View Full Version : List of US small arms inspectors

05-20-2023, 02:21
I saw a list on another forum called "Code Marking" which listed the US inspectors name and
marking of their inspection stamp.

I found a really bad error on the first inspection cartouche for the M1 rifle starting with serial
number 81 in Aug 1937. The inspector listed for the SA S.P.G. cartouche is Samuel P. Green ?

The actual inspector was Stanley Ployart Gibbs who started employment at Springfield Armory
in 1916 and became a small arms inspector during the early 1930's . His boxed SA S.P.G.
cartouche is found on M1903 rifles and on the first production of the gas trap M1 rifles starting
with serial number 81. Some 50,000 gas trap and 20,000 gas port rifles received the SA S.P.G.
cartouche (note the crossed cannon stamp was not used at this time).

Later after WW2 the SA S.P.G. rebuild stamp was used by Gibbs on rebuilt M1 rifles and Carbines
until 1951527025270352704

05-20-2023, 10:19
Was there ever a Samuel P Green?

05-21-2023, 04:56
I believe Samuel P. Green was an army officer - 1920's ?

Johnny P
05-21-2023, 02:14
Years ago I found one of the rebuild SA/SPG stocks at a small gun show. I knew the configuration wasn't correct with the cut for the trap buttplate, but puzzled over it until an article on them came out in one of the monthly newsletters. A collector that couldn't find an original SPG stock hounded me until I sold it to him.

05-22-2023, 05:42
Here is another interesting cartouche, it would appear that there were two inspectors with the same
initials only some time between the two.


Johnny P
05-22-2023, 04:17
An original 1910 '03.


05-22-2023, 04:30
Nice photo. But who was the later inspector ? or was it the person ?

Johnny P
05-23-2023, 07:42
Could have been the same person. The boxed JFC is found on pre WWI 1903 rifles, and the boxed SA/JFC on 1930's era rebuilds. Something like SA/SPG on original M1 Rifles as well as post WW2 rebuilds.

Scott Wilson
05-23-2023, 03:41
Beautiful colors on that 1910 Johnny.

05-24-2023, 06:53
All that I could find out about the SA JFC cartouche was that it was in use from 1932 through 1935

use as both a cartouche and rebuild stamp