View Full Version : Status of ravens in Canada

04-20-2023, 06:39
Posted elsewhere.

Can ravens be killed in Canada? Open season, limited season, depredation permit required or protected?

04-21-2023, 09:48
unrelated, but-
Local school discovered that Canada geese fall under American Federal protection guidelines once they set up a nest. This was after teachers discouraged children from playing on the swings until after the geese left the school yard. The geese decided they liked it there (under the swings) well enough to build a nest and now the kids can't play outside until the chicks are grown and gone. Geese being geese they're likely to be back next year to do it again.
and the year after that...
the following year...

Doc Sharptail
04-21-2023, 08:44
Posted elsewhere.

Can ravens be killed in Canada? Open season, limited season, depredation permit required or protected?

You will have to check the regulations for the jurisdiction you wish to hunt.
They can vary between provinces, and even down to the municipal level.
FWIW, for non-edibles like ravens, the question is not asked much.
Some areas may have protection for them.


Doc Sharptail

04-22-2023, 10:32
Crows are protected here - but not that much - just a daily limit and actual season. There's an obscure reciprocal agreement with Mexico wherein we don't indiscriminately blast crows, and they return the favor with some other species. Can't recall which one. SW

04-23-2023, 11:14
Migratory Bird Treaty Act was amended late '70s to protect Corvids at the request of the gov of Mexico. There is a very ornate corvid in Yucatan which has religious significance.