View Full Version : Saturday coffee April 22

04-22-2023, 06:21
Spring continues to be a vicious rumor. It was 80 3 days in a row last week, and we're still paying for it. It spit snow for a while yesterday
which instantly melted.

Still not too many robins. I think it's just too chilly for them. Plenty of ring neck doves though. They squabble with squills for the bird seed I set out.

Wifey has macular degeneration and was afraid she was done driving. But her eye Dr. signed off and she's GTG for short trips around town. Actually, she's GTG for all driving, but won't press her luck. New shoulder still healing well so she's been in a much better mood lately.

Blustery with wind right now = a good day for writing and just goofing off. SW

04-22-2023, 06:25
60's and cloudy, will rain this afternoon,

in a hotel in glorious downtown Harrisonburg Va,
middle Niece is getting married this evening,

will be back home after lunch tomorrow,
meanwhile I have till 3 or so to do,,,,,,nothing

04-22-2023, 07:17
A (rumor of spring) sum’s it all up nicely for the April here,looking like after tomorrow it may finally occur,this has been one big sucky month for the book’s with low temp’s & the north blasted wind’s,here’s hoping for more pleasant tranquil day’s to come!!

04-22-2023, 07:40
Kind of muggy here along the Gulf Coast. Nice temps and no rain for 3 whole days. Have a lot of outside projects that need attention but my get up and go got up and went. Maybe a few more cups of coffee, then maybe a short nap, then I'll think of another excuse?

Doc Sharptail
04-22-2023, 08:00
West of us got whacked with iced-up highways.
Still on first homemade caff of the day here.
Snowed a bit for 2 days and what stays overnight melts in the morning.
30-50mph winds outta the north and about 33 f here right now.
Something is drastically wrong with the mini van stupid G.M. front wheel drive.
Not even 120,000 miles on the clock and this after thousands on front end and drive axle work.
I am faaaaarrrr less than impressed.


Doc Sharptail

04-22-2023, 08:10
Something is drastically wrong with the mini van stupid G.M. front wheel drive.
Not even 120,000 miles on the clock and this after thousands on front end and drive axle work.

Don't like anything FWD. Cheaper to build, harder to work on.