automatically calculates exposure factors so a correctly exposed image is made with an appropriately chipped lens. Other wise, exposure is determined by the modern camera's metering system.
They work by increasing the focal length by moving the rear of the lens further away from the image plane. In most all cases, ability to focus to infinity is lost, which we don't need for quality macro photography anyways. The band of usable focus becomes pretty narrow using any of these. Close focus becomes fairly easy up to about 135mm lenses, at least in my hands. Prime lenses seem to work better than zooms, mostly on account of their fast minimum apertures.
There's an image made with a fast 50mm on the 12mm tube. Curvature in the image is the curl of the old dried out Gun Digest catalog the image was made from. The use of flash is a pretty good idea with this system. Bright summer daylight works well too, but shutter speeds need to be watched.
I think there is a tutorial on using these at camera-pedia.
The set pictured was purchased in excellent used condition.
A new set for DSLR's would run in the low $100.00 range for 3rd party systems. OEM versions can get a bit on the steep side price-wise, but I think they are still being made. If one knows about proper exposure, the old manual extension tube sets are fine, and can be had for very cheap from various sources. I've got a Vivitar manual set around here somewhere that I got from Good-will for ten bucks, and a N.P.S. manual set that came as part of a package deal with one of the older cameras I bought.
Doc Sharptail
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