View Full Version : Saturday coffee May 6
05-06-2023, 06:12
Rain! Been a while since it rained two days in a row! I was glad I mowed 'cause it's too wet now. With all that moisture in the air, it was dense fog this morning. It was always fun running trains when it was so thick you couldn't see past the short hood. The drill was trust the signals and come out on the throttle... and I never did trust the signal system 100%.
Ah, but that's behind me now. Took Flop Ears out for the usual short hike and then over to Wally for cheap dog food. Also got stuff to make ravioli for dinner. Plans for the day mostly include house mouse stuff like shove the vacuum around. For now, me & the mutt are in quiet mode so wifey can sleep in. It's a great morning for that. SW
05-06-2023, 07:44
Eyeballing my first cup and considering the options.
I've started avoiding Wally World on the weekends. The crowds are nuts.
I've started avoiding Wally World on the weekends. The crowds are nuts.
Plus you have to pay a cover charge to get in on weekends. I'm speaking about all the organizations wanting donations. I feel I speak for many of us in saying we don't mind giving but gee, it gets old sometimes.
up at normal time
wife had the Coronation on,
pomp, circumstance etc,
whipped up a batch of GF Buttermilk Biscuits
scrambled a few eggs,
fried some Sausage (local breakfast type)
surfed the daily sites,
grass now cut,
fertilezer\weed stuff down, and yes, I am about 4 to 8 weeks behind the curve,
now I have to rehang a ceiling fan and put together a piece of furniture for the wffe this afternoon,
meanwhile,, since she is out running errands, I am going to get some sofa time,,,
05-06-2023, 10:18
The trick for wally is going in right as they open at 6. You have to dodge a few stockers, but I always know right what I want so it's a quick in & out trip. I only go there mostly for dog food and paper products. SW
Doc Sharptail
05-06-2023, 11:00
Finally broke 68F for 2 days in a row.
There was a big fat june bug beetle out back. Sure looked like a big dragon fly nymph.
Wally's prices are growing by leaps and bounds- once a place for cheap bread, but no longer.
Less than a week to go for for the walleye opener!
Doc Sharptail
05-06-2023, 02:02
I've been doing Wally's online ordering / pick-up, option for while now.
Weekdays, I'll be one of two or three cars. Wait time on the weekends might be an hour or longer.
I'm going with weekdays, preferably after the morning traffic's tapered off.
Been on a fresh biscuit kick lately.
Can't help but notice prices going up pretty much everywhere.
I go to Wally about once a year. I was there yesterday because I had business right next door. I shop at Fry's (Kroger) Mafia. Walking the aisles at WW I saw prices that were higher than Fry's.
I've been doing Wally's online ordering / pick-up, option for while now.
I now order a lot thru WM on line. I don't do the pick up because our local branch can't seem to understand it. Their rules and pickup place is different every time so I stopped that. Now, I just have everything sent straight to my house. Food I still shop for but everything else I have sent. They're gotten a lot like ebay where some items are sent by 3rd parties.
Shipping is free on orders > $35.
Vern Humphrey
05-08-2023, 02:36
I'm up early every morning, and by first light I'm feeding the horse and donkey. Then off to the gym -- old men need to work out hard! I get back for lunch and MAY go into town, if I have a legitimate errand. On Thursdays and Fridays I'm in Little Rock with my wife, Jane, in the nursing home.
I'm up early every morning, and by first light I'm feeding the horse and donkey. Then off to the gym -- old men need to work out hard! I get back for lunch and MAY go into town, if I have a legitimate errand. On Thursdays and Fridays I'm in Little Rock with my wife, Jane, in the nursing home.
Feeding the horse and donkey would be working out hard for me these days
I knew your wife was having problems. Sorry to hear she has to go to a nursing home though.
sorry to hear she is in a home now Vern,
been there, did that, with my Father,
he was in a rehab,, then memory care for a few months
Vern Humphrey
05-09-2023, 09:05
Thanks, guys. My younger daughter, Carolyn, quit her job in Manhattan and moved to Little Rock to help out. She's a Doctor of Physical Therapy and she does so much for Jane.
05-09-2023, 09:24
My publisher is now making scenes to go along with a board game designed by Kow Yokoyama = Maschinen Kreiger, and I'm writing narratives that describe the war in detail. (sample scene included below) Short story - wars on Earth finally render the entire planet uninhabitable so people migrate elsewhere in the galaxy. Fast forward to the 28th century where it's discovered people can live here again. But like before, two factions compete for control, leading to another world wide war on Earth and the moon.
There was another entity involved in this fantasy world - arguments broke out over how the game should proceed, and it was tied up in litigation for nearly 20 years.
The principles have kissed and made up, so to speak, and it's full speed ahead developing it. Publisher and I have been recruited to make and write a book to be marketed with the game and generate interest in it. So far, it's been fun, but now I find out Japanese fans want it to have a prominent anime element - which it did to some extent in the beginning.
Big oops! I despise anime and don't want my name connected with it in any way. I received one scene where the young, attractive female protagonist is borderline anime bug-eyed. I'll write that one that won't end well for her, but no more. In a way it's kind of a shame - I was just getting into the concept.
I'm confident the present developer (a fellow in Australia with whom I've corresponded) will find someone completely up to speed with all the subtleties of anime to do the deal. Does this make me narrow-minded? There's a very good chance of that, but I can't see compromising my ideas on certain topics.
Sorry, friends... rant off. SW
Doc Sharptail
05-09-2023, 11:24
I also intensely dislike anime. The extremely low production values make it totally artless, especially in the visual sense.
The shameless heavy toy-promotion is another huge turn off.
The last worth to watch cartoons for me were the W/B-7 Arts Fleischer period Looney Tunes~ not to be confused with the hyper Animaniacs age stuff.
Good luck with the writing!
I have been toying with an idea about fictionalized OSS operations around the time of the Bulge, but still have a heck of a lot of reading to do yet...
Doc Sharptail
Sitting down & drinking light coffee of an evening at sundown watching it rain again last night,it’s getting to be a habit.....& I’m very good!! with that!
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